Shill me a coin on cryptopia
Shill me a coin on cryptopia
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XBY, the next ETH, but better
low marketcap, decent enough product and intended market to moon quite some
Join the test net if you are sceptical. Registrations are closed but you can ask on discord if there are still some spots open.
Hobonickels no seriously. Look at max supply, then look at price, then thank me
Working product
Hits 2 new exchanges before the end of the month
Developed by a real company worth millions
HUSH, airdrop on Jan 16th
UFR if you like to gamble for a 10x
Skycoin. No fees, 1 second transactions, infinitely scalable
You're welcome friend
ODN. low market cap and will 10x or even 20x this year
Put 250 in linda one night, wake up its at 1k.
Cryptopia in a nutshel
UFR for quick 5x
I would take UFR
jesus how many hobonickle fags are on this board. cheers mate see you on the moon.
Buy FLT because it's dipping hard
UFR is close to ath, never buy Ath bro
100% UFR
- High quality whitepaper
- Unique concept & execution
- Responsive development team
- Solid roadmap
- Not a fork of any other blockchain
Go for UFR. I am already 80% up..
This, and it's on discount at the moment too. I wish I had more fiat to put in it.
UPDATE 0.15 incoming!
Cloverhash incoming!
Bittrex incoming!
>The tipping extensions
Chrome :
>JS/Ruby/C/C++ developers are welcome in the team!
FLT for easy x3
UFR is green every day this week, you simply can not lose money on this If you buy and hold for a couple of days
UFR, but I think you know that already
UFR or LINDA. both gaining a lot of positive momentum.
> this will 5x after the dip
> pls thank me afterwards whoever reads this
Just bought more UFR
Bulwark and LUXCoin, both sub 20mil marketcap privacy coins that will make me rich
I would also say UFR, get's more and more attention lately, though still with a very tiny market cap.
just bought some more UFR on the dip
Any coins which could moon in the next few days? Discuss
Not using crippletopia but after seeing ufr I need to reconsider. Danm coin is going deep
Yep feeling real comfy, actually heard about it from a guy on Twitter. Of course biz wouldn't shill an actual good coin like this!
yea this shit is gunna moon i can feel it.. 100x potential easily.
you gotta be an idiot to not get in on UFR NOW
Why are people fudding...makes no sense if the coin has excellent fundamentals. UFR FTW
I have a buy order at 5000 will i ever see it complete?
Alright fags I ended up buying someones hobonickels and zero bags wish me luck
Just look at that market cap and supply, a wet dream
Last time I'm posting this, I've made 500% already.
Looking at supply, cap, website, exchange next week ect.
It can only go up.
UFR is an easy 50x
your bags will be rewarded im sure user. i just dropped 300 bucks on hobonickles. Theres a decent chance of it going 100x but worst case scenario it just sits at 200 sats for a month.
CEF Tokens!
Why is it going 100x exactly?
Linda is at a dip but still has the third highest volume, we hitting 100 sats soon
This. CEFS is gonna make anyone who holds it rich. Overnight gone to 0.44 BTC. Will pay monthly dividends, low cap. I even dumped all my LINDA, at a loss, to get in on this one.
UFR, once normies know about it this will 10x
They offer every fucking coin imaginable, for the most part. Low fees, easy to trade, secure enuff.
Chan Coin
Buy HST for an easy 2-3x before jan 23.
Worth a shot, hasn't mooned, hasn't been shilled yet, low price, a lot of room for growth, cool project, all in baby. With this market everything is a boom right now. Let's go hobonickels!
Good man, will see you on the other side CEF bro.
CEFS, they are crytopia shares. not on coinmarketcap, so nobody knows about them.
lol chancoin is good actually just for the name/logo/low price
Fuck off Pajeet
XMY Myriad hasn't gone up yet, working shit on their platform. Slick website.
DNA its getting added to OkEx a top 5 exchange this week. We are discussing more pumps in here:
discord gg/AVngVnb
The fuck does it do
Kys data miner
poorfag here- can i buy a portion of CEFS or do I have to buy the whole thing?
Love DOT rn
Electroneum. It’s a shitcoin but I think it will hit a dollar this year. There is a ton of normie buy pressure waiting for it to be more available and they seem to be working some decent deals.
Read there statement. Btw, no guaranteed payment. It is all up to the A shareholders if they wanne pay you
of course you can buy portions. just like with every other coin?!
LANA coin!!!!
a group is pumping ldc at 12:00
I heard CEFS is expected to pays around 100-200 monthly at least which makes it worth 5-8x of the current price ($7k)
yeah what the fuck does it do? Explain.
You can buy portions of CEFS desu, and yes still get your monthly payout in relation to the overall percentage of CEFS verses the market trade volume transaction fees.
After chasing moons without any great success I feel like I'm finally gonna make it with CEFS
Imagine what the price will be when people cotton on. Seriously guys, you gotta get in on that. Even if you part with only 5000sats, it'll be so damn worth your while.
Yes sir, you can.
Yup. That is the one.
UFR, upfiring.
easy gains here.
While that is true, they've been paying out already. There was a hiccup last month where the payout was a few days late. Caused by something stupid like incorrect data entry, but all sorted apparently payments going ahead as scheduled.
Heard today, although can't be confirmed, they'll also offer payments in USDT, DOT, DOGE and possibly a couple other. Would come in handy for trading.
Sumokoin. Fork of Monero, one of only a few. Recently released mobile wallet. 20 million market cap. I think closer to tax time we might see a huge boom in privacy coins.
ELLA. ELLA is to ETH what VTC is to BTC and there is still time to get in on the ground floor at the moment (although the price is starting to accelerate now).
How do you get on it. Regustrations are closed...
Someone’s never used Binance.
It's already gone 70x since its failed ICO. You are being memed friend.
yeah, i only made an account there a while ago.
is it not possible to buy parts of a coin there?! i didnt want to sound condescending, please learn me a thing.
The exchange is from a technical view extremely shit. Lags, bugs, unannounced halting of pairs, coin delistings, low volume.. Having more than play money on it is gamble. For save investments I would wait till they get their shit together.
They payout in all BTC, USDT, NZDT, DOT and included LTC and DOGE until those markets recently paused. Yeah last months was delayed due to an upgrade in the CEFS payout system.
Zero has a hard-coded option to use shielded transactions (Z) making it IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to track.
Zero’s transaction times are faster than any other major cryptocurrency including but not limited
to: Bitcoin, ETH, Zcash. You can send/receive funds literally under 2 minutes
Zero’s transaction fees are literally close to zero and by far cheaper than any other major cryptocurrency for example it’s fees are 10x times cheaper than bitcoin
Zero has NO founder’s fee 95% of crypto have some kind of a founders fee.This is not the case for Zero making it TRULY decentralized
Zero uses state of the art elevated security protocols that surpass even the most famous cryptocurrencies in security
Mining operations for Zero require 25-30% less power consumption than ETH, ZCASH, XMR, or other equivalent crypto
Zero is heavily undervalued because it was abandoned for many months. It has 1/10th to 1/1000th the valuation of similar but inferior cryptocurrencies.
Small inflation that degrades over time. There is a stable supply of 7200 zero per day.
Okay I bought your zero bags
>Transaction speed
Ty for the (you) user. Still getting my head around it. Appreciate the info.
Ive recently got a mate into cryptos. I know i can trust him to not lose his house and blame me. Anyway told him about CEFS exploding today and to get onto it straight away. He tried, but their site kept going down and he was freaking out thinking he was about to dust his BTC. I ended up driving across town to make the trade for him. Just wanted him in.
He said if it pays off he'll get me a carton of beer, pay for me to get it, in the Seychelles. Told him I might as well start packing I'm so confident it'll come good.
lol binance the #1 exchange also had lag, bugs, and closed registrations its not much different...
im talking about hobonickles bro lol im not being memed. hobonickles were worth a shit ton in 2014 lmfao.
PAC. Buy at 1sat, sell at 2.
into your browser, watch where it redirects you and ask yourself what you are doing
okay, seems it doesn't work anymore. Yesterday it redirected to binance, why I took all my funds out of gaynance and crippletopia
unrelated site
Fuck this site. I've had a withdrawal stuck in "processing" status for more than a day. Fucking scam.
no coiners fudding
low marketcap, solid roadmap and not a fork like most other shitcoins.
UFR AND HBT. 10x within 1 month
Basically this. Legit 20x potential by end of Q1 and unlike 99% of coins out there, an actual working product.