Itt: You post something that could help someone to become a billionaire.
Hints, brotips, protips, charts, sef-help... Anything. (No shitposting - no coin shilling)
Itt: You post something that could help someone to become a billionaire.
Hints, brotips, protips, charts, sef-help... Anything. (No shitposting - no coin shilling)
Bump. Have some great advice to share, will return when I've got more time to type it up and format it neatly.
Believe it or not, reading on /biz is probably 10x better for your financial outlook than sitting in front of the TV watching netflix all fucking night.
mine bitcoin within weeks of its release, and buy as many bitcoins as possible over ebay, in person--however you can
sell the top before each major correction and buy the bottom
use your profits from this to buy ETH at ico
sell off some of this eventually and buy verge, neo, xrp etc
in less than a decade you just turned 2k and a little time mining into billions of dollars. congrats
Started crypto a week ago with $800 now at $1200 I have lost all interest in games/movies/life
Crypto has consumed me
But I'm making pretty shit gains compared to everyone else, I have been sitting in ICX
Should I chase moon missions while icx is idle? I already know not to jump in if it has already risen to high
It's simple, create your own crypto, give yourself 80% of the coins, spam it everywhere try to get it on as many exchanges as possible, make a nice website for it and bullshit it's purpose like "An online store" then after tards start buying cash out
Buy a coin
Shill it on biz a lot, saying you're a whale who predicted previous moonings
Sell it when suckers buy
Tip: if you're a wage cuck like me then just find projects with a decent use case under 10 million market cap and just hodl. Don't try to swing trade. Anons and bots who do this shit all day for a living will eat you alive. It works. Proofs in pic.
Anything else you look for other than a good use case and
Diversifying is not a meme. I started with ~$3k in July and hit $92k this morning. Might even be a little higher atm, haven't done the maths.
Can confirm. Hodl is the way.
Shit we're pretty close. What are your major holds?
Personally, I look for at least 3/5 of these:
>Proper website (Not using a builder like Weebly)
>Whitepaper (just a cursory glance to at least see if it’s been looked over more than once)
>Roadmap (have they been hitting their recent targets? Anything big expected this month?)
>Twitter (Should have a few thousand followers, less than 3k is acceptable if they tweet a couple of times a week)
>Telegram/Discord (Devs have to actually post now and again, the more frequent, the better)
Just thought of another one. Follow other technological trends, outside of crypto. eg. VR, and specifically the effect it may have on some of your crypto holds.
ICX and LINK are the only thing keeping my portfolio in the positive(everything else is long term hold such as XLM(bought at .39$)), its steady gains don't give up on it
>Make use of the time differences. Me, as a europoor knows that when it's 13:00 it's 7:00 in the US. Which means that trades wake up.
>Make use of psychological borders such as 1000 satoshi or 5000 satoshi. Around that number it will make peaks and dips. So I bought coin x at 500, sold at 999. It dipped down to 930 and I rebought.
>Make use of holidays. On christmas day every neckbeard like you and me are celebrating christmas with their families. Which means that trading is at a low, which has an influence on the value of coins.
Honestly it's all about use case for me. If there's a legitimate problem being solved then the tech will gain traction. If you're looking at shitcoins for moon missions it has to be ED. It's barriers to entry keep assets listed there cheap. If a shitcoin is on CMC or any other exchange it's too late for 5000% gains. I've put 1 ETH each into HST and SNOV before anyone even heard of them and they've netted me over $30k profit each. You've got to put in the work to find them. I've spent days researching ICOs. Good luck user.
Starting with 1000 dollars you only need to go all in on 4 10xers in a row
Or 10 times a 2x.
I started with $540 and up to $1000 in a week. Seems slow but if you make same or similar gains to that you’ll be real rich real quick. Obviously not how it works. But hey it’s pretty sick, and I love the memes.
all these. also, this may seem sorta basic but i know some struggle with these when they get locked in..
eat healthy and get solid sleep. keep indulging in your other interests. diversifying and finding balance is not a meme. you will become gradually worse if you arent fresh. keep that mind/body charged, and play to your strengths, not your weaknesses. work on weaknesses, play on strengths. there will ALWAYS be weaknesses.
you're the faggiest OP ever
If anyone buys the coin I post on twitter they 5000% their investment in a hour
Where do you find them usually?
Also i found one that wasn't on CMC before but it started at 3 dollars.
$500 in a week is not slow lol
Go on and shill your Twitter, Pajeet. I may even follow you just because I'm feeling nice.
Start your own cryptocurrency. It’s literally as easy as it sounds and you COULD become a billionaire
Biz and telegram groups of other coins. You need to learn to spot scam coins to avoid them and lurking on biz is the best way to learn. Price per coin means nothing user. Supply and current market cap are everything.
>No shitposting - no coin shilling
I bet you're heaps fun at parties.
Learn technicals, 1h 4h 1d
That will help you plan a "good" exit where your not kicking yourself for leaving money on the table, but don't get greedy. You find a good coin, decent fundamentals share it with Veeky Forums honestly keep your karma account charged.
any good tutorials for that and where I can set up e.g. trend lines at binance/kucoin?
What's the point of TA and all that shit? I just buy what's shilled here and I'm up from 2.5k to 39k in 1 month.
Its not about how hard you hit, its about how hard you can GET HIT and keep moving forward
Athene's scamcoin
Investopedia, tradeview, blogs, youtube, Google, infographics, experience
If you don't believe in you, who will?