What the fuck is this? Why can't I sell? Just keeps saying "Balance is not enough" no matter what I do, it makes no sense.
What the fuck is this? Why can't I sell? Just keeps saying "Balance is not enough" no matter what I do...
why would you sell the only thing that is not tanking
this is Binances automatic protecting mechanism, to protecting you from making one of the biggest mistakes of your life.
Kek this shit is dropping 200Sats while I'm trying to sell, holy fuck this is frustrating.
Because I'm going to get back in cheaper.
>Because I'm going to get back in cheaper.
Err, would have, if I could have actually sold at 9300. Too late now I guess, fuck me.
h-have you checked your balance?
>h-have you checked your balance?
Yes, like 15 times, refreshed both the wallet and market page several times. What the fuck.
same here, binance got some problems today
Same with me and VEN. Displays my 2k on the screen, everytime I try to sell it says insufficient balance.
Yep same issue here. Balance is there, but not available to trade.
Try on market. It usually works
Binance got hacked like 30 minutes ago. Maybe they took your money and binance hasn't updated yet
I tried both lots of times. Doesn't really matter anymore since it's already back up to 9200, just wanted some cheeky arbitrage.
Binance traded too much of their cash flow. Oops! You'll have to wait until they've finished gambling with your money.
>Why can't I sell?
Cash out? What are you talking about? I was trading for ETH.
Are you paying for fees with bnb?
I tried to put a buy order, and after that, the same as you
I put a buy order in, it should have been gobbled up.
Now it says I still have all my ENG, also didn't receive any btc.
When I try to sell ENG now it says "insufficient balance" welp.
No, I don't think so, I thought that was the problem too because I logged out and back in and saw that it was enabled, so I disabled it, but it still didn't work.
It's lagging.
You already sold but it'll show in your wallets in a few minutes.
Correct, I got it now. What price did I sell at though? This is so weird.
Welp, ended up with three more tokens, guess I'll take it.
this is what has happened.