Post your actual face and how much you've already lost

Post your actual face and how much you've already lost

Total portfolio -15%

Other urls found in this thread:


Total portfolio: +25000%+

Thanks for the free contribution to my wallet. back to lediot with you.



Pretty comfy actually

>Nice try IRS

Your face has cuck written all over it. Aren't you ashamed of posting it?

Oh, ofc not, that is part of being a cuck.

don't shop the jizz off your face OP



I meant today not all time you retards


i know, im up +165


Putin stronk!

I lost nothing because I didn’t sell. I’ll check back in 10 hours to see my daily gain.

Lmfao this image

this is how i imagine every normie crypto """"investor"""" to look like




>depressed KHV dateless.
>down lost around 10k today, down around 10%.

JUST. I'll never have sex at this rate. Also people have told me that I look like I work on wall street, What does biz think?

I haven't shaved or left the house in months and I literally look like a crazy homeless person so I'm not gonna do that

Wall Street doesn’t hire 15 year olds.

you look tired

>looks better than me
>I get to fuck roasties

you look like u work at wall st, dont give up hope youre still young yet


Aint goin down batch

Reee I'm not 15 you idiot. Girls like the younger look now anyways so soon I'll be having lots of sex with hot 18 year old virgin girls.

Im always tired, I stay up all night checking crypto prices and playing vidya.


>Also people have told me that I look like I work on wall street

You look like you work corners on wall street. A bottom bitch for the big boys from JPM to dump their loads on after they dump your mums pension fund.

Up 70%


You should've bought Neblio

wipe that insecure stare off of your face and stop the self-depricating assessment of yourself
do not sell, just hold and wait it out

also this thread
user no BS you're a handsome man that just needs an attitude adjustment. start thinking more optimistically. have hope. it's a choice. despite reality, which is often negative, choose positive. i believe in you

we are all gonna make it.

But for that to come true we need to not only work on the crypto - but also on the personality gainz.

We look like twins dude

%10 up and 40% down

It keeps swinging between -5% and -9%


you're going to make it


buglamp is that you?


The face of a guy who lost 8k today
