Be me, who else

>Be me, who else
>took 40k loan + maxed out 8k credit card
>bought btc at 19k
>panic sold at 12k
>bought bch at 3.5k
>panic sold at 2,000
>bought eth at 1,200
>panic sold during this dip @ 950

.....that 40k+8k is now 5k.

Did you learn your lesson?

Nice larp, no one is this retarded

you mastered /biz tactic to perfection

>taking out loans for shitcoins

Think again

Thanks for the ez money normie. It's people like you making us all rich.

Take notes Veeky Forums, this is how its done.

nice larp. nobody is this retarded.

Obviously fake. Nobody would be this stupid.

Thanks for the shekels, faggot

Okay, now just invest that 5k in one or two coins where you READ the whitepaper and have some knowledge about it and hold for 3-6 months and you will get your money back.

literally every third post here says buy the dip and you bought ATH 3 times. RIP

No larp, in a month I won't be able to make the payments. I am truly fucked.

nice! doing it the Veeky Forums way

would have to go x10

Only a low market cap coin can save him now.

HST and Publica/PBL have been doing good things for me.

You did good user.

You are so lucky colx is gonna 100x before the end of the year and can bail you out

this is larp

noone is losing money in this market


I refuse to believe anyone can lost money in this market.

hope this is true.


I hope you're joking, but it's not too late.

Get back into whatever coinbase coin is cheapest right now. Buy whatever is getting talked about but in the red each day. Then sell whatever is green the next day. Rinse and repeat.

Unless the market stays in bear mode you can get pretty quick gains. You'll miss moon missions but getting 5-15% per day relatively safely in your position is probably better.

Once you have enough to feel comfy, take 20% and start HODLing up and comer coins.

Get metamask, idex/ED, and take 10% on long shot small market coins that are buzzing.

But don't do any of this if you're going to get weak hands again.

Good luck user!

>Buy whatever is getting talked about but in the red each day. Then sell whatever is green the next day. Rinse and repeat.

I didn't mean to limit this portion of the advice to coinbase, use ku or binance

Who is this fluid druid?

>cuck larp

post a screenshot larper

Print out your shit and glue it to a cardboard sign while you still can so I can give you change on the subway.
