What are the taxes in your country?

20% with the first 12000 tax free here in the UK

Just live off like 16k a year and save as much as you can, then move to monaco and withdraw other couple hundred thousand

I thought it was 11,300?
Also April 5th tax EOY if you want to take tax free prof before that.

well depends on my gains, but the tax year is in april, so this year i could get 24k tax free i believe.


its fucking theft

so long as i get it all out before corbyn ever gets near government, i'm happy. brb 80% tax.

30% if you gain more than 6k

like 20%

It's totally dependant on your whole income. If no other income yes about £11.5k is tax free. But if you have a normal job that usually counts as your tax free due to your HR working out your tax code. It's like having a second job. You'll get charged 20% on any extra

Just you wait for CorbynCoin to hit the markets

15% in Niggertina
Still better than the UK apparently



Kingdom of dead Kings
Place of Faggets.

I need to leave this allahu ackbar country before cash out.

Jesuis, imagine losing more money than what you earned

This is simply a heist.
We need to pay these taxes for Muhammad 9's Children.

I don't think this is true. The last legislation/government document on cryptos essentially says if you're a private investor, gains are taxed under CGT. In which case, your income is irrelevant. £11,300 is the current limit. So, you should take this amount out annually (plus your initially investment in the first yr of cryptotrading). After that it's 20%.

How are there any wealthy people in France?

You are talking bullshit mon pote, we are getting fucked yes but the higher tier of taxation is 45% and only for every euros you win above 150k, the lower tiers being 41, 35, 14 and 0% if you make less than 10k.

>not knowing the law and not knowing that niggers, not arabs, are the one pumping an ungodly amound of children
Are you sure you are french and not a rosebeef larping?

0% after holding 6 months.

>41, 35, 14 and 0%
Actually I just checked and it's 30 instead of 35.
The rest is correct, and the idea of a 65% tier is insane even for France, François Hollande tried to pull a 75% when he was president and he got rekt by the conseil constitutionnel.
Based Macron might even lower this shit even more, especially if he manage to be reelected in 2022.

Most of them have hidden bank account in switzerland or shits like this.
Even some french politicals practice tax evasion.
They also have army of lawyers for tax optimization.

But 99% of french little entreprenors ( plumbers and co, not TOTAL or CHANNEL) simply accept to give more than the half of their income/profits...

>Hurr durr its muslim's fault T_T

As I can recall there's no muslim in your government faggot.

Oh wait if you are talking about every form of taxation including TVA yes we are paying 65% on average.

>But 99% of french little entreprenors ( plumbers and co, not TOTAL or CHANNEL) simply accept to give more than the half of their income/profits...
Frauding is easy for little business, and they pretty much all do it. Especially plumber btw.
For big compagny it's harder too cheat but they get the perk to get subventions and they can pay lawers to make fiscal optimisation.

It's simply just theft kek. Just keep all your gains and when you have enough move out of that shithole.

55% for any crypto gains over 200k.

I live in the UK but have family in Italy, I can just send money over there, ez

You're wrong my friend.
You give me the tax rates of the classic income tax.
If your profits are regulars and exceeds half of your annual salary, the tax administration will decide that this is your main activity, and you will be taxed as a professional.
First you have to do a log book of all your trades ( LOL )
And then you have to add almost +18% for "social contribution".
"Social contribution"= Muhammad Tax

in Poland you don't have to pay anything until 10 000 EUR, because bank doesnt have to inform IRS below this amount

Literally tax over 50% is a fucking joke, im in Australia and its 45% and that is a kms.

can't lose if you are Muhammad

1/ You're wrong about my government
2/ I'm pretty sure you never came to France. You're not aware about the reality of the situation.


You're fucking genius

I mean that's great but 10k euro is nothing in the bigger picture

32% (technically always less since first €20k or whatever is taxed less) is rather high and then there's the part where crypto's not really regulated so it leaves a lot of room for interpretation for urząd skarbowy to fuck you in the ass.

UK here. I haven't really looked into it, but I seem to remember seeing people say that it'd count as Capital Gains for tax purposes, which I believe is 28% over a certain threshold?

Personally, I don't think I'll be making my exit until late this year, so I have time to plan before that. Right now though, I'm thinking I might try either buying precious metals (probably gold, as it's CGT-free), or a fake lottery win. I'm not sure how feasible it'd be, but I had the idea last night that I could register a company/charity in another country, then use it to hold a lottery competition in which 5% of proceeds go to a charitable cause, and the winner takes the rest, since lottery winnings are tax-free. Naturally, the winning "ticket" would be mine. I'm sure there's some flaw, but I'll definitely be researching it to see if a similar sort of plan is feasible.

I've just looked at it and I don't see anything close to 65%, be it for bénéfices non commerciaux or bénéfices industriels et commerciaux (the later being when you are a "professionnal").
>First you have to do a log book of all your trades
I've read that too but didn't see any evidence for it. The new laws forged for cryptos don't refere too it, they merely state that if you buy something with a crypto that rasied in value you must declare the plus-value but it's not self-evident yet that buying crypto with crypto is even a taxable event that has to be declared, except if there is a text i am not aware of (though i'm sure they will clarifie it anyways and make it so, no way we are going to be more pro-buiiness than usa on this).

I fucking wish desu

100% or so idk
I really need a Steuerberater

What's the solution for us, French, if we reach 1M €? Tax exile to another European country?
I wouldn't really care if we had 10% but 30, 40 or 50% is totally communist tier.