Official Exchange Dividend Thread

let's get a list going of some of these exchange coins (e.g., bnb, kcs, cefs, coss) and the pros/cons and mechanics of each. seems like a solid way to start generating some passive income.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you are smart you get in the Coinmetro Pre-sale. ICO is 21st of February. Now coins at big ass discounts.
For fun google: Golden ICO 2018

Been curious about CEFS. Would like to hear on this one

Also Cobinhood is going ballistic to the moon, right now. So add COB's


COSS - Weekly 50% fee split.
FYP - Coin for new exchange; Also a 50% split.

the knock against these exchange dividends is that they will take them away or reduce them greatly

also interested in other dividend type projects

any ways to calculate an approximation of how much that weekly split would be? as in, weekly/monthly return on a 1k initial investment

Don't know about the others, but COSS is neither taking away nor reducing its 50% split. On the contrary, will be adding 50% of fiat transactions in the future.

Wish I was holding more BNB. Binance's growth has been insane. I can't fucking wait to see their decentralized exchange in the future.

Hopefully someone will post those Excel screenshots that break down how much fee split one would make depending on how much COSS they hold. I'll save those if I see those again.

would coss be your #1 pick out of the other exchanges?

very curious about this CEFS one...i feel like the floodgates are going to open when cryptopia allows registrations again



For me, yes.

>tfw only 1K Coss

What does COB get you?

Also how does an exchange with no trade fees work? Big withdrawal fees?

i bought 1 binance coin a few days ago at around $9 (to get the fee discount). It jumped up to 20. Should i sell it for ETH or does this coin have more mileage in it? Same with kucoin, its hard to tell if these coins are just getting pumped from new users or if they actual can moon

>tfw you don't need to trade or sell and can comfily live off a minimum wage passive dividend income

I need more of these things on the market

Ya these things are great. I've been taking parts of my gains off shitcoins and just putting them into coins that will pay divedends. If this insane market lasts a few more weeks I'll have enough in dividend paying coins to live off of them even with a huge crash down to 20% of marketcap.

I've almost made it biz

4.5% of REVENUES every month. they gained over 900k users this past month alone

Fees on margin trading. And ICO underwriting
But I believe Coinmetro will be biggest 2018. Current Presale has marketcap 21M. Check the Telegram. CEO is giving answers in audio on all questions. Insane.

Coinmetro is in PRE-Sale. Platform wont launch untill april 2018