What the fuck is with this shit? Is this a meme coin. This is the coin of the Jew! All kinds of coverage on CNBC and Bloomberg. WTF.
Other urls found in this thread:
Somebody please tell me it will be alright.
May as well keep your cash in it now. I couldn't imagine it falling much lower than it has. Just hope for a trip to the moon.
Of course it is.
It's not even a crypto, it's paypal's competitor. Ripple (the company, not worthless xrps) should be on the stock market.
>jew coin shilled by jew media
nothing new here, user.
It hung around $2.70 for what seemed like an eternity after it peaked. Now it's diving. Can someone explain?
>With jews you win!
He doesnt know hahahaha
>not worthless xrps
Are you an actual retard or just paid to be this stupid?
Sure, I attribute most of the decline because of the fact CMC no longer includes Korean exchanges in the XRP price averages which makes up over 40% of XRP trading. This caused the price to drop on CMC which millions of people visit and it even looked like it dropped behind ETH in MC which caused a ton of people to sell even though the price was actually fairly high.
What would you say are the chances of it bouncing back?
fuck this electro money, go back to .20$
Alright so don't quote me on this but I do think if the SBI testing by the end of the month is positive it will have a huge pump. Not to mention rumors of potential coinbase deals, and growing adoption. I'd say it's a matter of time not whether or not it actually pumps back.
Yeah, I'm with you. I'm too tired to shill xrp tonight.
Keep in mind I've been holding XRP for a few months now so even though I do have a good amount of info about it I am still fairly biased.
So me trying to come up with a reason for a XRP price drop is me shilling a widely hated coin? For the most part I just try to combat misinformation for a coin I see with a lot of potential.
He's right and you bought your tokens directly from one side.
Yeah, SALT made me some nice gains today. Hows that XRP treating you?
Go to the Buzzfeed video about a guy who put an rfid chip in his hand and read the normie comments then ask yourself whether they'll flood their money into the jewish Mark of the Beast protocol
How is he right by calling it useless (I fail to see the reasoning)? XRP is already being actively used under the xRapid service which is portentially the best one Ripple offers as it showcases 40% efficiency over the Ripple Net by itself. Not to mention XRP has already also found use in terms of smart contracts under the Codius platform which is easier for developers to use and while Ripple is also extending it into transactions. I've looked at all the non-ideological counter arguments as to why XRP is bad and for the most part they all make no sense. But please, enlighten me as to why XRP has no use.
I already know Jews are terrible, but come on man. This coin has moon written all over it because of Jews.
Very nicely actually
>So me trying to come up with a reason for a XRP price drop is me shilling a widely hated coin?
It's only hated by people who own shitstock coins. Ripple Labs has cornered the high end market, nostro accounts & payment systems, and in turn, as you know, draws investment away from the shitcoins. They're just not capable, and the butthurt is comfy for XRP holders.
>For the most part I just try to combat misinformation
kek. The misinformation is hilarious. Fox news reported that XRP was replacing bitcoin payments today. They said xrp was a better currency than bitcoin, basically.
XRP holder here, btw.
Smart contracts don't exist in a "trust" environment. Confirmed nu-coiner.
You're a fucking idiot. It takes a damn week to move money between my checking account and brokerage account. Fucking paypal can't fix that. XRP can. The stupid radiating off of you is so intense it's giving me a sunburn.
>brokerage account
>new companies just launch on ethereum
Ripple is so fucking stupid.
Pump n dump group here. Pumped STU to 300% profit earlier Next pnd in ~40 hours. Join here to get in on it
Dude, you're spot on. Chill.
All the ideological wankery aside, XRP is not going anywhere. I'm all-in on XLM, but I see XRP as the #1 coin in the next 3-5 years.
Also, /pol/tards should atleast research XRP to come up with legitimate arguments. Current FUD is so basic and lowbrow that it holds absolutely no weight. Try harder!
Yes they do you idiot- why don't you actually read up on the tech behind Codius besides acting like a retard
Trusted validators can block execution. Its not trustless, so its not smart, susceptible to the same restrictions and censorship, its just a regular contract. In fact its even shittier because its pretending to be something its not, which is the entire story of XRP.
You want a trustless system? Move to the fucking Congo.
I fucking hate retarded newfags so much.
Hope it tanks
We're not new. We just know that Satoshi's vision was never good enough. It was never going to be sufficient to provide for national or international commerce. Ripple is delivering on all the false promises of all the other shitcoins. People are waking up and seeing the other shitcoins for the liars that they are.
Don't wait up ...
you obvious newfag fucking retard, why do I get the distinct feeling that you have never even seen the bitcoin whitepaper?
Why do I get the distinct impression that you think 7 transactions per second is not a fatal flaw? That you believe it can be scaled for global commerce when it obviously cannot? That you believe the insane electricity consumption provides value to the currency?
Be quiet newfag
>implying Blockstream coin is the only crypto currency
>implying proof of work is the only way to secure and validate the network
>implying scaling up block size doesn't solve all of these issues
>implying XRP is based off of any proof
>implying you know what trustless means
Honestly, I don't see the point in holding XRP unless you got in at
t. someone who has no argument and recently flooded over from /pol/ or /r9k/
This new Veeky Forums is making me sick.
Confirmed for not knowing how to do math or even use a calculator.
At $1000/xrp X 50 billion circulating supply, XRP's market cap is $50 Trillion. $50 Trillion is totally realistic considering how there is at least $90 Trillion in central bank paper and electronic money worldwide. XRP was designed specifically to absorb all this excess money worldwide and function as a global reserve currency.
I got in under a $1. If you hate it so much and you're saying hold, then I'll hold.
Ah fuck I'm retarded.
4 Trillion.
Alright, time to crawl back in my hole.
My other points are still valid.
>Really now, ETH would 400x whatever XRP hits with the same marketcap.
ETH has proven itself to be unfit for business use with the network being slowed down by childrens games.
> And on top of ALL that shit, there's another 60% XRP in reserve, to be used for what exactly? Regulation? Devaluation of the currency if it peaks to high?
When XRP hits $1,000, the XRP reserves held by Ripple Labs will be worth $50-60 Trillion (depending on how much they hold). Ripple Labs will be the new head central bank worldwide. It will make this supply of XRP last minimum 80 years, perhaps several hundred years. The kind of central banking that has afflicted the western world for the past 200 years is over. XRP and Interledger Protocol will restore justice and law and order to the Western financial system and lay the foundation for a new era of economic growth.
Crypto currency makes banks irrelevant. Since you newfags don't understand how crypto works and just want shiny tokens
Bitcoin is trustless, peer to peer, irreversible, immutable, censorship proof, highly secure, and decentralized. There are other coins to use if you want to compromise on that go ahead. Even use your unnecessary to the Ripple system scam coin called XRP if you want.
>Bitcoin is trustless, peer to peer, irreversible, immutable, censorship proof, highly secure, and decentralized.
Those are nice words, but the only thing that matters is performance in the real world. Proof of Work doesn't have the transaction capacity to provide for global commerce, and is also susceptible to a 51% attack. Ripple's system has a much greater ability to withstand any attempts at spamming or double-spending.
You actually think it would be a good thing for 1 private business to be in full control of 60% of the entire worlds wealth? hahahahahaha I'm at a loss for words here.
good fundamentals lotsa whitepapers and roadmaps
user, you should join the discord group.
discord gg/Z8P8VJp
Uncirculating supply will be used to incentivize the financial institutions. Ripple will give $300M to first movers through the RippleNet accelerator program. As demand rises, rest will be sold to FI's in large bulks for discounted prices.
Every month 1B XRP's are released from escrow and by the end of month, the leftover's will be sent back to escrow.
Institutional buyers will be contractually binded, so they wouldn't be able to dump what they buy from Ripple.
/pol/tards keep saying that XRP has no function for FI's, but that's bullshit. XRP is mainly designed to be a bridge currency, that will eventually remove the need for vostro/nostro accounts.
Yes I do. Because it takes it out of the hands of the central banks. Furthermore, since all that wealth is in the hands of one private business, we know who is responsible for it. We know who to punish if there is a problem. Furthermore, it potentially makes Brad Garlinghouse the most powerful and influential person in the world, and I would rather have power concentrated in his hands, then in the hands of a bunch of corrupt, idiotic congressmen and federal judges, and loose cannon intel agencies that start wars for money and fun. He literally has nothing to gain by destabilizing a country or region because he already has all the money. His only interest would be in keeping things stable.
Bitcoin could handle all the transactions of Visa and others with increased block size. 0-conf transactions are instant and of magnitudes less prone to fraud than credit cards. XRP validation is based on nepotism, not proof. You economic illiterates don't understand how game theory works and how systems of proof create a framework not fathomable under traditional systems of trust and subjective merits.
2-3 years ago what you're saying would have carried some weight. When I look at bitcoin I see something else
>controlled by chink miners
>unreasonable transaction fee's
>environmentally exhaustive
I absolutely honor Bitcoin's role as the pioneer, but getting emotionally attached to obsolete tech is stupid, imo.
Fuck off beast, I bought it with Euros.
>Bitcoin could handle all the transactions of Visa and others with increased block size
Yet they could never pull it all together and get it done in the real world. XRP is delivering the goods now.
>what is bitcoin cash
Are you serious? That is slow too. It's just a less-shit version of bitcoin. We are talking about XRP which TODAY just settled a $2.5 Billion dollar transaction in 4 seconds for less than 1/100th of a penny, and you come at me with Bitcoin Cash?
chinks have even more control over BCH than they do over BTC.
>They literally control 60 fucking percent of the ENTIRE WORLD'S wealth
>He thinks Brad Garlinghouse is some magical being that cannot be corrupted, even with 60% of the world's wealth in his control
>he thinks he's going to punish them if there's a problem.
Jesus H Christ how is that even possible to think like that, and how is that better than not having ANYONE in control of it?
Obviously bitcoin is never going to be a coin you can get behind if that's how you think, even if it could handle the tx volume right now today.
Would it be impressive if Visa did the same transaction? When you have centralized consensus your throughput should be high, XRPs is actually kind of low in that reguard.
At any rate, as I already said 0-conf is instant.
It is better because what we have now is the CIA and other foreign intel agencies giving money and weapons to terrorists around the world, and all kinds of people in the government and corporate world engaging in child sex slavery and cannibalism. Why are they doing it? For MORE money and power. But when you already have all the money and power, you can't have more, so there is no reason to be corrupt. And yes, it would be easy to punish him. He's one man, and all eyes are on him. A bad Roman emperor or a bad king is simply killed and replaced.
A benevolent monarch then. Overlord Garlinghouse.
One jew to rule them all
When LN comes online, and if it doesn't work like it should, then come at me with the un scalable, and obsolete tech shit. I'll be 100% off btc then.
I can't argue the fees are retarded and killing bitcoin, but it is just dumb to rush changes to fix shit like that on such a huge asset imo.
>bitcoin is in a bubble goys! it's all FOMO! the bubble will pop at any moment and you will lose everything!
>here's how you can buy the hottest new cryptocurrency that's quickly gaining ground on bitcoin!
You are clearly a very naive person.
I'm a student of history. You're a student of Enlightenment era anti-monarchy propaganda.
hope all your ripple retards die in a grease fire
>just send your obsolete and slow bitcoins to this address to exchange them for our hot new currency!!! It's WAY faster bros!!!!!
>+823% in the last month
>"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"
~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild
>a student of history who thinks its smart to put 1 guy you've never even met in control of 60% of the worlds wealth because he seems like a nice guy
Lmfao OK big guy. fuck me how could I be so stupid?!
Beyond delusional or are you joking?
Centralizing power is the only way to effectively solve problems. It's why people started calling Trump the God-Emperor, because they understand we need centralized power and authority. Allowing congress to write thousand-page laws with countless loop-holes and countless billions in corrupt spending is a worse idea than centralizing power. Allowing Federal bureaucracies and intel agencies and judges to run amok is worse than centralizing power. Openly and unapologetically centralizing power is the only way to eliminate the corruption in our society and establish justice and law and order.
lmao I can't do it with a straight face anymore this has to be bait
Student Instructor of World History chiming in here. The only thing is that revolutionary about Bitcoin is the concept of a blockchain platform, such as Ethereum, that can be applied to provide economic and network infrastructure to underdeveloped nations. It will progress the resource-rich but underdeveloped nations leaps and bounds when they have the access to platforms like Lumens for financial services and banking. The databasing capabilities of blockchain will improve their legal system immensely, as well. Bitcoin in itself is a piece of shit that acts as a proof of concept but you're a goddamn fool if you're storing your liquidity into it. It's neither decentralized nor liberated anymore. It's a heavily manipulated piece of junk with exorbitant fees and energy costs and you should know better with the masses clamouring to get in their door.
You're pathetic.
> Believing the lies of the enlightenment.
> Not comparing the history of monarchies with the history of republics.
>lefty "argument" i cant even followed by dismissiveness
Figured as much.
> Listens to Tool instead of studying history.
>having a shit bank
>Not being able to instantly move from checking to brokerage
>Not going full Penny Stocks:EXTREME CRYPTO edition for great gains instead
Youre doomed to be poor anyways.