Nebulas to moon this week

> NEO Founder
> Team stacked with Google and Alibaba devs
> Solves the need to hardfork because of bugs
> self-evolving
> Search enginge
> Still hasn't mooned
> Binance listing coming soon
> Real whitepaper not outsourced to pajeet
> Mathematics in the whitepaper
> Testnet launched, mainnet soon!

> still hasnt mooned
> im up 50% since a few days ago

what do you expect this to moon to?

> Binance listing coming soon
is this for real?

I havnt seen anything to suggest an imminent binance listing

But its probably going to happen eventually, its a very solid project and is already on huobi+okex

>absolutely no indication of binance listing

If it helps at all, I'm about to purchase 16 btc worth.

What's the total supply?

market cap??

Pump n dump group here. Pumped STU to 300% profit earlier. Next pnd in ~41 hours, Join here to get in on it


One of the great gain coins called in this discord chat


Circulating supply is 35m, so market cap is around 500m


Why the fuck would I invest in a shitcoin that's already at $500m market cap

What's the marketcap on this?

It was confirmed on the Telegram that it is 35m coins currently in circulation.
I still think given the team, the concept, and the rapid progress it is undervalued at $500m.

Actually 1.5bil marketcap lol.

300 mm marketcap right now. its stealth phase.

Looks like it's over a billion in marketcap and already went 7x since ICO


It's at 500m (FIVE-HUNDRED MILLION) market cap, there's only 35m coins in circulation. Where the fuck are you getting your numbers from?

thanks just bought 100k marketcap

honestly wtf is with all these chink coins that just appeared overnight with 500m market cap only being traded on huobi or gate io? Medishares, this shitcoin, smartmesh, and a few others. Never heard of them until now

It's 440 m market cap.

Marketcap is determined by circ supply x price. Theres 35m in circ supply

wtf does the coin even do?

semi related but what other exchanges do you guys use? Im just on coinbase and binance but I want to get in on these cheap coins that haven't made their way to binance yet

its used to develop a platform and shit
its a search engine for blockchain but the coin is used to develop platforms on

Can I use it to find who stole my bitcorns?

I use huobi and okex.. i'm not in the US so its easy to register there, i think its harder for US residents

What a hidden fucking coin. This basically has 0 western exposure, seems to be pretty popular in china. Going in for U.S. citizens

I had no probs registering on Huobi, it asked for my email/password and it was done. Are there known problems with Huobi or something?

Yea. Caught a dying thread last week, couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard of it. Two words NEO, GOOGLE. This will be the big winner in 2018

Fuck, this is going to skyrocket

Considering throwing some ETH at it...

What exchange is the safest to buy from?

And with that new China news about 'people can trade at their own risk'. China will be calling at least 1/2 the shots in 2018. take an old timey photo of this screen and save it