XLM is going to soar tomorrow


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Please be true

True if big

I dont seeXLM mentioned anywhere

I hope. My bros just laughed at me for having so much. I want to drive my lambo past them

How so?

Don't really see any names pop up related

try searching "IBM"

I just removed my sell limits,
>tfw only 60k xlm

seriously considering going all in

I'm considering going half in

im holding eth. gonna watch xlm and see what happens

I was just about to sell OP. U saved me

does this watson AI shit have anything to do with XLM?
Aside from the IBM connection i dont see much in the way of what could effect our holdings

it boils down to whether whales decide to release their sell walls

>buy the news

Oh god I hope so lil stacks needs to gtfo out of XLM. Command fcked him over last night and the bags are crushing him.

No Jed. No Michael Dowling. Fuck this gay earth.


XRP ceo is there babe, not XLM

The governing body knows all you Veeky Forumslets are in XLM. We will not allow it passed 4400 ever again.

Please shill us Lund.

Mikey's too busy building fairx to worry about this PR circle jerk.


watson is unrelated to xlm or blockchain.


Don’t forget upcoming stellar network big projects going live as well, this is one with 1 day left of presale, I’m in. Gold hodl use of my xlm I figure, millions of pakis, Africans, and Asians are gonna use stellar to xfer fiat back home directly into goods/utilities? Yes please.

KYC requires ID submission but meh, they all do now for US law compliance. This has me foaming at the mouth. True if big...

Mentions Lund who is one of 4 people followed by fairx. Lund is IBM blockchain


Also IBM is using stellar for their hyperledger project

yo boy Brad bout to get cucked.

Oh so you mean Ripple is gonna moon. Got it

Reeee gtfo cripple, big Jew bankercoin

Fucking ripple CEO is mentioned that link.

Jesse Lund talks about integration with Stellar and IBM here.

Man if the hooker who sucked XLM second founder went to speak, she will had more relationship to XLM then what you point out.

Probably will boost its price due idiots and shills like you.

As a Whale with more than 30m in cold store and 59 in circulation... its time to buy NEO. Chinese gov is done, they partnership with them to make it the most competitive national crypto wiping ICOS and stressing BTC trade. NEO will play by the party rules as crypto
exponential market were seem as a treat.

Now that is real as fuck, and a good advice. Pajeets if you read this, do it too.

Pump n dump group here. Pumped STU to 300% profit earlier. Next pnd in ~40 hours. Join here to get in on it.


i haven't seen a coin get raped this hard in a while. xlm needs to make a rebound.

just the tip for me

Sorry sweetie, unlike ripple, xlm use is required if you use stellar.

Xrp is optional. This requirement is validated by fairx tweets.

Nice shop, the CEO of ripple isn't in the same block of talks. IBM is going to present something whilst ripple is having a round table

wasnt implying they were talking together. literally screen shotted with my phone and put together who i thought may have influence on xlm

>When you identify the jew

All my other holds are making some progress but not this.

If you listen me a few minutes ago you did be +2% richer. A fucking 65 BTC sell wall got destroyed in a matter of seconds.

If you are truly shilling your bags, sell them at any cost and buy NEO. It will shadow the XRP moon. Rumours about working with banks is fine, fiat into crypto is cool, but a fucking Government giving green light to a crypto is unprecedented (Venezuela pales in wealth against China).

China is seek of BTC, and they want their national peer one to be in the top. This mean gov human resource to back it and improve it. ETH was flaws, but is still a cool team. Just imagine a solid army of devs dedicated to improve NEO.

Check back in 48 hr.

but ripple ceo is listed and nothing about xlm other than the ibm guy

Reminder that IBM is involved in multiple crypto projects

That coincides with

This isn't a coincidence

Microsoft too. Its like a free learning experience they report back and it doesn't have to invest in research or simulation. And the gains they do,they give it back to their employees.

Its literally a new version of their old practice of hiring hackers. Now their spread their people and get back any worthy idea. Not necessary coding but ideas, like the Cicada web about blockchain issues and solutions.

This will be the flippening that really matters.

>NEO is the coin of China
>that was never our strategy
>we're decentralized now
>wait were the Chinese coin again
>tfw mostly westerners hold NEO

Stupid fucking gullible scrubs