Who else empty as fuck inside and that first 10x brought the joy of life, however briefly, back to you? Who else is chasing that dragon? The numbers keep going up.. 40k, 60k, 100k. It's all meaningless again. I'm literally all in and don't even have the motivation to take out my initial investment. I'm going to be a multimillionaire or a pauper.
Who else empty as fuck inside and that first 10x brought the joy of life, however briefly, back to you...
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I'm only 1/10th of that. Bought in three weeks ago and going all in from here on out. This is a ride or die mission. I got the bullet for the later.
Kill or be killed
thats some fag shit but i see what you mean
Tell me about it user
To be completely honest, I'm just anxious now.
This may be the time in my life where I can make enough money to literally escape wage slavery. I'm at 130K right now, and I can never work again if I hit 3 million.
Just fucking anxious, 80% VEN portfolio
wah, ive made more money trading crypto in 2 weeks than ill ever make at my shitty cubicle job in the same timeframe, why is life so shitty :(
>tfw been here since mid 2017 when ETH was at $80
>2k initial investment
>started december with 20k portfolio
>now 40k
>all these newcoiners who started on december with 1k now have 50k
I feel similar. I used to get emotional about $1k swings. I'm now apathetic about the five figure swings. The market could crash tomorrow and I'd shrug. I guess I overestimated how much I care about money.
Now I'm here shit posting from my wagecuck cube, wondering why I'm wasting my time on something I don't care about; waiting for my shift to be over so I can drive home in my 2002 Honda Civic to my empty 1br apartment.
>I'll exit crypto once I make 8000€. That's my target and I'll never need more money than that.
>I'll exit crypto once I make 10 000€. That's my target and I'll never need more money than that.
>I'll exit crypto once I make 50 000€. That's my target and I'll never need more money than that.
>I'll exit crypto once I make 100 000€. That's my target and I'll never need more money than that.
i'm sitting now at 150 000 € and want a million. Send help.
help, im 16 and I want to get wealthy
buy espers on yobit sir
I went from 1600 to 4500 in the last two weeks. I can’t tell you what kind of feeling I get from that. It’s the first time I’ve felt even a little competent in my entire life.
This you guys huge faggots
Well maybe look for a lawyer to help you cash out some of it and keep the rest to try to reach your moon.
OP I made it from $1,000 to $15,000 right now within about 1 month. I don't want to take out my shit either not even $1000. I keep feeling like if I hit a moon mission my $15k could be $40k+ and if I was at $40k I think I would take out $10k no problem. Only because I have some debts to pay and I am going to europe
I only have 230 cash, do I put it into a debit card and invest?
meant for you sorry
ITT: NEETs realize that having a purpose in life is more important than NEETbux.
>muh wageslave
(Some people like their jobs, you faggots.)
What would this sensation/feeling be called? Is it greed? I’m so lost in this feeling. Started with 1k a week ago. Now I have 5k. Was really happy when I hit 4K this morning, but now that I hit 5k it didn’t even faze me.
comparison is the thief of joy
Y'all Are some sad ass motherfuckers. Maybe you can buy a father figure with all your gainz
When I have tasks to complete at wage cuck land I can't even begin to start them. They have no meaning themselves anymore.
I sat at my desk for 2 days this week and made 500 dollars from salary.
I made 8000 from NEETbux in that same time.
I spent most of the day looking at candles and trading on a laptop. WTF is happening?
we already have jordan peterson sir
If you went into a profession that allows for the feeling of meaningless wage cuckery, that says everything about you and nothing whatsoever about the fact that being a productive, resourceful, intelligent, creative member of society is more important than hashes in the blockchain.
I didn't work a day in my life and made 60k€ from money I leeched off my hard-working parents.
It's fucking unreal.
Some of us already have fathers, Jamal
Mate, I totally agree with you. I don't work in Finance or Medicine. I work in arguably one of the most creative and technical fields there is, and yet I still feel this way. Maybe there is something wrong with me.
I want to cash out at 1.5 mil, 500k for >taxes, the rest for a house, gold, savings, and software to go freelance with what my current wagecuck job entails. I can make 6 figs by only taking 3-5 projects a year, working 20 or less hours a week from home. Being a NEET sucks, dont want that life again.
>The numbers keep going up.. 40k, 60k, 100k
>It's all meaningless again
I donate a little crypto to White Nationalists when I get a moon and that seems to make everything feel better.
Its the feeling that will keep you all in until this pops. Whether its next week or in 1 month you will be in alts when it happens and unable to cash out.
Your only chance is to hope you got in before the bubble was half way up, because when this pops we going down at least 60% on everything.
Good luck
>started in february with $500
>bought ETH at $14 sold at 45
>bought ARK at 5 cents sold at 11
>bought PIVX at 6 cents, sold at 17
>pulled out 2k because I thought we would crash below 1500 again
>put money back in at 2500
>put 0.117 in a scam ICO
>bought high and sold low
>pulled out 2k in august again because I needed the money irl
>went back in with $300 in october
>bought XVG at 0.5 cents, sold at 0.7
>bought IOTA at 38 cents, sold at 77
>more missed moon missions and buying high selling low
>pulled out 1k in december because needed the money again
>left $80 in
>bought ICX
>currently sitting at around $560
>have $30 irl and paycheck ($300 per week) isn't coming until friday
Who else /pretty much sitting on the sidelines/ here? I could have had a comfy life.
It could be worse, user.
>definition of a Veeky Forums meme
yes, night mode is enabled
all of you niggers are fkin retarded - you made a couple of k and you think you won in life
let me tell ya something - life always hits back and if you pussies are not ready for the haymaker you will end up on your ass
who hurt you?
I have millions in real estate and crypto and hundreds of k in stocks. Still empty.
What do? I'm thinking about donating it all to charity.. Hoping that fills the void in my life.
Buy high sell low! Way to go!
Same situation...why the fuck are you 80% in 1 coin? No wonder you're anxious. I'm looking at potshots at ICO's in conjunction with some long term holds to make the jump. And ratcheting up my research to legit disciplined hardcore shit.
Until you hit a point where you can cash out the money and never need to work another day in your life (about $1,000,000 to live off dividends/growth) it isn't greed. It's only when you start going beyond 1 million is it greed.
Holy fuck you people are pathetic. Go make some friends. Fuck.
Lmao wagecuck coping, I enjoy trading shitcoins and doing my hobbies when ever I want. Im never going back to wagecucking for mr goldsteiner.
how old are you?
when did you forget to dream?
retrace that moment - if the last thing you remember is when you were 10 and dreaming about going to Disneyland - do it now!
go wild from there, remember who you are and live happy from there on :)
I put 2k in this week and have made like 10%. Do I keep missing moon missions or has the entire market just been really shitty since I bought in?
Am I gonna make it?
Pic related, thinking about moving the ETH into the others. Also have a load of dust not pictured, but irrelevant anyway.
Ree, etc
Guys, I'm in a similar situation, but filling the void playing LARP events and fantasy battles every two months. It is really not that gay here in Europe. And you actually have some friends then.
i put in £547 in to XRB last week and i did a x3 but managed to fuck it up so im sitting on about £800-£900 right now.its not shitty right now just keep going. hopefully from crypto we make it bro
Wait until it starts getting bearish and you'll remember the dream pretty fuggin quick.
Why did you choose XRB, because of the shilling?
I think my biggest problem is I don't really know what coins to buy. I like the projects for ENG, REQ and LINK but don't know if their time has passed and I should be looking for new projects.
It's survivorship bias.
87% of biz did less than 100% on their investment last year.
7% of biz don't own any cryptocurrency atall.
Same problem here. I have more money than I can even fathom at this point. 100 grand closing in, yet it is just a number. What the fuck do I even do with this money.
I am still a wagecuck slaving away even though my portfolio makes my monthly wage per day and sometimes even faster.
Yep. When I hit $10k I felt like I was the happiest, luckiest man on earth. My portfolio has tripled in one fucking week. Now I'm sitting on $30k but I feel a little bit dead inside.
Probably hitting $40k, $50k won't bring me joy. Maybe I'm gonna cash out with $100k and browse Veeky Forums only for the memes afterwards.
Progress, in any form, fuels the soul. I know that even when I reach a million, I'll still aim for 10.
This isn't being greedy, but merely what prevents people from killing themselves.
get an iPhone
I'm planning to quit my job and cash out 10% of portfolio monthly. The 10% gains every month is safe prediction.
Closing in on $350k and no longer even really keeping track. My gains in the first week of 2018 were higher than my yearly wage.
I am still working my day job. I like it, I like some of my colleagues. Just sometimes, I wonder what I am gonna do with all that money.
The only reason I go to work anymore is that I can talk to some people every day.
How long you been in crypto for?
I put every cent I had into crypto in the beginning of December. I was legitimately euphoric when I went from 9k to 17k. I just hit 40k today and didn't feel anything. Just a vague feeling of meh, that's pretty cool. I think because the first time was a validation that I want insane for putting my money in digital clam shells, but i haven't made enough to make it yet. I could realistically have enough to buy a house and quit my wage cuck job in a quarter or two, so maybe I'll be really happy then if that happens. Right now I'm in a weird in between phase where I have some cash, but not enough to change my life in a significant way.
>Right now I'm in a weird in between phase where I have some cash, but not enough to change my life in a significant way
i have a gut feeling that's a situation for a lot of Veeky Forumsnessmen right now
Just remember, this is a game of musical chairs
Don't get me wrong, if I cashed out I could pay for most of college, so that'd be great, but I still am not comfortable quitting my job yet so we'll see.
Started in 2013 with 10BTC, then dropped off for private reasons till June 2017. Put in around $20K.
But I am doing roughly 3h/day of research, so I won't say it is just luck.
It was 20% originally. I've made 1700% off it by buying at 22 cents, and I have enough for a solid strength node so I'm holding
Mine is even shittier
10x in 3 months.
There's a few moons I caught only 1/4th of the wave... if i'd held longer or risked more i'd probably have 50x
100x if I had better patience to hold shit that was going to moon.
DNA & ENG, if you're wondering specifics. I got in on the ground floor on both, and sold for a measly 2x at low risk. or even REQ.
i think the days of easy 10x ICO days are over though. if i'd played things just a bit better.... omg
Just be happy for what you have :). Money is money. If you start with "could have, would have" you will never be happy with what you actually accomplished.
That's almost identical to my story, even down to the $350k.
I only bought 1BTC in 2013 though.
What did he accomplish? 10x in 3 months is absolutely pathetic.
I'm a student with a lot of debt and no regular income. Whenever I talked about how I have this dream of being able to own a house for my family and me, in reality that was just talk. I haven't ever dared to even dream about owning a house, because I was too afraid of the inevitable disappointment of not being able to afford one.
This seems too much like a cruel joke in the making. Like preparing an ever growing dinner plate in front of a starving child, just to take it all away from him once he tries to take a bite.
For this reason I can't see it all as anything but numbers on my smartphone's display.
I come from the world of traditional investing so I generally compare crypto to that. 10x in 3 month is fairly mundane for crypto, but for stocks, 10x in 10 years would be phenomenal.
Christ I can't wait until a bearish period smacks some reality into you newbies.
The problem is that every time I reach a new high, that's my new psychological floor. If my portfolio drops from my new high, I feel like I am actually down on my investment and I need to get back to where I was.
Also I adopted the all or nothing mentality like most Veeky Forumstards, either I make enough to never work again or I go down with the ship. Haven't even pulled my initial investment after being up 400% since I know I can use it for moar gainz.
This shit will either ruin my life or free me.
It's supposed to feel like nothing because you don't really have anything until you cash out. This is the right kind of mentality. That way you don't feel like losing anything if it all comes crashing down
10x in 3 months is amazing. If I could make that, I’d have $100k by March
Then give away some of that ETH, it might make you happy. You won't know it until you try it.
I feel you user. Invested 3k overall and I don't give a shit anymore. There's nothing much I want to buy so my portfolio is just a number to me.
How hard is it to cash out 100k?
Just spend the money on random shit. I feel ashamed
Actually yeah. Just make others life's better if you hate your own.
>started crypto 2 weeks ago
>put in $500 at first
>double it in 3 days
>put in another $2k
>everything I'm in has been going sideways ever since
I feel like I'm getting left behind here.
>This isn't being greedy, but merely what prevents people from killing themselves.
you made 40 cents user thats like half a burger in the eurodeals section of mcdonalds
Hustling. Pajeet life
>and don't even have the motivation to take out my initial investment
This. I feel like these gains are not really there, it's just children's toy money. Tbh I'm not yet convinced the
>can't cash out
meme isn't real.
I finally got in yesterday. Kind of regret not going in to this years ago.
Wish me luck
They told me I held shitcoins
Now who's a shitcoin
invested my 5700dogecoins into btc.
its about 80 free dollars or so from 2013.
keep chasing the pumps man, somebody gotta supply us with those sweet 50x, might as well be you
I never chase pumps, all of my buy high sell low moments have been buying something that's trading sideways then selling 10% lower a week later when it looks like it's going down the shitter. Half of the time it really does go down, other half it moons a day later. Also I have only made gains both in fiat and sats overall, so it's definitely not me. I'm just very prone to getting in on a moon mission at the very bottom and selling when I'm up 50% instead of waiting until it goes 10x
Proven PND group looking to add more members. More members = bigger gains.
You have to find something that you know you're getting in early on. I hit a lot of home runs recently but one major fuck up was selling KCS too early. I started with $500 two months ago and would've been at $80k if I stuck with my original plan of selling KCS at $17. I bought in under $2. Sometimes you just find something and know it's going to go up big very soon. My biggest problem is giving up too fast.
I too feel nothing, it's all just a bunch of numbers now, like playing a RPG
cash the fuck out right now
1.25 kk. Empty as fuck. No idea what to do with the money or my life. Feels like I used a cheat code and now the game is broken and I am overpowered to the point of no fun. 250k in 21 days.
Try to give to charity, but then only confronted with how poorly wealth is distributed.
Could retire, do nothing but travel the world. First world problems ay.
Did absolutely no work, except reading Veeky Forums and watching my stack grow. Hate the crypto community. Bunch of vapid greedy gambling cunts.