Why havent you gone in on dent yet?

>TFW DYOR and find the perfect coin and make bank
>TFW you realize dent is going to carry normies and pajeets to the moon regardless of whether they actually read into it

Last chance to go in on dent. Big dip before it becomes the next tron. Has a real working product as well.

>tfw put a couple hundred in DENT a week ago
>tfw put a thousand into DENT an hour ago.

It's really happening. Straight to the moon, gents.

Get ready my boy, I'm about to pump your world.

Fuck the moon, let's go to Mars! #ElonKnows

I'm literally cumming

I'm putting all my salami money on this thick bittch

just dropped 1.5k why did i do this is there any announcements or do i have to ride the pump and dump? I have to work at 10:30 today so i wont be able to watch it like a hawk

ouhc sorry buble crash and money gone.


Don't worry bro, that 1.5k will be 15k in no time.

Think of all the mobile data you can buy with that. GG Verizon

This board has IDs
Neck yourself

well thanks for the post im already up a lil

Oh shill you got me

Take a shill pill bro and enjoy the ride

yeah broh take a shill pill we going to the moon bud

Was debating on either this or Deep Brain Shit to put my last ETH in. You made my decision ladderinos, to the moon with you!

yeah i actually sold all my dbc at 3800 (bought at 666 sats) now its at 3712 and im up on dent

shit btc needs to chill

actually seems pretty stable

>week hands selling
>perfect oportunity to buy at a low-ish price
I'm in lads!

Awesome to see it finally getting traction. Project I can get behind

lets spam this thread with our ids friend

Glad to finally see some more DENT awareness.

All shilling aside, this is one of the few coins with a working product, strong partnerships and a real life application in our society.

No wonder my grandma has been asking me all about it....

My nigga shes been asking you for her DENTures!!

>ID: McMahis2
>Famous shiller: McAffee

I acciDENTally bought in and am going aciDENTally to the moon!

Got out of DBC to get into DENT!

This is gonna 3x while other coins do 2x.

Choice is yours bois:

Do you want to sit in a lambo, or watch us riding one?


wheres my based whale

I sure hope my lambo won't be DENTed when I drive it to the moon

Doug Dimmadome here just collecting my divadents

So be realistic spamming retards, where do you see the price point by Friday?

t. 3k skin in the game

what dividend?

I sold mine just now... shit gonna go down.

Look at that wall.

50 cents

lol ur fucking ridiculous that took you like 5 minutes, my divaDENTS are emotional

that wall isnt even that bad ive seen coins rip through 20btc walls in 10 minutes

Had to sell because I want more at 2 cents

its not going past 621

well 620

Hello Mohinder Bagadeshi

Why do whales put up sell walls?

A. To keep the price down so they can buy more for cheap
B. To keep normies from getting gains
C. To flex their financial gains to the world