Anyone from Queerbec knows how taxations work with cryptos?

Anyone from Queerbec knows how taxations work with cryptos?

Je veux pas être pauvre fag toute ma vie

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submit your taxes with a shitload of poutine on the forms and youre good

fuckin poutine canadians

Admit you love poutine

you pay 80% like a good francophone

No for real be serious that's not possible

Fuck I hate French. Idiots.

Same way as with the rest of Canada - capital gains taxes. The tax rate will be different with different provinces.

this might not be true

crypto to crypto might fall under barter trading, which requires claiming a gain or a loss on each individual trade, similar to amerifags

dont quote me on this tho, just read this in another thread few days ago

i really fuckin hope its just capital gains at the time of cashing out otherwise im royally fucked cause i have tons of trades on etherdelta and obscure chink exchanges that i cant access

Nobody is gonna check that shit, do you think they have the manpower to go through hundreds of alt trades and verify its all correct and that you didnt keep a twenty?

CAD OUT - CAD IN is the simplest way

Can you explain Capital gains taxes for Canada with examples?
I've been searching around forums but it always seems to be a different explanation.

thats what I figure as well

but if I put in 10k and 2 years later cash out 500k for example and just pay the cap gains tax, is it not possible the CRA might audit me down the road? how do they know that the money isnt laundered or drug money?

50% of the gains taxed at the individual's tax rate

so 100k gains, 50k is taxed at whatever % your income tax rate is. generally 20-25% at the highest bracket

That's.... actually reasonable to be honest.

I make 54k/Year so If I cashed out 100k, I am taxed 50k with 20-25% (12.5K)?

It's less strict than I thought.

I thought it would be like 30-40% of your gains

here are income tax brackets for Canadians

Fucking hell?
Federal taxes me up to 26% and Provincial 20% just for a mere 54k/year?

I want off this ride

welcome to the quasi-socialism that is Canada

J'ai investi 5K dollars et j'ai maintenant 300K dollars en gain, combien je vais être taxé ?

20-30% sur 300K ???

Dépend justement combien tu fais par année.

Je te dirais de garder un 30% de côté au cas ou.
Le marché Crypto au Québec n'est pas si strict que ça mais au contraire, le gouvernemama semble l'accueillir.