UFR Mooning

Is everyone enjoying the Upfiring moon? It's still early days...strap in!

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The club of token holders is small.

Shill me this shit

what exchange are you using to buy this crypto. i wanna moon with you all

Or not

Wish i could jump in.. cryptomania is not letting me register

Etherdelta. Painful, but doable.

nice idea but
>no product

>he invests in coins after they have a product
enjoy your 5x, i'll enjoy my 100x

^Waits for the alpha release to get in, kek

Trying to buy into this but I'm stuck holding a bag of pac and waiting for someone to buy it.

No retard, I invest in coins that launch with a product. Enjoy your bags when it's reavealed the entire team is actually a bunch of niggers.

yes OP! thx to the Veeky Forumsrother who gave us the heads up!

Getting my friveway ready for the lambo!

Cryptopia is closed for registration ? Tru to get in somehow fast af before they open

I just saw ufr on here 2 days ago, made 35K already aaaaaaaah. i went all in, easy 100X

I got in on cryptopia, but I make sure to get the tokens off that site before the trade cools.

Someone shill me on this.


not too late to get into this money making bananza

step 1: look at the charts
step 2: BUY

p.s.: new exchange addition upcoming and other announcements

Such low cap, we are going to the MOOOOOOOON

Where do you keep them then? A wallet or a different exchange?

My local download of MyEtherWallet.

Why not keep them on cryptopia ?

You don't really own them until they are in your own wallet.

Keep them on cryptopia if you want to trade, but I feel safer having all my coins in my own secure wallets.

Volume up 33% from yesterday and riding :)

highly advise fellow Veeky Forumsraelis to join our discord



Do they plan on putting this on Binance eventually? If not I don't think it'll go up much more. I know you discord guys are shilling this nonstop so I'm afraid the price is artificially inflated due to that.

Their white paper even says this coin shouldnt be bought for financial gain.

Check coinmarketcap, check circulatibg supply, check the total supply, read the white paper and get out asap.

Yes the devs have confirmed that a it will be added to an exchange in about 2 weeks.


They have also sent applications to other exchanges as well, the devs are active on this project!

ctrl + F for "financial" and "gain" in the whitepaper
0 results
fuck you

is obviously some fucking smelly punjab "circulatibg"

oh wait jk i misread your post
i dont see how this is relevant


There hasnt been a single buy order in at least 24h, kek

decentralized file sharing, lite torrents, but better (incl. encryption).

>the devs are active on this project!

you smell of curry

Have a look at ED and learn why you don't store on exchanges