/biz I’m Iraqi refugee who has permanent residency. English my second language so be easy on me. I run kebab cart in major USA city. Sold kebabs to some banker men type. They talking about making lots of money in colx says next bitcoin. I ask them what it was they not tell me. Next day they come back more kebabs for them I ask again. They said they would give me 50k colx and tell me what it was if I sucked off three homeless while they watch. They took me to alley I sucked dick of three homeless. They laughed and didn’t give me anything. What is Colx? How do I buy?
COLX What is it?
Why did you screenshot your own posts?
That wasn't me, I got that pic off the last thread about this shitcoin
Why did you save a series of posts about someone who brags about not having done any research? I'm sincerely confused.
>What is colx
>Is able to find the logo
>Is not able to find the website
Fuck off.
lmao I checked and it was a environmentally friendly coin that faggot did way more research than you. Have fun with your treehugger shitcoin
Can it not have more than one quality at once? Are you trying to say a "green" coin can't also be a privacy coin? I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from.
GREEN coin alright.
This coin is definitely going to make you GREEN if you get in now. It was teetering a little lower than 0.02 because people cant access any of the shit exchanges its on. Cryptopia and KuCoin are happening.
Get in now or forever be poor.
I just really hope this one will explode when it hits Cryptopia and Kuckoin. Will I make it to around $10k with 41k bags? That would mean it would have to reach 20 cents or so
>Can it not have more than one quality at once?
Holy shit, let me try and hold your hand. Someone makes a coin, it fails. They try again, changing the marketing to environmentally friendly, it fails again. They make a third coin and this time call it a privacy coin and the normies that bought XVG ate it up like candy. Maybe when it crashes again they'll remarket it as a platform, or maybe a dividend coin. Who knows? They are throwing fuckin darts at the wall.
My bags are about 90k and I think .2 is easy hit. This is Verge except it works and the devs arent pompous little shits.
If people are out there sucking Dick for it though, I'm gonna buy some
B-but the FUD this guy implies it was a failed project 2 times before
You can still make money on a shitcoin. XVG has a 3b market cap. TRX is at 9b. You very well might make money off it, but never forget that it's a literal shitcoin. I don't hold shitcoins because I don't want to hold bags if it goes over the cliff.
>XVG has a 3b market cap. TRX is at 9b.
Didn't know they stacked shit that high.
To the moon once it hits Cryptopia.
You see it as failed attempts, but I see it as a dedicated team that is improving their product. The existence of their prior iterations aren't kept secret at all. The fact that they have a working product they actually add features to says a lot more than whatever vaporware project that gets shilled one hundred times as much.
It just seems like a weak FUD attempt on your part to basically let everyone know features are indeed added to an ongoing project.
of course I will sell it eventually to gain profit. I just hope it won't bomb already
>I see it as a dedicated team that is improving their product.
This coin needs a few new exchanges badly.
I have no stake in you not making money, dumb money will of course throw their money at random shitcoins, at least COLX bagholders throw it at one that's actually been around.
sitting high with mn
coinsmarkets will be back right