Who here has never read a full whitepaper?
I just dropped 22k on some coin which I don't even know what it does
Who here has never read a full whitepaper?
I just dropped 22k on some coin which I don't even know what it does
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lmao same here
don't worry, this market is all vaporwave anyway
all you have to do is watch the team and see how many PhD niggas are there
that's it
oh shit
was it tron?
u fuck'd up
i just buy breakouts. Do a simple triangle TA pattern: if it breaks out i buy and sell for 10-20% profit. Works 80% of the time.
kek i bought tron at 300 sats and sold at 400.
But justin sun/tron represent that its all hype and vaporware
Those things aren't white papers it's shilling
TRX is just waiting for a moon
that's a safe play
i usually buy on a downtrend or during stagnation a promising shitcoin and then wait for the cyclical pump to sell at a profit
i guess it's kinda the same thing
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You're going to make it.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
(neither have i desu)
You spelled moron wrong
it will moon within a few weeks, but that is a lot of oppertunity cost in crypto.
what's the technical name for such a triangle? ive heard the term bear and bull pennant thrown around
My strategy is doing heavy market research. If I see a coin that addresses some of those problems I go balls deep. And I try to get in before it gets mentioned here.
No I only plagiarize them
pennant, flag, descending/ascending triangle etc
ehm op you know that trx is forming a descending triangle rn which is a bearish signal, right?
what the latest bro, shill me
I bought in LINK because I like their logo... come at me
what time-chart are you viewing this on?
Buy LINK and kys
time frame doesnt matter on meme lines
I have a simple method for deciding what to invest in. I just browse biz and when i see something being shilled in more than 3 threads in a reasonably small amount of time, ill check out its recent charts, and if it hasn't really "mooned" yet, then ill give it a try - with like $500 bucks. Its worked. I did this with DBC at 10 cents and now its 62 cents.
I just let biz read them for me and follow the best bantz
I've turned about 30K into 420K since early May and have never read one white paper... okay maybe half of Numerai's way back when.. I get the gist of everything I own, but all i do is troll Veeky Forums and twitter and see what the herd is getting their jimmies rustled by
although i'm getting more interested in the tech and the papers