Alright biz/ whats the next moon and give me a good reason why.
The Next Moon
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Based trips!
APPC will be the next moon.
Start accumulating now.
DBC once the Chinese awake
STILL less than 10 mil market cap
Reason being its an extremely normie named coin with huge potential, great whitepaper, backed by Aptoid, they burned half their coins today etc
Just hit CMC the other day and only trading on Binance.
This will be HUGE.
Read up on it and be amazed
Fucking Pleaaaasseeeee I have 2 grand into it :^)
Wait a day for the correction from its current mooning to get in, still super low mcap.
can its in dip now. Just added to kuckcoin
Ufr still on the rise
XCXT just reached 10Mil market cap and more than doubled in the last 24 hours defo will x10 end of week - same with Opus (OPT) low market cap and cheap with x10 potential
1. Recently added to Kucoin.
2. Has not mooned.
3. Low marketcap (40m circulating supply, not 100m).
4. Working product since Jan. 2017
5. Already being used (Over 10,000 users + 46,000 service providers).
6. Founders token locked for a year.
7. Professional team.
I think it has a 10x potential, or at least a 5x short term.
yup CAN is easy x2 minimum
BBT will moon
UFR will be top 100 by the end of the month. Grab what you can now!
TAU, heavily shilled on Veeky Forums so far (similar level to XRB), only listed 2 days ago on Coinmarketcap, normie friendly project.
I'm planning on putting 10k into this
So glad people are actually talking about this dark horse Already made gains with PFR too
Bump. This is going to 10x in Jan
The chart screams: YES.
Think this is a real cheap buy atm, since every kucoin coin was mooning shortly after it got listed.
POE. Thank me later.
XRP being added to Coinable (pic related). It will go to $10 easily.
My money doesn't get released until Thursday REEEEEEEEEEE
8h left, how much will it go up?
Caught between POE and DBC mainly I'm using some spare cash i have and they are cheap
>go up
it'll prob dump to 0
Dbc already mooned
Go all in CAN
Its vericoin. Do you even research bro???? Bout to go ×1000
Coinable? nice inspect element btw
No why should I, it is worth $3.60 while POE is worth $.16 which means I could get more of it. Only looking for a short term as I already have a long-term
Low marketcap, lots of hype from those that can't buy and it's only 1 cent.
its not about value of coin but about mcap
Prices don't matter, they are relative
CAN can go up to $50
Okay then I'm going to throw some into CAN
Any others Veeky Forums?
Don't blindly listen to what people tell you here.
It's gonna be featured on マツコ会議 (Matsuko’s Conference) next week.
well then what do you suggest?
Etherdelta is where you buy coins before they moon on Kucoin
DRGN is a good example
Upfiring (UFR) has a pretty good concept. Imagine if Mega or uTorrent had a blockchain?
is there a place that says when a coin is getting added to kucoin?
Nope but take educated guesses.
Look at the top volume coins on EtherDelta
Which ones are still only on ED?
Then take educated guesses which ones have enough hype to get listed on kucoin.
I'm bullish on BBT and PFR
OST, not in yet??
TAU is the answer. This is like buying ETH at $1.
UFR, gonna blow when it hits bittrex/binance.
I recently invested a big part of my portfolio in UFR, it is clearly a very good investment this year.
>Senior team of software engineers who've worked in Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Samsung, Canadian Department of Defence etc
>Founder is a former algorithmic trader
>Advisory team of blockchain and security experts
>Real-world application - automatic scalable security protocol that rewards users for finding bugs in ETH smart contracts
It's trading at under $1 atm and it's going to fucking explode within a couple weeks.
Read the white paper if you're sceptical but this baby is going to explode
Any other potential moon missions?
Wait until chinaman log in to cryptochan and see ETH
I have some ETH in my wallet already so lets hope chinaman and pajeets raise the price for us.
Creativecoin - CREA.
$10 million market cap
Huge potential to go 10x within the month.
Beautiful website.
Active GitHub and developers.
Well written white paper with clear objective.
Totally under the radar. (For now)
Veeky Forums, this is one of the projects you don’t want to miss out on. Consider it a payback that I shill you this coin this early on!
QSP will be an absolutely huge player soon
not spoonfeeding you
This is copypasta but ultimately true.
10 million marketcap coins with active devs and functional projects are rare in this market. As we've seen, even scam shit vapourware like UFR (i'll eat my words if i'm wrong, but there's literally no development to speak of yet) goes 10x. Creativecoin is a solid buy.
If I had to pick betwen POE, DENT and CAN
Which would be best?
Largest shitcoin pump group in the world (150k+ members) I got a couple invites left to give. Message me for link: [email protected]
Upfiring. The reason is quite simple: 1000s of people are shilling it, with more joining every day. It has a whole network marketing system behind it. The Amway of crypto.
POLL. Hop in bitch, we goin interstellar very soon
Where can i buy this coin?
UFR still, room to run. Also an actual use case
Cryptopia or coinexchange, so really i may as well just say cryptopia lol.
So a literal PnD
Uplift is not a PnD. Amway is not a pyramid scheme.
There's a subtle difference.
xlm because i have xlm
Legitimate 100x on when it hits the market after ico
Tech problems doe. Thoughts?