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bit late to buy into this innit

let it drop to .4

No, believe watch it, for your own sake user.

Let me help
>pic related
>sauce related

Where is that from?


that's just plain fud.

>Writes a peer review filled with bias.
Congrats on this, seriously.

Too expensive for a coin that you can't even transfer out of any exchange because of wallet network issues.

oh I believe
I believe this piece of shit is the most overvalued coin on the market

Sync issues, yes yet that's the exchanges fault really.

Been in ADA since 10 cents but I am heavily considering selling my stack. I still believe in the project, but I think this will be very very long term, and I imagine I'd be better off just holding ETH in the meantime. A long way down the line ADA will likely be worth substantially more than it's current price, but I'd be able to buy back in long before that.

Ima student who kisses every moon, I got into ada at .08 and plan to hold till I start staking it.

It's not, cardano-sl is broken, check the forum.

Cardano-sl clearly isn't broken, I'm running it right now. I'm also active on the forums, this happened before with binance and bittrex.

I want to believe, but that max supply yo o_0

Plenty of value in good staking tokens. Chance they'll burn tokens, looking at the market though high token supply is the future...

you mean that market cap, I've also been in from 10 cents but I'm not sure they still have room to grow

Same, I'm afraid to miss many moons too

If this is speculation phase, once staking is implemented big whales looking to stake will rock the boat.

no working product
another decentralized application platform
aka developers making a tool for other developers to use to make cool stuff, vs just making cool stuff to begin with: vitalik wanabes trying to get rich off of your fiat. stay away you dumb fuck for own sake

i think ethereum is shit also but its the first mover advantage with this angle. thats where the development energy/conversation/etc will go. not to literal vaporware.

believe in what, a whitepaper?

Most people have issues with the wallet.

Ethereum is a horrible platform to develop on.
Most people don't know to sync their computers time to the web. That's what 90% of those threads are about.

This will be a powerhouse someday, buy I think it's speculative value has outrun itself. It will moon, make no mistake, but it will be less tham 2x increasing bleedouts and long waits for a while.

>the competition says it's bad

Dan Larimer also said Ethereum would never get off the ground.
Bullish for cardarno.

tfw on vacation and don't have access to my ADA wallet so I can dump for something else. Tfw was going to sell at ATH but Daedalus wasn't working. I'm still up 7x from when I bought but it hurts knowing I missed out

You guys do realise that the network is already running right?