
To whoever shilled this ICO here a week ago..

Thank you

No problem, bruh. We are the winners now.

fuck guys I can't buy any of it. I want to die.

I should've bought more :(

bought 460 today. Will I make it?

bought 1 eth at ico
they fucked up sending 220% bonus to someone and said in telegram that they took a snapshot and would create a new token
I sold everything I had at ico price and they decide to not migrate to new token


so for any of you that want to board this rocket, go to etherdelta and place a BUY ORDER

do not choose someones sell order

if the sell order has been filled and you try to buy it, you lose your tx fee and the order fails

also set gas to 45 in your wallet

paid $60 in Tx fees today to buy 460TAU on failed orders. can't believe it. Is this the solution? Posted on here 3 or 4 threads and no one has helped.


Same here :( It's a pity that I had so little Ether

if you like mopeds

1500 coins at 0.0007999


lmao they only gave out like 19 eth extra and took it all out of their own pockets it was such a small fuckup

So that's why my cunting order went all cunt on me. Fuck sake.

its the only logical explanation. i bought tau, vibe, and pfr using buy orders, but i had 2 opt tx fail because i went to buy someones sell order

I literally lost thousands of dollars because of kucoin retarded shit withdrawal system, fucking hell... My ETH to buy this shit has been stuck for days.

Got 850 at .6


But I'm waiting for tghe moon

IDEX just opened up again

When are we expecting a moon?

I'd like to know this too actually.

Also any news on delegates? Can't find much.

Can’t wait to see how high we go over the coming weeks. Wouldn’t be surprised with $5 sometime in feb IF the market keeps up the pace

this shit already mooned LOL