Incoming $TRX moon

Buy now or cry later user.

tweet confirmed

kek its gunna be alibaba and we're gunna be so rich

>said increasingly nervous normie for the seventh time this year


Going to be funny as shit when it's some pajeets squirrel milking company and not alibaba.

say i want to be in on this.

I bought some Ethereum on coinbase, how the hell do i transfer Ethereum to another coin?

sorry buddy; /oldfag/ here, haven't been a no coiner for the last two years like you.

go away normie

gotta get it off coinbase user and onto an exchange with alot of ETH pairs (I use binance personally)

only pajeets help normies

holy FUCK, i hate this new crypto world. All this shilling, only to raise the fucking coin. Why should he do that? Exactly, just to make more money.

Why can't he just tell us in a week what the FUCKING partnership will be?


not a pajeet, i'm a leaf (slightly better) and if you won't help him I will, trust me user, this stage of the crypto game is about getting as many normie bucks as you can; once we attract enough normie bux then we attract the real wall st money and $harks

LOL, implying normie money comes before wall street and shark money

It's so sweet even thinking that wallstreet money isn't in the market yet.

partner going to be directupload

check directupload news

chuckle muckle shuckle - pajeets help normies

smart and daring wall st is already here no doubt; but i'm talking about the wall street that does the serious swindling of the normies; we need all their support to make this market big enough if we're all going to be billionaires; a couple hundred thousand / a mill on a good day is nice sure, but why stop there?

Directupload announced this earlier today didnt they?

audible kek


You wish you bought faggot. Stay poor

Shhhhh I'm dumping my Tron bags on these normies with good profit. We need people to lose in order for us to win.

yes, but it's not "the big one".


Dumped my tron bags ages ago pajeet OP lmao. Who you here to fool?

use kucoin, here's a referral code: 26wQg

good luck

It’s already up a lot. It was in the 700s. Now almost back to 1000


please tell me this will do something i bought 20k at .28c

I love making hundreds of dollars off threads like these.

all these other meat heads don't get it

bought in for quick moon and im dumping these bags asap

this chink coin fucking sucks

LARPing faggot. Who cares, look at the volume the Tron Beast eats through. lmao.

147,000,000 ETH of VOLUME.


fly me to the moooon let me play among the staaarrs

Not in crypto
Let's say you dump and you get your x5
Then the other guy buys and the price goes x2
Who's losing here? This applies to all ICOs basically

thank god

they guy buying off the 2x person dumbass

Come on... everyone wants to have the chance to get some shekels. If the normie lurks moar he might get as insane as we are.

awwww yissssss

Because the announcement is this week you retard.

I laughed so God damn loud I scared my wife's son. Thanks user.