IF you dont want to pay your crypto taxes watch this video

IF you dont want to pay your crypto taxes watch this video

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Interesting. Also Estonian grills r qts

whose the girl op?

Who this

>follow some moron youtuber and try to scam the IRS (a governmental program that ALWAYS gets there money)
>millions have tried to do similar things in the past, everyone from football millionaires to Martha Stewart
>make millions in crypto and avoid paying taxes for years
>one day in the near future the IRS knocks on your door: "Hey OP, nice too meet you fucktard. You actually thought becoming a citizen of some bumblefuck country would allow you to avoid paying taxes even though you live in America. Nice try moron, we're here to collect. We'll be repo-ing this home, your lambo, and your qt3.14 Asian gf. Also, until we are paid in full the millions you owe in back-taxes, each and every single payment you ever receive will be siphoned by the US government.Good day sir, and may god have mercy on your moronic and wretched soul."

Meg Turney

Meg Turney

Just pay your fucking taxes.

And this is why Civil War is on the brink.

Exactly. People will not put up with this shit much longer.

fuck off reddit faggots. the only thing you're fighting is your test count

So everything has to be a business expense?

Is this seriously worth 30%?

If you don't want to pay taxes to the US Government:

Obtain citizenship in a tax haven country
Renounce your US citizenship
Never return to America

Sorry. There is no other way.

>Sorry. There is no other way.
Not be American.

You don't have to pay taxes on money transferred from your personal foreign bank account to your US bank account.

Why not open a bank account in another country, cash out to there, then transfer it to the US. Fuck the other country, you're not filing taxes there. If the US asks, you already paid them in the other country. This seems too simple to work, and I feel like if it actually is a great idea someone else would have said it a million times already. Someone tell me why this won't work.

>staying a citizen of the US when you're a millionaire and can pick any country you want who'd grant you citizenship for being rich, plus most of the taxhavenlands are basically gated communities designed for rich people to enjoy and you'd still be free to spend months in the US anyway.

lmao. what is Monaco, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.

The IRS is still only a US instrument and can't touch a non-US citizen so it doesn't matter how many years pass, they can buttfuck themselves.

Good luck trying to buy your way into Monaco, pal.

Make me.

t. crypto taxcuck

What is 30% worth? 30% of my $100k is $30k.
That's a brand fucking new car. Where does it go? Not into my pocket, that's all I fucking care about.

Isn't that money laundering as a form of tax evasion?

It goes to feed Jamal and Shanequia's kids

Well, yes, but I just don't see how the IRS would be able to prove anything.

The only thing that the IRS might think is that you earned that money in another country, which is taxable, but if it's money that's been sitting around, it's not taxable.

I was born in Europe and live in the US. I could easily say that my grandparents set up a trust fund for me or something and I've had the money sitting around for years.

What are they going to do, contact that county? They have no pull.

I want you to succeed with your tax evasion, but it just seems like a too easy way for the IRS to "ask" for the country of origin's bank records or contact their govt directly to see if you did pay taxes in that country. In any case, I was always under the assumption that when the money is transferred from the foreign bank to a US bank, it becomes a taxable event, but I'm not a CPA so DYOR.
Fuck you IRS, I didn't become a Marine for this bullshit.

The country is Russia. I don't think they would be open with the US about shit like this.