Who gives better coin advice

biz or reddit

biz 90% pajeets
reddit 90% retards

and the other 10%?

the advice is equally good, r*ddit however is a degenerate cult, stay here

youll hear it first on /biz, always.

this is that buzzfeed mother fucker again.
go jump of a building chad.

On biz it's good that you can't downvote comments.
But it's getting harder and harder to find actual advice anymore, everyone just shills what they've invested in.

its easier to deduce whats bad on reddit becuase its all fucking bad but its harder to deduce what coins bad on Veeky Forums

Biz to discover coins, Reddit to determine if shitcoin / legit coin.

you'll hear it on biz first but its 100% shitcoins,

Those reddit fags will actually go read the white papers and do all your research for you

Fuck both of them normie crap now. Real shit is in 9gag and tumblr

what did biz think of bitcoin before it got big?

twitter obviously. Go buy some Iron, XVG, and Bitconnect. MOON ANYDAY NOW.


back to rebbit and stay there nigger.

yuck. BuzzFeed is literally fake news.
I hope they go out of business.

your mum sitting on muh dick

I don't know about reddit in general, but it's definitely a better source of information on cryptocurrencies. There's people there that actually bother to research and share their findings.

Veeky Forums is mostly a mix of underaged /pol/tards and pajeets..lets be honest now, there's hardly any quality discussion.

you must be new here
Veeky Forums is the tip of the spear for rumors/info on crypto

By the time news of a new promising coin pops up on reddit it has already gone 10x+. biz is the best for low cap shit coin moon missions.

that's been my experience. reddit is just faggots jerking eachother off, and Veeky Forums has that a bit with all the shilling, but at least new and interesting stuff sifts to the top.

Veeky Forums is quicker, there's a much more rapid supply of tidbits of knowledge here, once you've learned to autofilter the shit it's more of a goldmine than cumbersome reddit in debth conversations.

You can quickly hear 20 guys give one sentence support for a coin rather than 1 random guy give a paragraph who might be wrong anyway, statistically it'd be smarter to follow the 20 people.

i also would have never learned about ENG or RLC on reddit. one of which has already made me a lot of money, and hopefully the other will.

Been on Veeky Forums for almost 3 years now, buddy. Every coin, update etc that is discussed here, is also simultaneously discussed on reddit. I'd say that alot of info gets here from user's who get their info from reddit.

Redditors are cancer. The absolute state of the crypto subs there.

The upvote system never works for investing it just creates a echo chamber. You don't want to be the 99% you wanna be the 1%. Look at the vertcoin subreddit one of the larger crypto subreddit and vertcoin is out of the top 100.

cool story newguy, but you aren't fooling anyone.
>Every coin, update etc that is discussed here, is also simultaneously discussed on reddit.
not true. I've seen so many coins show up on here first (even recently: Nebulas, ECA, COLX). Yes they eventually show up on /r/cryptocurrency. This is not "simultaneous"... Biz is tip of the spear, and you'd know that if you spent a lot of time here.

Unironically this. There's a lot of shite here but the gold is really valuable.

>You can quickly hear 20 guys give one sentence support for a coin
Yeah some pump and dump discord fags

reddit has gone to shit aside from smaller subs

Retard pajeets

How could you doubt it? faggot.

That's why I said when you've autofiltered the shit. I can spot who's pnd shilling and who's not and it's easy to find a bunch of people offering genuine support for a particular coin quite quickly. It's not rocket science.

is reddit serious about this shit. i see the same garbage on all the subreddits.
>this is the best community! i bought into this coin for the tech, i don't even care about profits!

Follow up, how do you sort through the BS on biz?

wondering the same thing. an example is all this talk i keep seeing about ufr. i cannot tell if it's for real or not

it's an acquired skill.
it's like hanging out with somebody who lies a lot and being able to detect it over time.
you see repeating patterns of bullshit (eg "this coin is coming to amazon payments soon") and read between the lines.

...and you always DYOR to confirm tweets, screenshots, event dates, etc

fucking right?
shit is so sad.