ETH is our daddy now

because everybody is buying eth

Stop buying the shittiest of the shit coins user

use that goldfish brain of yours and try to figure this out

Bow to your new king.

people selling alts for ETH so they can cash out.

NEO and AST way up too


Say hello to your new overlord OP.
You must press $ to thank money skeleton for giving you gains if you want him to save your shitcoins.

APPC up 45% kek

hope this pedo gets hit by a car or something

Everything crashing? are you sure OP? i'm doing fine.

Panic sellers are trading back in to eth as a safe haven. DUHHHHHH


WHEN IS THE MOON STOPPING? I wanna get back in my alts in time

ETH being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

Chinks just broke 2k btw

My god, he's standing in front of the Red Fort! Stealth-pajeet confirmed.

>ETH is a token
Shoo shoo, Pajeet

exact same thing happened with ripple..just people chasing pumps and thinking it will go up forever non-stop

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?


I’m sorry you can’t handle a true alpha male being in charge. Money skelly doesn’t take kindly to your FUD, repent or never see gains again.

Sorry I cant hear you over my ez gain.

Because the bubbling is popping
People are selling shitty alts into ETH so the price of ETH is blowing up.
ETH will bomb soon as well once people are clamoring for fiat

why are you anything except for eth

Because binance just opened up to normies and theyre sending their litecoin over and trading it for eth for alts kek

LOOOOOOOOL think about this there are people who didn't see the flippening as a meme AND there are people who will think of this as a bull trap and sell before Casper

correction *did not didn't

fucking keked