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down 10k since jan 7th.

still hodling, might consider killing myself if my stack doesn't come back in a month.

All day every day - JUST call me the brainlet bagholder.

its not a JUST till you sell or get delisted
trinity middle

Survived all day but starting to now.


Blockchain being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the tokens. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy over $1?

>sold before a moon


>DBC dumping hard
>DRGN dumping hard
>ZCL dipping
>FUN dipping

I'm not having a good time right now

Okay listen anons, it might hurt but you learned something hopefully. do your research and do not buy shitcoins. YOU NEED FUNDAMENTALS for when things go south or you will be in for a lot of tears ALSO diversify into solid projects to reduce risk

Is that all that's in your folio?

You should really hold this longterm though.

I am.. but just...



i might buy tron if coinbase announces they're adding it. otherwise i see no reason why that coin would go up.

if you're getting JUST'D right now, you're doing something wrong.

It might hurt but you learned something hopefully. do your research and do not buy shitcoins. YOU NEED FUNDAMENTALS for when things go south or you will be in for a lot of tears ALSO diversify into solid projects to reduce risk

so comfy in VEN it hurts


chomping up XLM for shitcoin money

again comfy AF

>longed btc at 16k
>still haven't closed

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

Glad to hear I'm not the only one being JUSTED right now.

Why is everything tanking right now???? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

I had solid projects, but since they were doing well, but I sold some to buy other alts and take advantage of the dip. Simply misjudged the extent to which some of those alts would drop, which took me from a net positive to a net negative for today. That's what I get for trying to catch falling knives and I should have been a bit more patient, but I'm fairly confident or at least hope that they'll rebound soon.


>longed btc at 16k

???? why

I'm a poorfag that start at $600. Down $100 right now. I shouldn't have bought XLM when it was mooning and wait for correction. I've learned my lesson.

>See XLM hype everywhere
>Make my first crytpo investment ever on XLM at $0.75 when it first started dipping
>Kept dipping
>Kept dipping
>Kept dipping
>mfw $0.55

Also down $10k... since this morning. Iron hands.

Lost 800 usd in eth sending to a wrong address. Meh Still got .44 and rising so

how long must we wait for it to go back up

>started on Jan 7 with $2000
>down $300
When does it end?

>started on Jan 7

I'm being JUSTed by Coinbase for not processing my shit and Gemini and GDAXfor not verifying me! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM MISSING MOONS!!!!

Get fucking Polonibot Genius X Beta
I've been green throughout all of this mess and it works with binance/ed/cuck coin

This. Best trading bot if you don’t know how to create your own

Get in AppCoins now, save your self

Just bought at $0.55, it's called buy LOW sell HIGH.

My portfolio is down 2%. Not terrible but it’s the first red day I’ve had in a long time. Shitty feeling.

I don't know, but I'm just going to hodl forever


They both mooned while I was at work, didn't want to sell at the dip, waited for the moon...and waited...

Steel hands tho, will hodl until they hit new ATH

Should’ve put money in ICX. That’s the only reason I’m not getting BTFO right now.


All in on MGXL

If you’re getting JUST’D, gotta join the ICO and turn $1k into $10k.
No regrets

I’m down 27% in the last 24 hours. #Winning.


All in RCN and MUSIC. Feelin Comfy as hell.



red in almost everything, except for based Musicoin, which is keeping me ever so slightly in the green during this bear week

>stellar lumens
deserved it tbqh

Nah senpai Im good

What absolute shit do you guys invest in that it goes down that much? I get like an average of 3-8% return everyday. That’s why I’m bummed I’m down 2%

same I'm not letting go

kek this is what’s been minimizing my losses. bots = life

This. So much this.

Im still way positive but today has felt bad.

Up until now there were no bad days.

t. high high sell low

how do I get this

>Up until now there were no bad days.
Says the guy holding SALT. I hold it too, user. I know.

Why does everyone panic sell? That just makes everything go down more. Hodl and wait for new money to come in.

sounds like you guys need to cash out

Bitflur.com faggots
$1k at a time
no attention from IRS

thank me later

My return was like yours when I was super diversified. I consolidated into just 4 coins and I’m still up 400% for the past week, but just back down 27% today. So... not bad, I just need to keep big picture in mind and not focus solely on today’s changes only.

google is your friend

His mouse is sweaty, hands weak, bags are heavy
There's vomit on his keyboard already, stellar spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To drop bags

I don't think anyone here is panic selling. But the reason people do should be obvious. People see they're losing money and push the button to make it stop.

Only retards are getting JUST'd right now.

Will I be able to afford her?


XLM to zero boys


this shit happens literally everyday you fucking faggots. two hours and everything will be back to normal

I bought at $6 I'm not even mad.

Just waiting for the gains to turn around.

Oh, come on, right now the ETH pairings on Binance are 80% in the red, with percentages often much higher than the few green ones. Same on other exchanges. If you're looking at BTC pairings, BTC's value is plummeting, so of course that looks better. It's a bad day for the vast majority of people who are at least a bit diversified.

>had 10k
>lost 3k
>put on ripple at 14k thinking it gonna go up
>it's at 13.500 already


Doing fine

We all make that mistake when just starting out

>shills some bot no one has ever heard of
>two consecutive posts within a minute
begone pajeet

do not fall for the shills

DBC is literally getting killed by whales

>not knowing polonibot
are you sure you’re not the pajeet, streetshitter?

I googled it and it looked like scam so I didn't fall for it.

Oceanlab is -7% and Octanox is -22% today according to CMC. When is that picture from user?


I’ve been doing 500 at a time. 1k each time is safe?

Fuck you on about im 2k up from this morning..



Giving access to your accounts to a bot you didn't build yourself seems like a terrible idea, and probably is.

>REQ is a shitcoin
See you at $3 poorfag

Nice just bought 100k bitflur

Anything under 2500 per day is usually safe when it comes to cashing out

only 100 million in circulation at 30 cents


Jesus, Salt is the only thing in this piece of shit worth a fuck.



Every time I think things are too good to be true, I see these threads and instantly feel better.

God I love this

Getting hammered by XLM. I bought at 0.05 and again at 0.3 (AUD)
But it still hurts...

Lmfao how do you guys fuck this up? I have the shittiest of portfolios and see constant 5% daily gains

Get it together lads... You should have known to switch to Eth.