Ok bear with me

>don't hold any XRP, but,

Unironically, shouldn't this become more valuable as it is burned for transactions over the Ripple network? What am I missing anons?

Other urls found in this thread:


You could be running the max TPS possible for ripple for decades and it wouldn't be noticeable. It's like .0001 per tx or something

Hmm, I see, so this is a worthless token?

its a centralized utility token.
Its worth is actually about 100 dollars every decade. and to put the icing on top it has unlimited supply and ripple can be created out of thin air so yea. actually worthless

I don't know. If banks actually start using it, it could be worth a lot. In my opinion XRP accomplishes nothing more than a regular centralized database would. But I could be wrong of course.


>Ripple Countersues in $12 Billion Fight Over XRP Options
>In the latest twist in the legal battle, Ripple filed a counterclaim in New York state court that accuses R3 of signing the deal in bad faith, and using the partnership to steal its expertise in order to develop a competing product.
>The option contract represents nearly 10% of the approximately 55 billion XRP (out of a total supply of 100 billion) currently controlled by Ripple. This puts the stakes of the dispute on par with other epic early-days battles such as the one between Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and the Winkelvoss twins.

unironically, shouldn't it become less valuable over time as legal battles over who gets to play god of the economy are fought?

I would say it's worth a solid 5 cents

>What am I missing anons?
that the price of it has literally tanked 30% in about 2/3 days.

For the last goddamn time banks are not going to use Ripple. They're going to work with Ripple and then implement block chain into their own system.


im loving this

ripple is going below 2.0usd as we speak

im loving the fact that donks bought in to the fomo at 3,5 usd and beyond

this is fucking beautiful

>For the last goddamn time banks are not going to use Ripple.
nostro accounts bro. no other tech comes close. int. banks and payment providers are adopting it..

that's just how it is.

But how does this give XRP value? Shouldn't it actually benefit the banks if the price stays low, or else transactions will cost more? Thoroughly confused user


Hey literal who

To oversimplify: If bank A wants to send bank B $100 billion using XRP then the price and liquidity of XRP needs to match it.

The cost still remains low, as a standard transaction is .00001 XRP.

Even if XRP was a hundred bucks, it would still only cost a tenth of a cent to move billions.

>Shouldn't it actually benefit the banks if the price stays low, or else transactions will cost more?

Exactly right.

The cheaper the XRP token is, the less cost of transfer.

That was one of the reasons i stopped buying XRP after it reached 0.80 cents.

>Harvard dropout shills to make ends meet

Yah okay

Ripple will hit $4 end of feb

actually retarded.

stick to your bitcoin cash faggot

I see. The first replier said that the burned tokens will have a negligible impact on total supply (not sure if true). If this is the case and the increasing "scarcity" doesn't generate a price increase, what will?

you dun goofed.

Its not a commodity like crypto currencies that are mined. Its a made up chuck e cheese token used to scam retards out of there money to finance a banking project to improve their bottom line. Anyone who hasn't realized this is beyond saving at this point.

there is still plenty of time to get in, it won't hit for a month, play the game and dump into xrp with gains in two weeks

Banks are going to use Ripple. Dont you get it? They want all the money into ripple from the de centralized cyptro currencies. If you use Ripple you are against the whole idea of de centralization.

>the burned tokens will have a negligible impact on total supply

This is true.

> and the increasing "scarcity" doesn't generate a price increase, what will?

Utility, as I explained Remember, Ripple is targeting a market that moves over $5 trillion/day. I'm not saying they will capture it all, but if they even capture 10% of it that would **imply** a market cap of ~$500 billion. (** there are other criteria that could make this less, such as how long a particular bank will hold XRP after a transaction)

That is also assuming the entire supply is available and not squirreled away by private speculators (such as me and you) or other institutional uses like hedge funds (see Michael Arrington).

you're right. but a centralized database can't be trusted.
ripple is decentralized and thus all the jews who control it and can't be trusted, don't have to be.

Gladly, its mooning right now. Can't wait to gas you kikes.

>be ripple
>continue to split tokens till the end of time
>no gains
>all your money is back in the banks
Good goy.

>Its not a commodity like crypto currencies that are mined.
What are you talking about? There are dozens of coins and tokens out there that have real world use and cannot be mined. Read the white papers for the top 30 coins and tokens.

>Its a made up chuck e cheese token used to scam retards out of there money to finance a banking project to improve their bottom line.

The chucky cheese - XRP for another word - token is an asset, with a real world use in the financial and global payments system. And it also costs money.

>What am I missing anons?
OMNI is better and runs on bitcoin blockchain. There are only 600 thousand omni, while there are 100 billion XRP. OMNI is decentralized.

If its not secured by mining, its not decentralized, its not a crypto currency. Ripplets don't even understand the purpose of mining so they think XRP is = to crypto, because they're chasing pumps and think they're on the ground floor. When really they got duped and when ICOs take profits the money will go into XMR, ETH, BCH. Because they are actual crypto.

>hurr durr it's not actually crypto

Nobody gives a shit anymore. Have you not looked at cmc lately? ~75% of the coins aren't mineable.

People are in this shit now to make money, not be fucking ideologues.

Yeah, I have to agree.

kill yourself you braindead loser

So basically Ripple will have to buy XRP from private speculators on exchanges to fuel their network if they run out? What if everyone decides to hoard their XRP?

great rebuttal, dumbass.

You're about to learn a hard lesson this year about how this space works and where profits will move.

Not for at least 5 years, assuming the escrow sells the full billion each month - which isn't likely to happen as current sales have been around 300 million/month.

And institutional investors do not buy XRP on the open market, they buy directly from Ripple at a discount - with strings attached. IE - they can't buy a whole bunch and then dump it on the open market.

Sure thing, bucko.

Listen kid. Ripple has been and always will be the laughing stock among cryptocurrencies.

The only reason its gaining traction is dumbfucks like you.

>he thinks I'm talking about Blockstream coin

SeeYou've been warned. Nobody wants your shit token.

Going to be a rough year for you

Do you fucking hear yourself? Basically a bunch of nepotism and you dominate the market because you get all the insider deals. Meanwhile peons like yourself get the scraps. Unfucking believable.

All the shitcoins are tanking while Ether is exploding. ;)

Wrong. Crypto-purists such as yourself are the laughingstock... desperately trying to hold onto obsolete technology and REEEEEEing at everyone who builds something better.

People like myself, on the other hand, realize that inefficient technology doesn't stand the test of time. Never has, never will.

Transactions are fast, I wished binance used this coin to buy alt coins instead of BTC and the slow as shit ETH

With the problems that ETH has, where do you think that will go?

OMNI is not obsolete technology. Lightning Network and OMNI protocol make Bitcoin much better than Ripple. USDt token is created using OMNI layer. what is created using Ripple? NOTHING.

It's how the world works, jackass. By your logic no consumer should have made any money holding Amazon or Google stock - unless of course you think there were never any backroom deals in those industries?

Ok, thanks for answering my questions.

Oh yeah I forgot years only last one day now

I don't really follow ETH. I think smart contracts are a good concept but nobody has really figured out exactly what the fuck to do with them yet.

fuck you user

Ripple isn't an advancement in technology. Its just a centralized database piggy backing on blockchain. Its just coming around now because finance has literally never had competition.

Shareholders have a stake in the company you fucking retard! Ripple has no obligation to XRP holders literally at fucking all!

You're an idiot.

This is some next level shilling. Take note pajeets.

>finance has literally never had competition

Now it does. And I'm profiting from it. Fuck do you care anyways?

>Shareholders have a stake in the company you fucking retard!

Do you understand what an analogy is, retard?

Stocks are a ponzi
Precious metals are a ponzi
Shitcoins are a ponzi

You think your schemes are going to last? Real crypto are backed by technology that helps humanity as a whole instead of supporting criminal enterprises.

I am? Tell me what smart contracts you've used in your life. Go on.

>Real crypto are backed by technology that helps humanity as a whole

Fuck off with your fantasy world bullshit. bitcoin mining already consumes more power than the country of Denmark. "helps humanity" my fucking ass.

>Ripple is the financial systems competition because its providing services for the financial system
>an analogy is an argument

>shill targets btc in argument about all cryptos

Every time.

Again, why do you care? Are you my wife? Why in the actual fuck would you give a flying rats ass what I do with MY money?

XRP is valuable because it meets the needs of the banking system, corporate world, government, and military. The top 10% wealthiest in the world control more than $500 Trillion in wealth. That is why XRP is valuable and will go to a $50 Trillion market cap.

someone got jewed.

Yes. It was a massive pump and dump scam to steal people's ETH/BTC.

If you hold any XRP right now you are literally disabled.

Nobody uses the fuckin token, they just give it to banks who want to experiment with the tech, and the banks just sit on it or sell it. Whats there to burn besides just some coins moving around in exchanges.

Mining gives coins value and security. Sure Bitcoin is sloppy but it is the pioneer coin that started it all. The mining will stop as well so there goes your argument and people holding 1 coin could be a millionaire someday. ;)

Also do people suddenly forget the bank bailouts? Do they forget the housing bubble? People lost their livelihoods to these bastards and then you support Ripple.

Give me a break.
Yeah the only reason it was developed was to steal your time away from other good honest coins. If you are greedy and invest in the corporate coin you are going to get burned.


>AH-1 Cobra Attack Helicopters strike your convoy with TOW missiles and 20mm high-explosive cannon fire.

>Total mission cost: 90 XRP

>Corporate world pumps $50 Trillion into XRP
>Holders of XRP get burned


>Also do people suddenly forget the bank bailouts? Do they forget the housing bubble?

I haven't forgotten at all, and that's one of the reasons why I'm betting on the house.

This is the thing you purists don't understand: Your premise behind taking power from the banks was never going to work.

You don't attack an enemy's strengths, you attack their weaknesses. With cryptos you tried to weaponize money against the institutions THAT HAVE ALL THE FUCKING MONEY,

Do you not understand how retarded that is? It's like trying to fight a battleship with a fucking canoe.

You were beaten before you even started.

>money is what banks and government tell me it is

Sometimes I wonder if I will feel sorry for all the XRP FUDders who will be holding bags of zero-bid shitcoins when the worldwide panic into XRP begins.

Unless you have the power to overthrow them, that is EXACTLY what it is. You're clearly too stupid to realize it.

you don't attack the enemy at all. you replace him. and just as the car replaced the horse, it takes time. cars were not better then horses overnight.

thats what you subs don't understand. desperate and eager for any excuse to continue to submit to your old masters.

we're going to decentralize the economy, government, everything. unless they kill us first, and they very well may. until then strap in

is the incentivisation of XRP being cheaper than their own developed coins enough to make banks use it?

I won't.

I also won't even claim that XRP is going to be "the" crypto that's allowed to reign. It's simply the odds-on favorite right now.

This guy gets it.

Thats where the de centralization comes in which makes crypto impervious to top down attacks . So unless the government is ready to decimate the world populous by cutting the power supply they cannot stop the peer to peer movement.

and by us i just mean a general mass depopulation effort. kill off most of the population, pretend its an accident. and then its the old dinosaur systems to the "rescue" to regain control in crisis. as planned

All US banks used to issue their own currencies in the 1800's. These were ultimately replaced by the Federal Reserve Notes that we use today. One currency is far more efficient than a bunch of currencies.

but if we replace them fast enough they wont even be able to. nobody is all powerful. we take our chance to replace the evil dinosaur systems now. or we wont get another chance.

Rest In Piss cripple.

>we're going to decentralize the economy, government, everything

No you're not. Every fucking year the government gets bigger. Every fucking year the economy becomes more centralized.

amazon reigns supreme in online commerce
google reigns supreme in information
facebook reigns supreme in socialization

and they get bigger year after year. you're only salvation will be when the whole shit collapses under it's own weight. unless you've got a china sized army hiding in your backyard you're along for the ride like everyone else.

Haha governments are freaking out too. USA enacting a capital gains tax and Russia/China are looking to outright ban them while parading their bullshit petrol/yuan/gold currency.

and it makes you hard as fuck doesn't it? you just can't wait to bend over and take it. fuck off, you are disgusting worm man. should humanity die on it's knees or on its feet? its death either way frankly, but if we stand up maybe, just maybe, we have a future. pussy


you think you will take this world from the bankers you gotta be joking, but nevertheless try "hero". I'm sure many of you think you're actually great human beings and the bankers are evil, but will you guys honestly be different than the bankers are now?

this is how /pol/ fell to the deep state. don't let these guys get to you anons

this ones gonna finna moon lambo

Not the person you're replying to, but you sound like an insufferable moralfag. I'm invested in cryptocurrency for money, not a make believe fairy fantasy that you imagined from a video game.

Power changes a man, and money is power, these bankers have been doing it since forever, you retards think you can beat them, but i will tell you this, there's a reason they rule the world and not you, you arent going to win.

yeah, get mad because I just blew your literal utopia fantasy land all to shit with realism.

Present to me a viable way to change the status quo I'm more than willing to entertain the idea. Magic internet money isn't going to do it.

There is no money for you long term with centralized systems. Have you learned nothing of banking history?

the delusion of a Sherpa

Name me a successful nation that has 1400 different goddamn currencies.


bankers? lol if only it was that easy. if only it went no deeper then that. oh no, our true enemy is far worse. evil, just evil, pure distilled evil. and if we let it win we wont exist anymore. so no matter how hopeless it looks, we really don't have a choice but to fight it. and i'm hardly a hero when the only "fight" i'm talking about is gradual replacement of dinosaur systems with decentralized alternatives. i'm not exactly calling for an actual fight here. they can probably just flip a switch and fry everyones brains with microwaves overnight or something. it's really quite hopeless and we're all going to die.

still, gotta give it a go eh? no other choice

How many times do i have to remind people crypto is decentralized. Theres no banking cabal in this revolution.


