Who is comfy in this chaos?! Icon warriors!
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What are you talking about? It fell from $13 to $11
>mah korean ethereum
Going to be 10 pretty soon. I knew this was a shitty coin.
There's only one ethereum, and that's Ethereum. Got it? Not this fake chink shit.
It's gonna rise to 15$ from 10$ shit head!
Shitcoin confirmed. Pump is over ladies
I almost sold at $12+ but didn't :(
Isn't this one pending release in S. Korean markets in the next couple weeks?
Yeah, it's going to go up.
Bags getting heavy, my friend?
lol take it easy they will figure it out later. I mean we need losers in this zero sum market you know
Got you bro! All these fuckers will cry on Jan 24th
whales putting up buyswalls in ether now. Went back in
Listen to me
I'm not fucking selling
If you believe in ICX in the long run, don't look at the current price.
Every doubter/fudder of this coin is getting BTFO by EOM.
What happens on January 24th?
Selling Status?
Seriously, look at most alt coins right now. That ETH pump fucked almost everyone up that was doing well the past few days. All the money is just going to get pumped right back into these. Good time to buy more if anything.
Just glanced Binance, all the top growth coins right now are garbo. That's not going to last more than a day or two tops.
This coin is unstoppable. Nobody wants to sell.
Goes live on mainnet
Jan 24? and?
I would have hedged with ETH if I could have but its too late now. I won't sweat riding this one out.
I jumped in with my trade stack to ride a moon. It's staying there. I like ICX a lot. This is one of those great long term holds.
Is that all, that's noting special. who cares.
Also a conference in the largest tower in SK a week later which will definitely come with news
Going all in once this shitcoin drops to 7.00.
Once that occurs it will end up on Korean exchanges soon after and they will probably buy like hot cakes.
But whatever. Go shill some garbage like REQ or TRON perhaps.
It's weird because Koreans don't give a shit. All the posts in Korean altcoin forums are laughing at the yanks for thinking Koreans give a shit about icon.
I'm thinking about either this at really cheap or ENG which is the only legit coin that's actually green.
Prove it faggot
The fudders are out in force in this thread. Not selling faggots.
Go back to xvg and pump your dumb money
ICON Gang, not gonna fucking sell.
Fudders can fuck off
Source or kys faggot
Learn Korean dumb fuck
Link to the thread, any of them dumb fuck. Screenshot, anything.
Bought even more. Not sure if deluded
I know korean you silly goose, post a link
ICX is doing better than expected, just buy more on the dip if you have extra ETH.
Knew you didn't have shit, thanks for confirming
zoom out and tell me this is crashing. in this bitch since 2 dollars holding at least half until eoy.
When u try to buy more... and the fucking icon marines are actually not selling. God damn
No one fucking selling this shit
>$2 down from ATH
REEE i bought in at $2, user.... should i sell??
>selling on a dip
Sell faggot we need more sellers
Icon doesn't give a fuck
>implying i would sell my icx pre mainnet launch
bought in at $2. im not selling for a long time breh
>FOMO'd in at ATH like 2 days ago
>still up 1000satoshis
Nice crash. Not selling
Nah this feels like link when it was 50 cents last month and everyone thought I was retarded for still accumulating.
Whale bros are here
>barely started dipping
>FUDders making it seem like this is the end
This coin has been green all day and is barely dipping. That’s the sign of a resilient fucking coin.
Whale bro no.2 wants a piece lol
Jesus Christ. I wish I had half a mil to buy ICX with right now.
Fuck is this free willy episode 3? Those who didn't might want to take a piece now before it goes back to normal
>Implying it is not priced in already.
How far up are we talking about 14.00?
>implying that 99% of people even know what mainnet is
>implying Koreans aren’t going to buy the fuck out of this once it hits CoinOne
bought in at 11.50...am i fucked?
Dude, no. $15 by Sunday.
>shitpost 5000
anyone with half a brain can look at icx chart and see which direction this shits moving
Don't look at Dollar for alts, look at eth ratio since that's what u are going to get out of it. It's gonna jump back which probably ends up in a 10% increase in dollar and 0 in eth today
hey, wattauknow, its going back up...what was red, is now green. Good job Whale Bros.
Based on what?
are you retarded
As soon as i got it at 11.30 it goes down to 10.00. Jan 25th, here we come. Korea numba 1.
Based on it’s trajectory. It was $9 just a few days ago. Damn near $13 last night. I can guarantee we’ll see $15 by Sunday at the latest.
>Implying if 99% of people don't know what mainnet is, that very 99% will suddenly know what it is and buys ICX when mainnet launches.
Just wait until Jan 25th. It'll be $15 by then for sure.
>bought during ICO
>all gains are free
gonna be $20 by then tbhfam
When mainnet launches people will see 800mil minted coins and things could get ugly.
>implying that very 99% will not hear about mainnet and wont fomo in like good putas
It’s not going to be 800mil right at launch. Of the 400mil they’re adding, only 20% can be released per year. ~6.7mil a month. Little to no effect on the price.
can i go to sleep or is this going to crash to 0 as soon as i close my eyes?
bithumb soon
Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
starting to go down, get ready to sell and buy the dip
massive buy wall atm, i think this is the dip
It already went down
how many of you are planning on selling when it moons later this month and who is planning on holding longer term?
Euros waking up. Let’s see how they handle this.
Fuck, doesn’t look like they’re handling it well. It’s dipping pretty well. I’m giving myself until the 11th to hit .0008800 before I start freaking out.
I'm hodling until the 24th.
Nothing can stop my hodl bru.
Will it ever go up again
Dumb cunts like these just don't understand. ETH is gaining alot, it affects almost all alts. We'll reach a new ATH this week. Faggot.
Is that a money snek I see forming?
Yes user, Ready to live the rich life?
How do I identify the money snake again?