Does nobody give a shit that the US Dollar is going to be JUSTed harder than its ever been JUSTed before!?

Does nobody give a shit that the US Dollar is going to be JUSTed harder than its ever been JUSTed before!?

All oil purchased in the world will be purchased with the Chinese Yuan! For the past 40 years the world's had to use the US Dollar! It's fuckin game over for burgers man, game over. They will even have to use the Yuan to buy that shit. Cucked!

Petrodollar is what USA switched to when they eliminated the gold standard btw. This is a big deal! Huge ramifications. It's potentially the first time crypto will be used as a hedge. Do you know what that means! Do you!?

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>TFW you're 50% invested in VEN.

kikes set us up with this flimsy as shit, house of cards monetary system

are we gonna have to go to war with the chinks to prevent everything from collapsing?

have it ever made you think
non burgers have to use burger currency?
how cucked

biz is full of pajeets. most here hold rupees so this means nothing to them

finally i'll be able to legally kill gooks for "muh country" and shiieet

Yeah but a weak dollar is good for export.

Chinese Gov will work hard to keep the Yuan value low compared to the dollar

Please screen cap this and save it on your phone. That way, one day, you can look back and no for sure that you are a retard.

>no for sure

the USA is producing enough oil now that we soon won't even need to import. So what if the dollar takes a hit I have bitcoins.

And if the dollar does become devalued, that would actually spur investment, and it would become easier for us to export products. A weaker dollar would be good for the US right now

No empire lasts forever senpai. The US of 2030 would be akin to a fortress, smart people (moi) are buying real estate with water rights and putting the rest into crypto in case Bernie #2 comes to power. We're in for some interesting times

Yeah brother i know that feel

*know not no you absolute fucking retard

Cant find it on coin market cap??

That's why they invented XRP. It's the new world reserve currency.

you cuck just wait till Dobert Trump pumps his Trumpcoin. instant 100x and no cucks can buy

usd tether keke

smart man I have a node myself

seems stable tho

>thinking usd is backed by oil
You must be 18+ to post here champ

I might pick up a few just for fun.

It's called the "Petro-Dollar System." Look it up. After the US closed the "gold window" in 1974 countries started selling dollars and buying gold, especially Middle Eastern countries. The US persuaded the Arabs to stop dumping dollars by working out a deal where OPEC would only sell crude oil in US Dollars, thereby creating worldwide demand for US Dollars.

true, its backed by aircraft carrier fleets, DEW, stealth aircraft, nukes, and satellites

How do I get a node

China will be keen to keep the peace until their economy outpaces the USA, they will want to gradually keep outgrowing it, it is highly probable that the US is eager for war before that time comes, they are already setting up the pieces, they will use any viable excuse.

Japan is a vassal of America, they are rebuilding their army, this is the first time since the end of ww2 that they are even allowed anything.

South Korea joint exercises and close military ties and cooperation, sharing of resources, deployment of radar stations and other military infrastructure on the peninsula.

These two are to keep china in check, particularly focusing on the south china sea so that the US can strangle their economy at will.

A large portion of the fleet was sent to train with the Australians under some bs guise of 'military exercises', these 'exercises are deployments.

The US has failed to topple the Russian satelite state of Syria with their proxy terrorist armies supplied by the Iraqi army and the Saudi's.
The Saudi's are rich and their oil is running out, they are using their oil wealth to buy American weaponary to expand their influence in the region, they are rich and eager for power, they arm proxy groups to fight their religious enemies and their allies (sunni vs shia). Best seen recently in Yemen and Iran itself.

tl;dr the stage is being set and I'm buying gold and oil to hold for a year, if the economy goes up then growth will increase oil demand, if war breaks out, oil prices will rise as well, either way, I win.


Besides XRP, my only other position is in gold stocks. I'm not holding gold in case of war, but just because I think the West is due for inflation and rising interest rates because of decades of money-printing.

How do you buy oil bro? if there is a world war the economy with crash and there will be fucking blood.

how much oil do you have? where are you storing it? like crude oil?

I have silver and guns. need more ammo for guns.

oil futures and options, oil ETFs, oil companies, oil investment trusts.

Be careful with oil companies, if say there is instability in Iran you might want to check what companies are doing anything with the fields there, if their assets are taken or damaged it is unlikely to be favorable to the company in question.

yea fuck that if i bought oil it would be good old texas black.

My only other positions besides XRP are gold and silver mining companies.

do you think he's buying barrels of oil? lol

Yes please lets protect the jews treasure and slavery over the fat ameriburger goys by killing chinks.

Why XRP?

Doesn't the USA have more gold in their reserve than any other country? If we went back to the gold standard it would be the top currency (besides the euro because those fags have to team up)

lol u fucking retard

i hope that u are murican , i cant wait to see murica get fucked so hard by the chinks

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@

I don't give a shit about Tether

There is no way the world would go back to using gold as a currency. that is fucking retarded.

the west is gonna fail due to bad demography
usa looks better, but only cause they are replacing whites with blacks and mudd
this is not gonna do it
i buy land

user china is at an economic breaking point, what do you think will happen with petroyuan when yuan crashes?

No gold backed block chain or payment system like

I have 20 acres, no gold though T_T

>water rights
What's the significance of this?
Also what do you mean by fortress?

gold is pointless
modern kids only care about virtual shitcoins and virtual things in general
modern girls dont even like wearing gold necklace

maybe I should buy another 20 acres and raise livestock.

Means land with water on it so you can drink.

Yeah, water rights are cheap as fuck right now cause nobody knows that they'll need it.


Hard to say what the future will hold but access to spring water would be invaluable should water prices skyrocket.