Who else /jail/ here next year?
You know they will find a way to make you bankrupt.
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Ich bin retarded, plz don’t go full German
And I only got 2k so I’m not really worried at the moment
Wie oft pro Tag?
/auustrian/ here. we have to pay taxes on EVERY TRANSACTION
Okay seriously enough
We don't need 3 German threads a day.
My questions regarding taxes have thankfully been answered over the last 2 days.
das Lachen intensiviert sich
Just form company in near 0 % corporate tax juristdiction and get corporate bank account and crypto payment gateway and cash out tax free through your new company ?
just pay the horrendous taxes on your effortlessly gained internet money if you want to sleep well, or go full on macAfee and live on an island with scat hookers
Just pay your 80% Taxes and donate the rest of your money to mohammed and aische in the next refugee camp
i will give them the percentage i owe them on the profit i cash out, but not the one for each trade.
They will propably still put me in jail
yeah that smells like jail, I think there is no middle ground between handing in a 930 terabyte PDF file of trades and paying 99% taxes, or going full monerogue
>tfw refugees find out about crypto and become millionaires
>tfw refugees don't need to pay taxes
>tfw refugees get our women, use free public transportation, get free housing and food from governemnt
leude mir langds fei ich hab so an hals ey
wanted to kms before crypto, still can if they take it all away
>no law directly relating to crypto, just some sort of
>like 3-4 different laws that conflict each other on the matter since crypto fits into all of them to some extent
>the "if you keep it for 1 year you don't have to pay taxes"-brigade
What is it then?
it's europe, of course you are paying at least 40% taxes
haha as if, if you made too many trades you will end up with more in taxes than you can afford, seen it happen countless times.
good opportunity tonight
I love you Veeky Forums
that's the spirit
unironically Einkommensteuer,
wenn du keine arbeit hast und z.b 24.000 auscashed 3500 Euro steuer in meinen steuerbrikett , nur 8000 dann kriegste alles am ende vom jahr wieder
I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
Kannst du Deutsch sprechen du verfickter Refugee?
fick dich
bayrische herrenrasse
>wenn du keine arbeit hast und z.b 24.000 auscashed 3500 Euro steuer in meinen steuerbrikett , nur 8000 dann kriegste alles am ende vom jahr wieder
>Was ist Grammatik?
Tja, Herrenrasse dein gebleachtes Arschlöchli :^)
Gerade mit meinem Steuerberater gesprochen, wenn ich 1 Jahr halte zahlt man GAR KEINE Steuern, auch keine Einkommensteuer.
Wer ADST holt kann unironisch nach Monaco auswandern. 0% Steuern.
Auch: youtube.com
Lies das und hör auf so dumme Threads aufzumachen, zahl halt deine Steuern
gildet seit 2006 nich mehr lel
Ich traue eher einem echten Steuerberater statt Autisten auf einem Bilderbrett
Ich ge sicher nicht inknast. Ihmerhin bin ich der Drachenlord
heil hitler