It doesn't have the memes, but today it brings news.
and price is still doing nothing
Meh news dropped just over an hour ago. It's gone up about 1000 sats since.
holding 318 RLC
whats everyones expectations?
Im guessing this is some open source fog computing company? I was hoping for something better.
Have you googled the founders of OpenFog? You will shit bricks.
it's a fog maker, for halloween events and such
Up to this point RLC hasn't been one of those coins that biztards p&d. At minimum this will keep the steady increases going that started in Dec. Still OpenFog is biiiiggggg, so we'll see what happens the next couple days.
It's a good longterm hold imo. Steadily rising
According to the devs on telegram, this isn't one of the two January announcements, they just signed this yesterday so it's a bonus.
Hory shit.
> Board of directors includes senior members of Intel, Cisco and Dell
Glad I picked up 500 RLC when I could. Being a studentfag poorfag is awful.
Fuark that's really good news! Just as I was losing patience with the team they restored it. Good on them. Now all we need is a solid exchange n&s were flying
where's the telegram?
tfw I really like the project
tfw I only own 125 RLC
tfw I can't afford more because poorfag
3800 RLC holding strong. Bought 1000 in april and accumulating ever since. Not selling before 2 b mcap.
According to the team this isn't even a big deal for them, tomorrow will be THE NEWS and it will have mainstream media coverage.
here y'all go :)
U srs? Plz don't tease me
I'm serious mate! Other Executers can confirm?
Since these guys can't meme, should we help them?
Where did you get this info? Slack? I checked slack and can find nothing...
On tuesday they said they'll reschedule the announcement to thursday and mentioned mainstream media coverage. Now after this announcement they said this is not the thursday one
Invite link to telegram group?