I've seen the fud on this coin and been skeptical but honestly doesn't this seem like a really good time to buy? Unless someone can shill me otherwise I'm holding trx
No pajeet scum
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Lol I bet you're holding bags pajeet.
Sounds like you already shilled yourself and are now a bag holder
Keep your bag. We don't want it.
This does seem like a good time to buy I guess. However, you're forgetting something:
Never trust a chink.
No I literally just bought in at 10 cents I'm morning tryna pajeet you fucks shill me on something else if you don't want me in tron
Not tryna pajeet you fucks*
i originally bought at .04 and .07.
i bought more at .10 last night.
you'll regret not buying this dip. the market on this has been spiked, it'll never be worthless again even if it turns out to be a scamcoin.
You... you aren't from around here are you?
bought at .002 and then at .01 sold for .21 made 20 grand. You were and are too late. LOL you are like the loser version of me in an alternate universe.
I'm holding bags and I'm dead inside.
I actually just bought in too. It's definitely a good time to buy, in my opinion the best altcoin to be in right now.
Tron just partnered with Baofeng which is basically the Netflix of china with over 200 million users, huge
It's also at rock bottom after the spike but still double what it was a few days ago.
Did you even read the whitepaper?
Its not only plagiarized, but this entire thing has no product and is mostly vaporware, with a twink at the lead.
>Be Rick & Morty
You're a fool for buying above 20 cents but it's gonna moon again and even out around 16 cents again you might be able to catch that
nah broski digibyte is the answer.
You will prob see another resurgence like what happened with neo
Wouldn't hold this crap long term
Clearly nobody even cares stay poor pajeet
>muh plagiarized whitepaper
If you did any research on tournament own you'd know tron's whitepaper is less copy and pasted than at least 50% of these other shitcoins that have mooned to mars and beyond. You aren't going to make it if you can't see this coin is a good buy right now because people are fudding the whitepaper no one is reading. Go actually read it
It's probably gonna 50% in the next 2 days maybe 2x. Personally I'm gonna sell after that
you guys are retarded fucks. They are burning coins in Q1. Look at ripple 22 cents for years then burn guess what? everyone jumps on the bandwagon now its over a couple bucks
This is an obvious moon mission, just not sure how high it will go until it moons. The Chinese are holding off for a few days
According to this middle aged white man with glasses were up for a pump
less than 4 hours to go- good luck
They're burning coins? Who the fuck isn't gonna buy after hearing that?
We are up for a pump.
He's trying to get rid of his bags
The guy talks like a living pajeet whitepaper. Everything is hype. Turns out if you squint your eyes and keep repeating that you're going to decentralize everything then you can make a successful token out of literal vaporware. You can also make a top coin just like TRX if you make an ERC-20 token with 65bn supply, even at 0.01 congratulations you're more than halfway to $1bn market cap and instantly a top ~50 coin.
i bought in at 2 cents I've got no bags lol im ready for this pump tonight
Wow there’s going to less worthless chink coins in circulation?! The tron crypto currency is going to be worth $10,000.
Just bought 100k thanks OP for the great tip!
Guess you don't understand crypto
A plagiarized whitepaper is not "fud", it is a fact that it cause for serious alarm.
"EENTERNET 4.0 so..... yea... buy buy buy" verbatim from JUSTin No-Moons live stream. Every sat this piece of shit goes down I smile.
Stay poor
>Justin SUN
Literally the OPPOSITE of moon retards
>it's not plagiarized that was just fud
Little known fact
this is the kind of in depth TA that I come here for. just sold 100k
Neither are you, reddit
this is a fuckboy coin
get OUT and into a real coin
zuckerberg is not going to be beaten by a fuckboy he's onto this shit already
>muh tech, muh whitepaper
>sell wall demolished by a 17 million TRX buy
We might make it lads
>We will make it lads
Yeah. Honestly if you weren't there for the moon to 30 cents. Don't even bother. This coin is designated shit. Just pull your money out and invest in icx/salt/ven
>icx and salt
I'm trying to make it here
And I just sold my sweet VEN profits for trx. learn to crypto I'm going back in Vechain after tron moon
Bought in at 17 on what I thought to be a bounce, but ended up being a dead cat.
Getting justd hard by tron. Hopefully it spikes so I can at least take a smaller hit to my stack when I finally can dump this chink scam
i bought 100k at .29c
so what's your strategy?
buy high, sell low
It will bounce back up to 16-17 cents
well i thought it would keep rising a bit, that is pretty much it, now i just need to hold for a .30c pump to gtfo... shoulda put it in ZCL
It will 2x this week
It will moon up to 30 cents though :)
I'm not so sure about that. Jews are shifty, but chinks are even worse. I'm unironically thinking about going all in on trx today just because I'd bet money that superjew faceberg got wind of JUSTins live stream bagging on him and his kikebook. Cuckerberg may be the one fueling the fud just because jews are vindictive like that, but you know the chinks won't back down.
Who's the winner between chinks and jews?
>HAHAHA yesssss goy TRX is a shit coin sell now to save your shek- I mean, your money goy! 9 million jews died hehehe you can trust me
literally every fucking anti-TRX shill here. Do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says, always.
That's the "proof"
We're currently making it
thanks, i hope you're right, I'm sure it will do okay long term, China doesn't like to see it's shit fail...publicly
>literally every fucking anti-TRX shill here. Do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says, always.
i bought IOTA in September because of the crazy FUD. once there were the exit scam rumors coming out about Justin, i began buying. it's too easy
is this fake? i never saw this tweet.
fake tweet cmon nigga
its a shitcoin at the end of the day but jesus there is still so much pump and dump opportunity
these idiots here just dont like free money
>144 million TRX buy
Holy heck we might moon really soon.
Nice just bought 100k
20% of 0 is still 0.
I mean how can you prove you're doing a coin burn? Should he stack a bunch of paper wallets and douse them in gasoline?
it's obviously fake
It's already the 11th in chonya
that's why i'm in it. the volume is too tasty to pass up
If there's 1 pajeet scum scam coin..
it must be this one lmao
I just went all in
Anyone who buys TRX obviously doesnt know anything about market caps.
This shit would have to become more valuable than BTC just to get to a few dollars lmaoooo
Theres 65 billion in supply.
17 mill isnt shit.
Pack it up boys, the get has spoken
>muh marketcapzzz
Why spreading FUD? read this and believe in TRON!
>not trading this high volume shitcoin for 20% gains on the reg. topkek
mfw lost all gains I made on TRX bag holding it too long
mfw it either pumps or I kill myself
Do you honestly think market caps are not important?
Its impossible for TRX to get to $10. All you need to do is look at the MC to see that, but if you want to be normie tier and predict it will be $10,000 EOY, then go ahead, its not my money.
I hadn't seen some of those tweets from Justin. He handles himself better on Twitter than certain other Asians involved in crypto
>arguing semantics
This literally makes zero sense.
>duuuur it has to be worth $15k to be worth $3 duuuuuurrr
he's talking about marketcap
you're retarded
money is money user, gotta at least respect the hustle.
>babby has never seen a multi year bear market.
can't wait for all your pink wojack posts in the catalog when nothing moons for months
He didnt mention marketcap so haha i win
Shhhhh, just quietly accumulate :)
>Anyone who buys TRX obviously doesnt know anything about market caps.
>This shit would have to become more valuable than BTC just to get to a few dollars lmaoooo
>doesnt know anything about market caps.
market caps
you are literally retarded. go back to plebbit
I love TRX, I'm making mad money buying at 750 and selling at 850.
Some sadistic whale is going to pump it with everyone going apeshit fo a couple of days, then it will crash and burn. Screencap this.
it'll jump to .5 and then never go above 12 cents again