You've been buying the dip, right?
POE General
Slowly but surely we are mooning boyzz.
bought in at ath, fml
> Implying i didn't buy the Chad CREA coin at 10 mil marketcap instead of the Virgin POE at 300 mil marketcap
it's like you guys have no idea how meme markets work. enjoy buying high! and crea are both interesting, I saw a good third option for this as well but forget it... as someone who used the US copyright system this year, these could replace a process that costs average users 50-80$ per
big fan of poe, hate the pullback, love the long term...
no. I've been bagholding the dip because KuCoin stole my POE 5 days ago and has yet to return
is this it boiz? Is the pump correction finally over?
Poe rocket prepped!
Goddamn I hope it actually pumps for real this time lol
you mean dumping before the crash right?
Yes I bought last night and I bought today. Now shill me on it so when my gf asks asbout it I have something to tell her.
Is this it, is this the moonening?
Walls are weakening. Break the trend! Fuck the whales.
jump the ship
.00001050 wall broken. next stop moon.
Wooooo let's go!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This moon is not
waiting for you
>this sell wall
I fucking hate whales
Copypasta but listen up if you want gains, POEcucks:
creativechain (CREA): multimedia blockchain P2P marketplace for distributed intellectual property. more power to artists by avoiding intermediaries and abusive content distribution laws =>
> ~10mil market cap
> volume went up 7-fold since yesterday
> actual minable coin, not a poor erc20-scamtoken (top20 are actual coins too)
> has had longterm organic growth
> website and platform look just beautiful
> active github
> platform testnet finally started just a few days ago, full launch end of jan
> marketing literally just beginning
> similar to POE but with 40x smaller market cap
> telegram already has 1000 members
imagine instagram/patreon/vimeo on a dezentralized ecosystem for content creators with blockchain proofed timestampend licensed copyright. the creators can sell their content or their copyright (or just parts of it), they get royalties, microdonations from likes/upvotes, popular content gets extra revenue through a fund, due to creativechain's decentralized nature the creators can't get censored and without middlemen like patreon et al. no one is taking a huge cut from the creator's revenue.
look how easily polarising figures get banned from patreon, youtube or twitter. look at the viewerbase of those polarising figures. then look at this project.
I dont buy charity coins.
All these crybaby pussies when you could easily just sell for a small loss and triple your stack on CREA as soon as people do their due diligence and realize i'm completely fucking right and CREA is this weeks BNTY.
W-what are charity coins?
Hello Captain pajeet
Don't call me a Pajeet for letting you know the next moon mission you fucking faggot