Tech cycle

how many people you know asked about cryptocurrencies in the last 2 weeks ?

it's crazy, last year i was dying to talk to someone about them, now i am sick and i want to scream at the next person who ask me " hi mate, how are you ? listen how can i buy bitcoin fast ? also do you know shitcoin , is it anygood ?

i think we just entered in the early majority phase.

Yup, it's gay, just accumulate as much as you can and get ready for the fun stuff. Also, don't reveal your power level.


Someone I know put all he had in to FUN. Hope it works out for him.

Be honest with me user, how many years do we have before crypto goes full normie.


well word spread pretty quickly.

i think by the end of the year there will be more people that you know that hold some crypto than the ones who dont

everyone's talking about it
very few are actually buying and trading

maybe in USA, but in Europe almost nobody gives a fuck about crypto yet

yeah but the number is increasing very fast.
sure you have helped some normies friend to buy some.

soon that same normies friend will help even normier friends, and the disease will spread so quickly...

This. They all think it's a bubble. When the get over their fear it will be to late for them, they will get in right in time for the bloodbath.

Actually i live in italy.

>revealing your power level

Out of few hundreds people I communicate with I know exactly 1 person who holds btc.
No one knows I own crypto.

0 because I haven't left my house since the 26th dec

i know exatly 1 person who owns crypto and he is a software dev autist like me


I've been rubbing it in my family and friends faces how much money I'm making and these morons are still saying how it's a bubble and how I shouldn't put in all of my money. News flash fuckwads, I put in less money in 2 months than I'd normally spend on video games and collectibles and now I'm sitting comfy on a half years of pay just a couple weeks later.

I'd probably have to steal my senpaitachi phones, sign them up and transfer them coins for them to get into it, and even then they would still talk shit, or go full retard and ask why I didn't make them get into it earlier (like I've already been trying). Normies are fucking retarded and deserve to be poor.

i get uncomfortable anytime someone mentions bitcoin

This. It's nowhere near normie level. Most people still come up with "hurr it has no value", when I ask them if they know what fiat money is they look at me like I'm from mars.

Most normies don't even know the dollar is off the gold standard, jesus.

Yeah I could see this happening. The old "I'll buy in when there's a big crash and bitcoin goes back to $100! Then I'll buy in and become a millionare!"

Then they FOMO and buy in at $600,000 BTC lul

at first , month ago, they were saying to me as well that it was all a bubble.

now everyone want me to take 100 EUR of crypto for them and give back 10000.

fun thing is that i did exactly that for my mom (ETH at 12$) , so they really expect i can do it again when they hear that.

In germany it's going mainstream, too. It's all over the news.

Everyone is talking about it but nobody knows shit. Normies aren't investing anything worthwhile because the average American has only $1000 in savings. Everyone will know about crypto but very few will actually do anything. It's just hot right now because of Bitcoin's growth.

Still only one guy at my work whos bought, and he literally bought less than 100$ worth. Some guys talking about it, women still clueless. We are closing in on early majority but I dont think we're there yet. Definitely time to accumulate as much as you can affort though.

3 to 5 yeas. The people who think crypto is widely adopted already are the same people who thought Hillary would win the election. Caught up in their own little world where everyone around them barks the same shit back and forth at each other. It's a good thing though really, these people panic every dip and end up donating more and more money to us.

Give it 3-4 weeks and everyone will forget it. Look, this has happened before. Like, 1-2 years ago when I first heard of crypto it was because it was EVERYWHERE I LOOKED. Every news channel had something, every blog, every facebook feed, etc.

It's nothing, people will forget about it in a month.

Lol in germany some of the most famous and shitty rappers have a song about IOTA and about hodling so yeah the end times are here

i dumped all my alts, moved into BTC/ETH/LTC/BCH, and cashed out enough to cover my initial investment. now i can sit comfy and whatever happens, happens

>Also, don't reveal your power level.

Best advice for the day. Don't ever reveal your power level to your family.

That dumbshit dogecoin sponsored racecar was ALL over the news for a while back in 2013. Didn't do shit to the market really. Dogecoin is at a higher marketcap now than it was at it's peak of being viral.