*Last Chance:* Get out, now.
*Last Chance:* Get out, now
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so you can get in?
Why would I want to get in of this shit show?
then why the fck would you care if we are in or not?
shameful kiddo
I think you underestimate how strong the hands of the DBC holders are! GTFO ur not getting our bags dirt cheap, cya FOMO'ing once we're at 80 cent end of week
Does anyone actually believe this is worth half a billion MC? Maybe 1-2 years from now, but right now their price is bloated as fuck. I got out at 55 cents right before it came crashing.
Seriously. I’m not even looking at the price for a couple weeks
You are underestimating yourselves and the anti-market cap affecting crypto as a whole. Cash in your Bitcoin while you still have a bit of earnings.
coupe of weeks umm thas a 10 day old coin
That's not how **s work
agreed OP
I got out 5 days ago
Huobi didn't pump for shit, as i suspected
He meant crypto-time. Time passes differently here. A few days feel like weeks.
>first AI specialized project
>already in the AI industry for years
>company made a lot of AI products
>their software is used in Lenovo, Samsung, Siemens, Huawei factories
>won awards for their tech
>15million investment from neo
>extremely detailed whitepaper telling you what the fuck is up
There are literal fucking shit coins that are sitting at 1 billion market cap.
>top 10
>have no product
>riding twitter hype
>thinking 500mm market cap is alot
Holy fuck why are there so many normies on biz. Get your shitty 50$ "investment" out of crypto and get back to wagecucking.
I wouldn't look at it ever again if you don't want to blow your brains out
Pajeet trying to cuck other pajeets detected
The whale wall will kill this coin faster than any before
I have been in them all. This discord is the only one that is fair"
discord dot gg/hTTEEt2
Whatever buddy. You are either butt mad you bought at 0.67$ yesterday or never got on this shit early enough, or a fucking tuna trying to get more brains. Your opinion is literally irrelevant, as you provide no substantive reasoning for any of your claims, other than muuuuhhh 20% dip... waaaa
mates do you realize how dumb you sound when you honestly believe ppl fud on Veeky Forums to get 'bags' cheaper?
You really think if 2 or 3 of you tards sell $400 worth of your coins it'll make a difference in price? LMFAO
Get real, people who FUD are either just trying to troll you because it is fun. Or they seriously believe that the coin is going down, or aint worth shit.
Even if 10 of you fags got out, it wouldn't touch the price unless one of you cucks were a mini whale....
You're probably just insinuating those claims on me but they're really what you did. Wagecucks like you don't know how to read a simple graph. The 2nd derivative graph will show that this stock is going to be
Yes, because stock markets are so easy to predict that you just have to look at the second derivative of the price and you'll have the price within a month.
Jesus christ I honestly don't know whether you're trolling me or you're really actually this fucking stupid.
How can I be "this fucking stupid" when you're the one thats going to crash and burn on this coin?
I'll bite I guess.
You are applying meme TA to crypto that's not even 2 weeks old, probably using the 5minute candles. How can you possibly know what will happen with an individual coin, when the entire market tanked 20-30% in a night.
I'm insinuating those claims because you provide nothing else, other than the price drop that may or may not be tied to the overall market. Regardless of my position on this coin, you provide 0 substance in any of your posts, other than saying this is a shitcoin and everyone should sell just because.
Kek this coin became a meme on biz and became the shitcoin of biz
I remember shilling this early with others at 8 cents upon release. We just wanted it to pump as hard as possible, as usual. Never meant this to be such a big thing around here, this coin is still surviving from however many people on Veeky Forums are supporting it
I think it'll stick around this price or get demolished by mutant chink whales
>whale wall kill this coin fast than any before
yeah sure dude, just like the whale walls killed it after being listed on KuCoin to being with
oh fucking wait, they didn't kill it but just surpressed it artificially for as long as they allowed it and you're just a fucking newfag
do you even know what the project does and who is behind it? do you actually know the technicalities or do you just thing this is some ranjeet-type shit for some random reason?
kill yourself my man
Are you black? Your IQ is for sure approaching 0, fucking brainlet, kys
Why do you care if people buy in, if you are taking this much time to fucking talk about it you either want to buy in at a lower price or you just like to waste your time for anonymous people on the internet.
holding 26k, in since 8c.
You retards can autisticly screech sell all you want. I am not selling even 1% of my stack in January.
in the same boat. If the NEO team is backing it and closing out their conference at the end of the month with DBC I am in.
Sigh, another brainfarts
This coin is CANCER. Just think about it, Veeky Forums. Market cap of $434B??!? And what the fuck kind of product are they selling. The website can pretty much be summed up as "look at us, we're geniuses - we want to integrate AI with blockchain." Just compare it to the plans and white papers of other alts like QLC and NAS. It's amateur hour. GET OUT GET OUT NOW
Their whitepaper explains that they are going to use the power of the NEO network to power decentralised computers running smart contracts to facilitate machine learning.
I just like to follow the coin and threads. I got in at 8 cents, sold at 20 cents because of heavy whale manipulation at the time. I was very , very surprised how high it got. And pretty mad that i sold out early because i would have been 5x on this coin
But now i see it stagnating, o well
In 1-2 years you'll be kicking yourself that you sold your bags (if you even had any to begin with) you bought with a couple of cents.
You have no idea how powerful and useful this will be in the future.
Don't worry boys I got this...
Maybe the FUDers are just as stupid? Look at all the shit spread here, the shilling, the FUD. People were shilling DBC from the start, other people were FUDing DBC from the start. Oh, the times when the whale parked and kept it ~$.20, the massive FUD going on. Compared to that, it even cooled down a bit, probably because after all, DBC is only down 20%, the same as many other coins on e.g. Binance. It's not different, but here they are again. Though, to be fair, other coins as well have their dedicated FUDers who keep bashing and even lying and falsifying. Had people spreading a fake github for ICX, even. The lengths to which these people go are amazing. Such dedication, but for what? Jealousy? Trolling? Honestly falling for misinformation and thinking they do something good by making other people aware with "It's a vaporware shitcoin lololol xD haha"?
The whole internet including Veeky Forums is now infested by 12yo niglets LARPing as wolf of wall street with their crypto advice taken from Twitter and Youtube e-celebs or the consensus of their classmates.
It's all shit now. Everybody need to make their own decisions.
Well said. I've got quite a big stake in DBC, they're touring with NEO and I trust this project, regardless of market cap.
I don't listen to a single thing any retard on this board says. I look at every post and assume they're lying 99.9% of the time.
+1, would love to see this back at 500.. yesterday i was so happy until the fucking dump. fuck you whales!
pretty true, biz is a shitshow but i will admit i have made some money from the shilling here
Just have to be able to filter the aimless FUD from the potential important FUD
Like what happened with FAGGOT Tron, massive drop in price
What are you going to do? save us!
Thank fucking god someone bought up that whale.
I bought in at $0.09. I think I'll survive.
bro if that's legit... you're a fucking savage
Holding onto my bags desu.
Save yourself and hold for the announcement..
is that you fist nigger? .
In this thread: life long bag holders
just sold half my stack for SNOV
I got about 100$, any reason you bought it? I have honestly no clue what this coin even does, only got it because it got shilled here.
seriously lol
I was thinking of moving 1k GBP into SNOV from DBC. What was your reason for doing so?
>I see it stagnating even though literally every alt coin crashed
You made me realize how poor I am when your trading fees are like 10x my worth kek
not really
I just don't wanted to lose more than what I placed and SNOV seemed to have an established pattern
Also it's seems more of a decent proyect and has more events happening later
DBC only had the Huboi addition to exchange and... what else?
What else is going to happen after this?
I have both SNOV and DBC. That's literally my portfolio.
IF this dip is temporary and at least the coin returns to 0.60, I think I will change it to VEN
Thing is, VEN has already skyrocketed
What are you even talking about? Why don't you just inform yourself about their upcoming events?
No coin its worth its value
Dbc is worth more than tron though . And we all know tron mcap
About to pump on Kucoin
Not sure about VEN mate. My friend keeps shilling me XLM, says it's gonna be huge cause its constantly in the media and what not.
Fuck that XLM is shitty imo.
Buy low sell high, dumbfuck.
Havnt even thought of selling this shit since it dumped, and neither should you. Same price as it was 2 days ago. Hodlers always win
Yeah, the thing is, sometimes you gotta decide if you want money or a promising project or both. I'm also in ICX, got in around $3, could've said the same, alredy mooned. Still got a decent 3x out of it by now. It's more of a long-term hold and still profitable, despite the FUD going on.
>About to pump
>Literally just completely dumped 12 hours ago
Okay lol. I've got 20k DBC but it ain't pumping any time soon. It may even drop lower
>Got out at 20 cents.
>It's up to 50 cents and crashed with every altcoin in one night.
>Coin hasn't even been out for a month and went from 8 cents to now 50 cents.
I'm glad this board has IDs. We're not even halfway through the month and DBC has gotten up from original floor to now half of what many people have said it would reach by the END OF THE MONTH. You'd think most people would be thrilled to x4 or x5 in around two weeks, but I guess that's not good enough.
i got an 80k stack bro im not fudding, but in what world is this about to pump lol
Same situation, friend is shilling me VEN also but I'm not convinced about it
At least I got to BlockArray so somethings got to give
u guys seriously didn't dump this coin yet ? it's going down hard from now on, i will probably reenter the market when it gets to 25-30 cents
What does this token do?
What's the actual use of it?
It's an AI blockchain Meme
So far... nothing
How long do I have to wait for this shit to reach 70 cents?
Still in the thread, if you weren't here I would have less faith in the coin, that and the obvious whales accumulating coins.
Probably a while. Maybe you didn't notice but all Altcoins have crashed the past 2 days?
Even NEO/ICX are down, the le holy grail of altcoins
The day i started. What a fucking coincidence.
Kek. Just check what the discord group thinks about DBC.
discord gg/Z8P8VJp
We really, seriously need to just ban discord links altogether.
These are all invite links to pump and dump groups, for those unaware. Basically the more people click on your stupid link, the earlier you get the pump signal, so (they think) the lower chances of them getting screwed.
So dumb.
Do you understand the concept of buying low and selling high?
Yeah but a lot of accuracy went with this one
>btc rising
>eth rising
>huobi listing
It was incredibly disasterous
yes yes yes, why would NEO contribute to a pnd whale coin... They have a purpose... Meanwhile you fucks buy coins with white paper that looks like it was written by lil wayne.. Q1 become martian Q2 blast off in space ship Q3 live in outerspace
do you think it will return to where it was?
Do Brainlets even believe their own shit anymore or are they just paying lip service in the hopes that they can sucker other people into saving them from their dip?
I'll always be here :)
Yeah I thought Deepbrain was supposed to be low at the time.
>take all the current buzzwords
>make new shitcoin combining everything
looks like its gonna pump for a while now, time to load up
I'd rather be a brainlet than brainless.
When you go down, we go sideways.
When you go up 5%, we 2x
I'm sorry that's just the way it is