no req thread?
No req thread?
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Shhhh i'm accumulating.
this bitch is about to moon so hard, it'll be a new ath, that much is obvious. I'm just not sure how high it'll go.
look at the volume if you're worried... classic accumulation
btc chart still looks bullish
looking at the eth chart, another pump to .001 ($1.25) wouldn't surprise me
not much more to say
Shh let dogs lie down.
19th will be a moonmission.
so let's say req is out and running with all its features. would i not need to pay for: the gas for the transaction, both kyber token and 0x to change currencies and also for req to burn? seems like a lot
q2 FIAT management features introduced, q1 mainnet release on ethereum...literally guaranteed bet this year
REQ is probably one of the top-5 projects in ALL of crypto right now. If you dont think they've started talking to e-commerce giants and big 4 accounting firms, well, you're wrong. Wait until this spring. Hold this until June and you'll see MAJOR announcements of corporate partnerships, a live working product, real world adoption. This is more than 99.99% of the projects out there. $10 this year.
Why the 19th ?
I already answered this. The full technical explanation is in the yellowpaper.
There is a very small fee paid to Kyber (due to partnership) or 0x. There is no need to pay for ETH gas as the transaction is not actually done over ETH but over kyber/0x.
Blatant FUDDing. Dont waste your time my good user.
Developer scheduled news and they said they were focusing on accounting partnerships so it's probably got something to do with that. Will probably cause a new moon.
alright makes sense thanks
Quiet OP, we're in accumulation phase.
When you see a robust horizontal trend like this with ETH having a bullrun, you know it's getting ready to spring. Going to break $1.50-2.00 range on Monday.
Never have I been comfier holding a coin.
This shit will blow past everyone's expatations, I can already see the Pink wojacks on here because anons missed out.
And thank God for that. GAS transfer payments are such a pain in the ass, and not a single normie is going to understand an operation so complex.
THey just want to transfer fixed balances and have the fee paid through some internal mechanism, which REQ promises to sold elegantly.
>top 5 coins
What are the other 4 coins ? Shill me pls
Does anyone have REQ copypasta? Friend of mine is considering dropping 5K into this and need some talking points
REQ is currently working on adding ERC20 tokens and Bitcoin support. Fiat is after that.
The point of Request Network is that you can demand payment in whatever you want (for example USD). And the payer can pay in whatever they want (crypto,erc20,other fiat) and through 0x and kyber they will get exchanged in real time with the lowest fees possible (an order of magnitude lower than the exchange rates of credit cards).
>I'm selling my anal virginity on Ebay
>It's priced in USD, but Ebay has embedded the REQ payment system
>You get to pay with cryptos, ERC20 or fiat, and no matter what you pay with, I still receive USD as requested.
Put simply, REQ tokens are what fuels the network. The REQ tokens are not currency.
Buyers and merchants will never interact with the tokens at all. They will simply use the payment system and experience it as an instant purchase/currency swap.
Aside from its intended usage, which is what everyone is basing their valuation estimates on, it will tap directly into a $750 billion crypto-market in which it's currently hard to cash out of, and expensive to buy into.
And as for competition, YCombinator, which has a high stake in Coinbase, also have a high stake in REQ. Since REQ's very functionality will pose a threat to Coinbase's entire business model, it is only logical to assume that REQ will eventually be implemented in Coinbase to ensure that both platforms survive and thrive. Owners never let one business kill the other when it is perfectly logical to merge the two.
If REQ handles just 0.1% of the global transactions, it means $5B worth of DAILY transactions. And $912M worth of REQ being burnt annually, which increases the price of remaining REQ. With a 10% marketshare, that number increases to $500B of DAILY transactions, and $91.3B worth of REQ being burnt annually.
Why are fees for moving REQ so fucking high?
I considered moving it to my Ledger Nano S, but burning 15 REQs just for gas seem like an awful waste :(
B-b-but user, ling ling motherfuckers made it dynamic.
>still fucking 10 bucks, jews.
Link should be top 5
Not even meming
It was 50 REQ at the start and became 30 REQ when REQ reached $0.15. Then it became 15 REQ and now it's at 12.4 REQ.
Just wait for a couple of months and it'll be below 5 REQ.
Asked for top 5 not 6
K, brother. Just don't like keeping it on exchange too long that's all, but I guess Binance can be trusted to a degree.
UTK is the future
I wish, although it keeps getting pushed back from the top coins. Also, ICX.
All the req is burnt what's that shitcoins worth then
If all of that happens this year, then don't you think 10$ is a bit of a conservative estimate?
I mean, look at the top20 on CMC, most of them are shitcoins with no working products or decent use cases.
If REQ delivers (which atm looks like one of the few crypto teams capable of ACTUALLY building the product they devised in the whitepaper), it will become THE crypto that will kickstart the mass adoption phase.
also curious
I'm so tired of the same noob ass questions every thread. Read the fucking whitepaper you dirty little pajeet.
What will give better returns
REQ or 0x?
REQ is used as an transaction fee, the system buys back a tiny amount of REQ from the market and then burns it or something like that
Or you could just read the whitepaper you lazy fuck
Sanjeev, read the paper. Read it while you poo in a river and drink the water.
You still didn't answer my question if req is burnt and it has a fixed supply eventually it will burn all of the req doing to amount of transactions you claim.
guys im tired of moon hunting want to go to sleep for a while. what do u think about 100k$ split between link req kyber ox? will i make it with just this?
As more REQ is burned the value of the remaining REQ goes up since the market cap would remain the same but distributed to less tokens
Even if we somehow got down to less than a million tokens then each token would be worth thousands or more and would only increase in that manner as more transactions occur
It's like trying to divide a number to reach zero
Bi-weekly update. New partnerships + Kyber integration development progress + possible Bittrex listing. The next 30 days is going to be fucking MASSIVE for REQ.
The amount of REQ burned per transactions lowers if the supply of REQ shrinks.
Thus in 2018 the cost might be 1 REQ and 1 REQ per transaction gets burned
in 2020 it might be 0.1 REQ per transaction that will get burned
in 2834 it will be 0.0000000001 REQ per transaction that gets burned.
REQ can be divided into 18 decimal points and is designed to last for centuries.
You don't have to worry about REQ running out within the 3rd millennium.
And even then when REQ finally runs out in 3500 AD or something they could just fork the system.
Choose REQ, LINK, QSP, Enigma. If you have to choose 4 projects. I suspect those 4 to be among the biggest growers of 2018 in that order.
What is the highest value REQ could realistically hit?
My friend was saying that with it's applications (payment stuff), and coins in circulation, it would be unlikely to go above 10bux even if it was fully adopted.
Is he correct? I don't have shittons of REQ, only 2600. But I won't be investing any more unless it has more potential than 10bux at the very peak.
So it's not worth buying some kyber & ox? I have req link & qsp, but am thinking I wish I had some kyber & ox too. Is it retarded to diversify & buy another of those 2 or just increase my req & link stacks?
Where did the Bittrex listing rumor come from?
Kyber and 0x will have a lot fewer opportunities for future growth than REQ and LINK. So while you will not lose money on them you'd probably get a higher profitability just buying more LINK or REQ.
Nigger, if it got FULLY adopted then each token would be worth thousands of dollars
Someone post the burn analysis and market share chart
I can't find it
That's what I thought
>REQ worth $0.8
>$1M transaction with a 0.05 fee = 628 REQ tokens burnt
>Hypothetical REQ token price of $80
>$1M transaction with a 0.05 fee = 6.25 REQ tokens burnt
And this can go on and on and on for decades, even with mainstream adoption.
Inb4 you ask why the REQ tokens gain value in the first place.
Please do, I'm very curious.
This coin is able to hit $10 in three months?
This one?
i would say $4-$6 in three months
$10+ EOY
No, fuck off, pajeet. Go buy Confido. 100% guaranteed 10x in 3 months.
REQ is unironically the worst performing coin in my entire portfolio, and I even bought in very far away from the ATH. I really don't know if I should keep this cuckcoin.
So what does this mean for price possibilities? I'm a bit retarded with this stuff.
Yeah same. Am not sure what the fuck I'm doing holding all this REQ
That's the one
What other coin do you have that went 2500% in 2 months time?
I bought SALT at $2 and sold at $16 and REQ is STILL my best investment.
It means that if REQ manages to steal a tiny marketshare, it'll likely hit $100B+ within a year or two.
Please sell.
I'm not even in crypto for 2 months. I bought it at 0.5$, then it went up to 1.2$ or so and now it's at 0.83$. Meanwhile other investments have skyrocketed and stuff like VEN and ENG even went up during the bloodbath. And REQ is just cucking away.
>I'm not even in crypto for 2 months
It shows with the lack of patience. If you think this bullmarket for alts will continue for long, you're in for a surprise.
Find the real projects, and prepare for Bitcorn to shit the bed. More than half of the "projects" on CMCs current top 100 will likely be worthless one year from now.
Getting sick of people complaining instead of just doing something about it and selling
Two months ago REQ was 0.03 USD.
Please sell, and never look back.
We've been invaded by ADHD attention whoring newfags.
Oh ok I understand then. Most REQ holders are crypto veterans that are here for ~1-2+ years already and know how the market behaves.
While it might look like REQ is shitting the bed right now it's actually normal behavior for cryptos.
Look at the graph in pic related. As you can see ETH went from $22 to $7 over 6 months time.
I was fairly new into Crypto back then and I sold my ETH at ~$15 when I bought it at $2.
I wish I was more patient back then and just held would have 4 million right now if I did.
REQ is not even close to the "crash" as ETH has and is growing at a must faster rate and has a better future. Have some faith user. Don't fall for the FUD and remove blockfolio and restrict yourself to watching coinmarketcap only once a day.
So what would this mean for the price per token?
You’re not gonna help someone who calls a steady price move “cucking away”. On another note, isn’t it interesting that most people in req have been in crypto for a year or more? Great minds think alike, I suppose
>3500 AD
great job star trek virgin, none of us will even be alive for to cash out then
>isn’t it interesting that most people in req have been in crypto for a year or more?
I bought Bitcoin in 2011. Buy bazingacoin. Trust me bro
i will set up a REQ trust fund for my family then
Hashflare is the easiest site to cloud mine ETH out there, i've started last week and it's working just fine.
Buy Scrypt, SHA-256, ETHASH, EQUIHASH hashrates with any Debit Card, and you are good to go !
Here is a step by step guide "How to Mine BTC via Cloud Mining" :
So you can start mining with my discount code here is:
Jokes aside got some insider FUD take it as you will
I honestly thought it was a meme since it ALWAYS happens starting the day after a huge pump and continues until the next pump
There is no way anybody who has held on for at least a week hasn't made a profit
You realize you can cash out whenever the fuck you want right? You don't have to wait until you own the only REQ in the world.
About 150$ per token no accounting for token burning
To be fair, I've seen Bitcoin, Eth all shilled on this board and i didnt believe in them. I seen Req as a third chance.
It's nearly impossible to say. But given that if nothing extraordinary happens, and nothing extraordinarily bad happens, and the project launches as planned, my guess is $50-75 by EOY.
With (small) mainstream adoption that's nowhere close. It'd be far, far higher.
I think these are both to conservative, If coins with no working product can reach top ten a coin with a wearing product and even modest adoption will sky rocket regardless of supply, add on token burn and the sky's the limit.
So despite the supply you guys think that in a couple years this could enter the ranks of the 100$+ value coins?
Adding token burn, and real world adoption, and the amount of FOMO in this market its a possibility.
But the trick to all of it is adoption
I have faith that Y Combinator and the team behind REQ can do the marketing necessary to achieve this
I survived 2014.
Ignored ETH at my own peril.
I'm not going to ignore REQ.
How much REQ would you say is reasonable to accumulate at this time?
>5 Req withdrawal fee in a couple months
$50 withdrawal fee? Fucking hell!
Direct competitor to REQ
Just an example of this REQ team said they would focus on growing their reddit community within 2 weeks. It is now at ~26,000 members and is bigger than the RIPPLE subreddit.
I think the REQ team will be able to very effectively market their product in the future. Just hold until mainnet release people. Take a break from coinmarketcap and blockfolio and you'll see large gains in the future
Yes. If you decide to buy, or have already bought; forget about the price tomorrow, next week and next month. Just hold on to them for a year or two.
90% of the other hyped cryptos for short term gains are scratch-off cards with instant gratification. REQ and a few others are golden lottery tickets, in which the draw is 6-12 months from now, and you have a 80-90% chance of winning the jackpot.
Easy 10 USD coin
It's a centralized piece of shit.
It depends on how much you have to work with
I would definitely accumulate as much as possible before the biweekly update on the 19th but I don't know how the whales will behave between now and then
I currently have 1200.
I'm hoping in the long term to cash out enough to toss in a mutual/index for yearly interest gains.
Should I accumulate more? 2k? 4k?
Sorry for all the questions, you guys have been very helpful.
lmao looks like monetha 2.0
how is REQ only at 500m while this shit is at 400m?
>no product until Q3
>promising merchants as a part of the roadmap
>a mutual/index for yearly interest gains.
The stock market is in a HUGE bubble right now that is also about to burst any moment so be careful with that. It's better to handpick stocks that are undervalued right now instead of going into ETF/indexes.
Accumulating REQ is a smart move right now as it's not likely to ho lower than this ever again.
Barring new absurd government regulations or a total market crash(lol) I see this coin reaching $100+ in 2019-2020
I also believe this coin wont go below $1.00 again after the 19th
I might just be overly-optimistic so take it with a hefty grain of salt before investing more
In short read the white papers and do as much of your own research as possible
A better alternative would be to run Chainlink nodes and live off the rewards for the rest of your life ;)
thanks guys I plan on gets 1k now.
It always annoys me when people say >DYOR without providing a resource so I'll add this to my post: