The flippening

holy shit youre holding the worst coins out there

im down $65k today

could be worse

>Falling this hard for the diversification meme.
user, I...

I'm all in on ETH and VEN, so I'm making money still.

jesus OP you got all the memecoins
now I know who buys into all the shill threads

sorry for not going all in on dogecoin like you

did u just invest in whatever shit biz shills?

with your low amount you shouldn't be so spread about, diversify meme is for 10k+

This is what happens when you hold meme vaporwave coins.

Buy it, sell it and profit, you don't hold hype shitty coins, you sell it as soon as possible and trade it for good anti-hype new projects (like chainlink) or solid coins, like ethereum.

Show percentages, retard.

Seems normal to me, 2 non shitcoins only ones in the green

Digibyte mooning? Ohh it will continue to do so :)

Eth, Coss, ICX are your good coins. Rest are memes.

Only down 15%. My girlfriend said if I don't bring it back up I can't dive in that ass

Your portfolio looks like you buy whatever Veeky Forums tells you to without even thinking.

You're a walking meme

you're holding the wrong coins
>t. VENlet

wtf, with only 4.3k just pick 2-3 coins
VEN one of them

One, no VEN


You bought every meme coin at the all time high. Dump your crap and put it all into NEO, thank me later

You forgot to buy VEN

OP, you're suppose to use Veeky Forums as a starting point. You're not just suppose to buy whatever is on the front page of Veeky Forums at ATH.

Everything except for ICX, Eth, and maybe Req are hype coin trash. You should have rode the pump and then pulled out immediately in put profits somewhere else.

Keep poe, deep brain, sell the rest

All into NEO

Just wait a month or more - gains will come.

I dont understand people that dont cash out when >50k.
Most people dont have that in a year of shitty job.

i'm at 200k and i'm nowhere near ready to cashout. you'll understand when you get there that it's never enough

i'm going for lifechanging money, 1.5m+

Kek. Make money your mindset will change.