Help me hit 50k biz. What do I do to clean up this awful pallet of shitcoins I’ve acquired. Started with 1k, in since October.
Help me hit 50k biz. What do I do to clean up this awful pallet of shitcoins I’ve acquired. Started with 1k...
Btw the tron is from that free 500 binance gave out a few months ago. Still holding for keks.
sell everything and just hold BTC/BCH/ETH in equal parts, check back in 6 months
Consolidate into a mid cap core position and low cap shit coin. I'm at 30k from where you are and this will be my strat until 100k. Diversifying is a meme in this space.
Go all in on SUMO before the 10x
Wtf mate why are you so spread like a loose pussy. Go all in 1 coin until you have a sizable amount
I think I’m mainly just trying to strike gold and hoping I find that one alt that will survive beyond the bubble bursting.
Which one should I go all in on? Lol yeah this is a loose pussy portfolio. Happy with my 5k gains tho as it’s still the most money I’ve ever had at once in my life (on paper). Poorfag wagecuck.
This is probably the most autistic portfolio I've ever seen
I'm all in ICX and ETH 40/60. Though BAT on your port looks promising. Do your research before all in, don't sell at loss
I think I could quite happily all in on BAT
Hey OP. Won't call you a faggot or a pajeet or anything rude.
I will say that your portfolio gave me cancer though, and you should sell everything except for Neo and chainlink. Take the rest and buy ETH and hold. Hold everything. Eth may hit 20k by EOY. If you have 4 eth, you're past 50k.
And get rid of Blockfolio for Delta.
Spray and pray doesn't really work. Your gains will be too minimal to make it before large scale adoption. Do research and pick a couple you feel confident in. My personal mid cap pick is Neo,
What if I keep this going on the side as a little side project and just start pumping fiat into a new pick, say BAT?
Man the fuck up and go all in into one coin you believe in (or 2 coins at most if you're too scared).
nice portfolio user, you will rech 0$ very soon.
but seriously, you have too much lend and xlm, i'd diversify the shit out of it.
Why are you picking these random shit coins?
Got the LEND at $0.2 and the XLM at $0.9 so they’ve been nice holds to me
0.02 sorry
They’re all coins that I genuinely just like as projects and think could do well long term.
What coins do we need? How can we get some cash b4 adoption?
dont diversify
why the fuck are you holding so many coins, how do you expect to make money with such little capital in each
I dunno but I already made money by diversifying an evil smaller capital in each
Sell most of what you have and get Digibyte.
>all in on BAT
Hell yeah.
Am I a patrician
Started with $2000