It is pretty dumb. In a crypto market where the vast majority of products aren't close to release and still in ICO phase (Zen protocol and mobius network) we're sitting on a completely overlooked token with a main net literally arriving any day now where we'll be able to see dozens of companies' smart contracts flowing through not long after launch. If you're not balls deep in link right now what are you even doing?
It is pretty dumb...
Other urls found in this thread:
no updates until april
LINK and FUN baby!
fun is a shitcoin with literally no legitimate real world use cases. Market cap deserves no more that 400k
>stinkie linkie fudding legitimate projects
lol, where's sergey at again?
Are you retarded? Platform starts EOM
Stop saying main net. It is a test net.
I actually think there is some anons that joined in December and genuinely believe in the chain link meme and think all this shilling and memes are serious, we are evil people
testnet is already out fag
Rory confirmed that testnet will come out in week or two and mainnet will follow shortly
The test net is not out. They are porting to go and launching a testnet in Q1
Written in Ruby, not in GoLang
It's the initial release of the simplified main net. Test net has been out for ages.
Thats because it is serious.
the memes are serious.
screenshot negro now please
Ruby. Being ported to go... People like you give this excellent token a bad image.
No he didn't faggot
it is also being ported to go dumbass
this thread is cancer.
Please. You are embarassing yourself. The port to GoLang will come as a test net. The GoLang testnet is not live. Either you are a good troll or sadly have a very low I.Q.
Post evidence or get out. I'm in slack and telegram.
I have been in them all. This discord is the only one that is fair:
discord dot gg/hTTEEt2
Thomas Hodges
Anthropomorphic Vehicles for $500 Alec