ITT we summon the infamous Monkey Paw to crypto

ITT we summon the infamous Monkey Paw to crypto.
You can choose any wish crypto related but the first user to reply to your post decides your penalty.

> I wish for Req to be @ 20 dollars eoy

Piece of shit Ripple to sail into $5

Your dick falls off and is replaced with a piece of bibb lettuce.

and then the banks dump their 60B XRP supply, crashing it to $0.1 and shaking normies faith in crypto for years

That's not how the paw works, that's completely unrelated to the wish.

LOL. Pretty sure that's what's gonna happen irl

I wish USDT to 1.89

Wake up Stellar snekey

You get Bitfinex'd before you can cash out

Okay but the dollar loses 95% of its purchasing power.

I want Deep Brain Chains decentralised AI idea to be massively successful

DBC replaces btc

REQ to $10 by EOY so I can quit my job and never have to wage slave again.

you decide to hold and it crashes in February

I thought for sure that would lead to a skynet reply.

B-b-b-but February is when FairX will launch. R-r-r-right guys?

>the dollar loses 3702% of it's value overnight

happy now

i wish that 1.
my 1st wish is spelled out in a succinct and non ambiguous manner
and 2.
no one else's wish worked
3. time travel for everyone. forever.

I want dbc to return to 60 cents

Granted but only after you sell your holdings

XLM $3.70 end of Feb

it is if hes getting rich to bang whores

I wish ETH was faster

ETH speed ups 10x
Tanks 20x in price