Justin Sun blaming CMC for TRX price decline

Well I believe it might be over for TRX for now. Justin Sun has now resorted to blaming CMC for the recent decline in the price of Tron.

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fucking LOOOOOOL


Absolute conman

I'm still accumulating

> consistantly

tron holder btw

he already made billions, cant he just let it die.

normies in shambles MUH TRON MOON

>no regrads

goddamn mongolians FUDing tron. mongolians are fault.

Where have I seen this deflection for failure before?

How is that one faggot named Cameron, on tiwtter doing?

The writing was clear on the wall. He fucked up just like the OMG boys.

Too much shilling and people don’t take you seriously and put way too high expectations. Now, this dude went from being the next Vitalik to a shilling goofball.

But whatever, he dumped a lot of his shares and made his money.

What exactly is Justin Suns position in the TRX project? Owner?
Its an immediate red flag when the lead of a project only talks about price and blows hot air up shareholders/investors asses.

dump it

He can't just walk away now. Justin just wanted to exit scam a few millions and be done with it, but it grew too big too fast. Retarded US normies ate his shit up more than he could ever fathom, if he walks away now he will have multiple US agencies coming for him. The shitstorm will be trememdous. He has to keep this charade going long enough now for people to forget. I almost feel bad for the guy.

Literally grabbed the first thing he could find to explain away the drop. Then he uses some out of place optimistic statement about expansion into Korea. This is no longer lost in translation. Anyone still holding bags after this tweet needs to cut their losses.

>He flew too close to the sun on this one.


this is why Sergey is the man


Sergey is a high IQ slav Justin is a cynical sleazy oriental

nice try accumulating whale

>mfw there are people thanking him for the explanation

And STILL nobody can explain what the fuck this coin does


watch this justin's actually 50 steps ahead of all of us

>walks away now he will have multiple US agencies coming for him
Unregulated market cuck and he's fucking Korean not American so the sec can't do shit even f he actually scammed someone (he didn't)
Salty trx holder kys noob never gonna make it

This shit is heading back down to .02

he ain't wrong

ending censorship in china?

He is. Only retards use CMC for crypto prices, see: XRP and TRX bagholders. Everyone else who has been here for longer than a day uses exchanges for price data. Even the futures markets use exchange data, not CMC. Idiots.

Tron is internet 4.0 and it's currency all in one. It competes with all the big boys. Twitter ? Nah, use tron! Facebook? Nah use tron! You catch my drift.

Basically tron will decentralise all your shit including you until you are a randomly scattered selection of atoms spread throughout the universe. Tron is the future. Internet 4.0 on lockdown and decentralising your mom, sister, brother, sister, cousin , grandparents and dog until you don't know what centralised even was. You'll remember as you cross the event horizon that you once questioned what Tron does and you, my friend, still won't know.

Yeah or you could just use Steemit which already has a working product and has for over a year now. Newfags are deluded.

Steemit is a circle jerk.

Also I was clearly taking the piss.

thanks just bought 3

I'm sorry, where is Tron's product?


pic related

Then just fork it dude, there's a YouTube version of steemit so no reason why there can't be a Veeky Forums version


Say what you will but we in the green, moon when?


Fuck this scam chink

Retards are actually buying this assurance from JUSTin.


Tron's product is producing bag holders.


Tron is a piece of shit but if you were on biz the night CMC dumped the Korean market feeds you will know he ain't wrong, market still feeling the effects


Keep up the FUD. I'm still accumulating



>500 normies simultaneously try swing trading
>Crashes XRP and all other markets

Fugggg lads the volatility of the crypto space is killing me



Well, there is high demand for it...

Nah, I didn't feel any effects of CMC until hours later. It was only nu-coiners holding fake tokens like XRP that panic sold.


Tron has literally no platform at all. Its just a fucking whitepaper a plagiarized one at that.

Is he spelilng it wrong so coin market cap dont call him out on his bullshit?

wait for it

It's actually not bullshit, everything went down that morning because of cmc

Holy shit still 400 sats below pre-livestream levels.

It tanked HARD

Needs more meat to be a good copypasta.

straight up


At this point I don't even care if tron went down to 0.00000001 or something. Rest of my portfolio has a good chance of negating tron's losses so I'll just ride the rollercoaster and take my chances. $0.5 EOY or $5 EOY, I don't even care anymore.

funny thing is if that really were the case it wouldnt have made it past the ICO

>It's actually not bullshit, everything went down that morning because of cmc
The bullshit part is that other coins recovered whilst TRX languishes due to his horrible livestream that sent the value tanking on 5-6th Jan


user, I never have, and never will own TRX. If you could read I said I believe it is an exit scam. You also seriously underestimate the reach of the US government. There are many people that they have killed or jailed who are not Americans for varities of crimes.

Everything still down here comes Tron recovering! Even if Tron is shit it’s still got plenty of moons left

this movment up is just in time for the stinky chinkys to wake up and raise it more

I know almost nothing about this shitcoin, but seeing a CEO get on twitter to try to explain away a dip is fucking pathetic.

literally the chinese trump

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the functions of Tron. The coins usage is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the applications will go over a typical tron holders head.

Whoa, nice ID Joel.

imagine being a young black man buying this at 25 cents

The TRX bloodbath is beautiful. People don't even know what is hitting them yet. This Justin guy prefers doing blanco partnerships, more exchanges et cetera speaking ZERO about the actual functionality of his coin. Nada. None. Not a tweet on what Tron is. Only FUD "debunking", partnership memes and other marketing.

This alone should let you know this is an exit scam. He doesn't want people to care about the tech. Only the hype.

Pick up a dictionary and look up "decentralized"
Because this is clearly the word you don't understand

idc if an exit. As long as i make money on the way up

you know a coin is VERY healthy when its creator is constantly talking about price, rankings, etc

He is going to announce a partnership with Baofeng. 200+ million new users.

This is actually one of the funniest fucking things I have ever seen in the whole crypto economy.

What a madman. There are hordes of retards all over Twitter trying to contribute "hype" to Tron while asking for details about what it does and how it works (because they can't answer that yet).

Literally the blind leading the blind.

Fucking kek, let me tip you some XMR

I just wonder what will happen as we continue into 2018. It's obvious that we are heading straight for a GIANT bull market unlike anything we have ever witnessed, but...

Good god, how retarded can the average person be? Has it always been this easy?

All of their moronbucks are going to wind up flooding into legitimate projects eventually, which means EASY money for people with even half a brain.

New users of what? What are they using Tron for?

It's probably just massively uninformed people. A few years ago I probably would have fomo'd this shit and thought XRP was a crypto currency and that TRX served a purpose.

>Has it always been this easy?

Normies needed brokers and agents to invest into anything other than fucking beanie babies. This weeded out people with less than, say 50 grand.

People with that kind of money lying around are usually not complete retards, plus whoever they are investing with would rule out anything that was obviously terrible.

Now anyone can throw a few hundred bucks at any crypto meaning even welfare fuckers are trying to get rich off of all the pennystocks.

You thing THIS is a bull market? Wait until the exchanges fix their shit and everyone can swarm back in.

How do these people find tron in the first place?

when do you think is a good time to dump this shit?

twitter then everyone hypes the shit out of it



He already did and it did nothing

fuck "justin sun" coinmarketcap can do whatever the fuck they want, free world dickhead

If you see anyone with 'crypto' anywhere in their Twitter name or bio you should immediately avoid any coin they advise you to invest in.

Yeah, Joel. What else you want to tell us about yourself?

This is one of the most genuinely exciting things I have thought about all week.

I think a lot of NEETs and PAJEETs here were under the impression that the "great transfer of wealth" would be from the top-down but I guess we neglected how much money we would be taking from literal retards and the lower IQ side of the population.

sergey is a loser and so are his followers on here
seriously, Veeky Forums is obsessed with this guys face
it's lame af

Are you referring to pnd scams right? normies know about it too they just have shit timing

Name one other CEO or head of a coin that worries about CMC or the price of his coin....
Then realize... the fact Justin Sun cares about the price of his coin means HE IS HEAVILY INVESTED AND WANTS THE PRICE TO RISE BECAUSE HE'S DUMPING ON YOU FAGGOTS

This video was pretty comfy hearing about life in China.

the ABSOLUTE state of tronies.

>call trx a chink shitcoin
>get kicked from a discord constantly shilled on here

jesus christ time to sell off my trx holdings
