VEN mainnet delayed to June
VEN mainnet delayed to June
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Explain how this is a delay dumb retard it’s always been q2 unless in pajeetville that isn’t q2
Is this video still available?
She beuatiful.Who is she?
I'll tell you for 0.05 ETH
donate 1 waltonchain and i will tell you
kelly baltazar
Ven delayed from Q2 to Q2.
Gonna ignore the question retard ?
I want hapa gf, except she isn't a deviant ;_;
you won't find her that beautiful after you see what she signed up for
Stupid FUD, I do not understand this at all. Nothing has been delayed. I follow every vechain announcement, show me your sources mr pajeet
She looks pretty cray cray. I bet the blowjob are out of this world.
thank you.friend.
I don't even have this coins.
then I don't have the video
yeah, she got destroyed
no.she is still beautiful.and i would marry.this thing quite common this days.if you never get a girlfreind because they have sex you are beta
and if you telled me that and she was my girlfreind i would hit you
just tell us where the damn video is kid
Dude, fuck bitches. Get money
ven delayed
ITT Saltie walties fud against ven. The more successful you are the more knives come for your back.
There are 3 videos of her not just 1 ,
t, cuck
You already have her name. Finding the video should be easy
again as a VEN fag you can't even give specifics or facts. It's not 1 video it's 3
There's a difference between having a non-virgin wife, and a wife who voluntarily let herself get facially abused for $10k on camera
Some wealthy chink who did some pretty degrading porn.
do you want to fight me?i already telled you
Exactly! Very classy
3 times
The video disappeared and is hard to find iirc
google mayli facial abuse
>"stop that! Real gentlemen will love a girl despite her past!"
I watch this porn before . Yuck
like 10k was a big deal for her
she's a fucking trooper user
whoever links her porn I will give 0.1 eth (im no cryptomillionaire dont greed)
sent. send all 3 and i will send 0.2 more
seriously dude?
pajeet. same vid 2 different links.
ok ok
you can find it on vk (russian facebook)
I thought that was her post bukkake look, but it's actually her greasy face
Fuck offf pajeet.
Man, those FUD cucks. The more I see them, the more VEN I buy. Guess I should be thanking you in a few months
It's TOLD you fucking ignorant shitskin
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha scamcoin
Vechain is #1 indian pajeet coin
Hola guapa
pretty sweaty hapa you got there. What's her name again?