Let's say I have $10k to throw at something. I know NEO and some other masternode-esk coins give payouts for just owning large portions of the coin. What should I throw this $10k in to get some passive day-to-day income.
Heres a picture of my dog.
Passive crypto income
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Chainlink. It's cheap now. Price target for EOY is 50-100$
Just use linkpool and get passive income rest of you life.
You'll be lucky if you break 3 this year linkie
lol shit well if i knew that this had that type of system would've bought in years ago when it was
*ignores coin*
Buy a REIT, those give monthly handouts and give exposure to real estate.
Well it's still cheap
retire on THOR
DASH of Thailand / Malaysia
Too expensive these days
Is it too much to ask for them to just put a fucking calculator or simple ROI without having to do research
Without a doubt, NEBL
Still very undervalued, 10% stake rewards, no masternodes
You can even stake on a raspberry pi so your computer doesn't have to be on all the time to receive rewards.
I own about 1500 of them, I won't sell them probably ever because they're going to appreciate to at least $500/coin by year end and that's $75,000 in staking rewards every year for me if it just stayed that price, but I think NEBL has the best dev team pound for pound of anyone in the enterprise space and they just announced that they will be able to do everything that ETH does but you can program on it in 8 languages and not just 1 like ETH.
They're not saying it's a new goal on their roadmap either, most of it is ALREADY DONE.
MinexCoin with parking.
I'm a nig. I own some VEN (definitely not enough ATM to do shit with), but what the fuck is VET? Lol dang this just mooned I thought. How often is payout? Do I just stake in their wallet?
And if you think NEBL is expensive at $40, keep in mind that there are less than 13mil NEBL's in circulation, less coins than BTC or XMR.
If NEBL hit NEO's price, it would still be 1/6th of NEO's marketcap, and it may in fact be even better than NEO, devs have delivered more with 3 people in 6 months than NEO, QTUM, and ARK have delivered in YEARS.
What type of gains do you get?
Well fuck. Maybe I should look into this NEBL shit that I've been brushing off for shitcoins. inb4NEBLisashitcoin
is it erc20?
holy shit that pump from the 6th on.
>crying because i sold 2000 NEBL at 8 bux
if you put in 10k now you'll have 1 million minimum after a year, then you stake that link in some node pool and you make dunno maybe 100k a year
still 2 years away according to roadmap tho
and whats up with all the part-time employee shit?
why not full time they got monies now
Yeah it went up in price, but have you seen the amount of shilling of NEBL you've seen of ADA, TRX, XRP? No, you haven't because it's still very very under the radar.
And you have to hold the NEBL in a desktop wallet for a week to reach max staking weight (to prevent people from stake grinding), after that it is variable how often you will get a reward and how much the reward will be, but per annum it will average to 10%.
With the new update (which few read and even fewer understand) NEBL has added NTP1 protocol (basically token creation ala ERC20 for ETH), but the fees of these newly created tokens will be paid in NEBL, and the fees are paid to the staker of the block in which they occur IN ADDITION to the normal staking reward, so with enough adoption, staking rewards could be significantly higher than 10%. If you're worried about inflation, keep in mind that if you are using tokens for enterprises you can't be staking them at the same time, so while the perma-stakers will earn 10%+, inflation will be closer to 3-6%.
Hope that was a good explanation. DYOR and you'll come away very bullish. I'm all in on this one.
FYP my dudes
These are what I'm hearing. Which give best gains. Shill me on your coin.
LINK - see it every 5 seconds on here.
NEBL - Just mooned a minute ago
MNX - WTF is this
VEN - mooned today
COLX - shitcoin?
Or other. Please tell me what type of gains to expect and/or a source? Not just fucking "1 million minimum after a year,"
pinkdate.is ICO
you need to do your own research, 2 of those projects have absolutely shit devs, 2 of those projects have anonymous devs, 1 of those projects is an obvious pnd scam, 1 of them has already been pnd'd and left for dead on a dead/shit exchange
just dyor
it isn't ERC20, it's not ETH based. But they just added NTP1 which is like ERC20 but based on NEBL (so full 8 coding language support). NTP1 wasn't even on the roadmap, they just added it because they're ahead of schedule on everything else.
That's just people who used to hodl it fomoing, I don't think any newbies know what it is yet, you had to be around in october to have it on your radar.
The part time guy started as a fan and liked the coin so much that he created a website for it, neblio stats, I guess they hired him after that because he's good at his shit or something, idk the whole story. The guy they just hired is a guy with 10 years of coding experience but has a PHD in particle physics or some shit, super impressed when I looked more into him.
Also, 2 years off? Most of the stuff on their roadmap is ahead of schedule, marketing doesn't even start till q2.
There's also the inevitable DataDash video going to come out at some point in the coming months since DD has been a long term hodler/staker since ICO.
This is what I think of whenever I hear people say NEBL is a pump n dump
ODN will th 10% yearly reward cheap atm compared to neo/gas
If I knew what the fuck I'm doing I wouldn't be asking Veeky Forums for help.
Fuck it, probably buying NEBL. How do you figure $75.000 EOY via staking if it remains at $40? According to nebliostats (no idea how accurate it is) you'd gain ~157 NEBL/$6,280. If you take 10% of your current portfolio, valued at $60,000, it would be $6,000.
4.5% of Revenues get paid out to holders. only 6300 coins in circulation. they just added 900k users this past month alone. paid out .02 btc last month. do the math.. super undervalued.
never buy shit that just pumped man without knowing roadmap
don't FOMO in if you wanna buy wait for entry, wait until FOMO dies down and let it come back
why does Veeky Forums hate money
why didn't you get into ICO
why aren't you accumulating
this is revolutionary
I'd really recommend ARK and PRL right now, I've been putting what little I've had into them lately and they've just been gaining and gaining, and I still don't think theyve exploded.
I say PRL because the product actually amkes a lot of sence and I see it taking off, and its expected to go up soon either way with an announcement.
And ARK because it has a really devoted dev team that keeps working to make the coin better. Its already really fast (>10 sec transactions) , but the devs haven't even realeased their "V.2" which is going to greately increase its capacity.
Also I've seen a lot of people expecting Vechain to moon and it hasn't gone up yet, but I'm not as familiar it.
>if it remains at $40
It's not remaining at $40, the dev update they just dropped was hard to understand but much more bullish than anyone could have anticipated. Basically it's ERC20 but with NEBL having RESTful API's in 8 common coding languages that means that ANY programmer could create the equivalent of an ERC20 ICO without having to learn Solidity (ETH's only coding language). By my understanding, when ETH created ERC20 the price was around $8ish per ETH and people didn't understand why it was a big deal, now everyone does. NEBL is in the stealth/awareness phase right now just like ETH was back then.
If it hit ADA's mcap, NEBL is $1000/coin, and that's assuming that we remain at current mcap levels for crypto as a whole.
NEBL has almost no youtube/twitter/biz/reddit attention yet because of shitcoins like TRX, this will eventually change. Antshares was the same way, great tech, horrible/nonexistant PR, and then the mother of all FOMOing once people realized what a gem it was.
4.5% of Revenues get paid out to holders. only 6300 coins in circulation. they just added 900k users this past month alone. paid out .02 btc last month. do the math.. super undervalued.
And sure I'd agree with you for the most part on that, I'll just say that you might be trying to pick up pennies in front of a bulldozer waiting for an entry because when it takes off you will be chasing candles.
I knew it would pull back and I haven't sold any, they're staking in my wallet. I know that with 1500, I should have at least 750k in my portfolio by next Jan. All there is to do is hold and not risk the big macro gains for maybe a few extra shekels.
Well technically $825,000 if I keep the 150 NEBL's worth of staking rewards
Want to explain to this young buck what the relevance of block time is? Is this essentially limiting how fast transactions will be able to happen? If not, what is it and how are the transaction speeds on NEBL?
charge your phone you barbarian
If you wanna take a slight risk at passive income for the rest of your life.
>passive income from exchange coins
setting everyone up for a goxing
How is this supporting a repeat of mtgox more than anything else regarding crypto
I mean, the dividends are stable. Literally google any REIT company name and "dividend"