Still on track. You would be a fool to sell this right now. Whatever you non Linkies think you're doing rn, stop, it won't work.
Still on track. You would be a fool to sell this right now. Whatever you non Linkies think you're doing rn, stop...
nice just market sold all
>i will never own over 5k LINKs
There's no way it goes 3x by the end of January let alone 10x next month.
Sold my entire stack for the sixth time, dumping on you stinky linkies is too easy
>He has not seen cup and handle
Why? It went 3x in just the past month.
My biggest regret in life is only buying $750 worth at 13c. Total stack around 30k.
Along with the entire market. Now that the alt bullrun has stopped so did LINK so this would obviously depend on the market as a whole because we are not expecting any news for January.
You would be stupid not to be back in for the last half of the month. It has been written.
Make Sergey proud.
Let’s see your memes boys
Alt bull run was put on hold because exchanges couldn't keep up with demand and temporarily stopped adding new users, Korea stopped trading while new regulations wrre put on place, and Btc and Eth went on bull runs. Now thats all creared, and alts can have their turns.
>You would be a fool to sell this right now.
LOL most of us have held since ICO/ED. You think we're selling now? I'll take some profits at $50. That's the start.
>tfw putting my DBC earnings on Binance to buy some more LINK
Adding almost 700 linkies, taking my stack above 2.5k
I got up to 10k link today. I feel strangely complete now.
We will see some Wall St. insiders dropping their fat bonuses on LINK from Jan 15 to Jan 30. Expect the price to go slightly up.
just forming the handle.
I'm sorry brothers but i have forsaken thee.
I sold 800 of my 14K link and put it into Lamda, trying to chase a quick pump.
I already regret it
are you assblaster? That's what he seemed to imply. But he claimed they were trying to buy like 1mm link a piece, which is literally impossible given this order book.
For shame.
I sold 4.5k LINK to chase the ODN pump back in nov. Didn't sell the top with ODN and missed out on $0.13 LINK. Now I have to buy back at 10x the price. Never doing that again.
are you retarded
how is link better than req?
I don't trust LINK, the memes are too good
its not dont ever buy it goyim
dont mind the fact that there are 20 coins competing for REQ's lunch
I am a senior software engineer specializing in blockchain technologies and oracle solutions. Holy shit it's over. Chainlink is done
I might be, but they have their own oracles. Prove me wrong please?
>taking profits
>not dying before you sell
it's endorsed by Veeky Forums, the spiciest meme board of all of Veeky Forums, what do you expect
Listen to me you piece of shit and listen good, cause I'm only gonna say this once. I am a senior software engineer specializing in blockchain technologies and oracle solutions. Holy shit it's over. Chainlink is done
I dont see how this is a problem to the success of this project.
Maybe oracle problem is solved by some chains for their own use but ChainLink literally solves it for all of them.
Besides, SWIFT and HyperLedger partnership means ChainLink > Anything else.
nice, just market sold 100k
Anyone else?
do NOT doubt the power of MEME MAGIC
Don't forget ZeppelinOS
Did you think chainlink invented the concept of an oracle? Do you understand what chainlink is?
I'd rather you just market sell your LINKs.
Veeky Forums has the best memes
Isn't Veeky Forums just a bunch of alcoholics who live of ramen? Post Veeky Forums memes.
ck memes are suble and elaborate. the other kind of ck meme is jack and sue webms which you'll have to go find yourself
ChainLink feeds self executing digital agreements on blockchain with external data in a trustless manner. It's huge, but if some Argentinian project comes up with a solution as well and gives out the code on github a lot of other projects could have their solutions ready too.
They would need access to swift to do any of what cl is doing
It's not impossible. They are all for sale.
Well that's just bullshit. They need access to SWIFT to do something that SWIFT is doing. Ripio is part of eth consortium and zeppelin like link but they're still going to use their own solution. Makes me wonder
LINK is going to be huge.
So many of us will come out of the woodwork to show the world that they actually made it. I pledge to make the planet a better place for all those who didn't buy LINK at a buck apiece.