Why do you fucking faggots only ever shill things that have already mooned?
I bought this shit because there was about 4 threads up at once and all it did was tank 30%.
Why do you fucking faggots only ever shill things that have already mooned?
I bought this shit because there was about 4 threads up at once and all it did was tank 30%.
Other urls found in this thread:
wait 4 days
They shill so they can give you their bags.
Why didn't you buy at 80cents like everyone else?
Now this is a shitpost
holy fuck you're a faggot, do you literally expect your coins to do a 5x in a day?
Because people don't post threads when coins are at 80 cents they wait til they hit $4 to shill them then when they tank down to sub $2 they say HURRRR WE TOLD YOU TO BUY IN EARLIER :^)
Can't you just fucking wait for a day or two?
you fucking faggot, i bought a day ago and im up %35
I won't be mean to you like the others because I've been down this road in my head before and all it's led to is more trading and more losses so I know what it's like.
First off, all the alts are bleeding right now. Probably three of the ten coins I hodl are in the green for the past 24 hours.
Second: You have to take a longer term picture. Don't EVER hold a coin for less than a week. I've missed out on so many gains chasing moons when one position corrects and I sell it off to find something else. As long as you're getting coins with low market caps and which actually solve a problem and/or have a product, just buy the bitch, put her in cold storage and forget about her.
You're stupid and lazy
People shilled it here on Saturday and even gave you the fucking etherdelta address since it wasn't officially listed. How easy can anons make it for you, faggot?
Learn how to pick the shills idiot. If it's a shit coin, look at the volume and price ATM the thread is being posted. If it has already mooned, stay the fuck away from it unless it just started and it has potential.
Take a look at IXT
10$ end of january
I think Veeky Forums thinks Veeky Forums has a lot of money. How much money does Veeky Forums have?
Unifonically, this
Because they are day traders. I have a coin right now that's not on any exchanges but will make me a multimillionaire by mid-late 2019/early 2020. Biz doesn't want to hodl that long though.
>Why do you fucking faggots only ever shill things that have already mooned?
oh I'm sorry did you not see the daily 1000 link and req threads?
guarantee you the people making this threads put in like $100 at most
I've been doing nothing but telling Veeky Forums to stay away. I want more for this cheap. Sell me your bags OP
I commented that that's my strategy and a bunch of people called me a fucking idiot. Coins moon all the time but it would be very hard and time consuming to get to lamboland by day trading. All of the circlejerk that revolves around the coins that moon 500% and then never again is dangerous for a new investor.
You're pretty much guaranteed easy money if you follow these rules.
>Coin serves a legitimate purpose that has value in being backed by companies(even before they do)
>close if not successfully working working product
>small marketcap (thought I'm currently cheating on this rule right now with KIN.. only put in $50 though)
It's not even close to mooning yet bro.
It was doing good untill it got targeted by a PnD group
Thats why u can't have nice things
The only way out of this hell is buying ICOs so you can become a baghodler yourself
LINK & REQ aren't going anywhere. Almost as bad as hodling XLM & XRP.
And when they moon 100x you're going to make a thread asking why do you faggots only ever shill things that have already mooned
just leave. you're obviously braindead.
Too much sell pressure, walls are up and up and up. What do user, sell and move out with minor profit or wait for moon? Base is .0033, barely in the green
>when they moon
you mean after they tank and moon back to $1 yeah
now, that's a queeestion! :|
did this make sense in your mind when you wrote that?
You'd be shocked out how many anons here put 5-6 figures down on a coin just because. Last week we had an user eat a 70+ eth wall (many of us saw this btw) on BNTY just because lol. A lot of people have multipled their money by a factor of 10, 20, 100x.
It's true though
When bitcoin dumps it takes everything down with it then after a few weeks it moons back to around where it was, then when bitcoin dumps again the cycle repeats.
Hodlers never make any money.
CANYA is a shit coin, but after it breaks $5 wall, it will climb up to $10.00 end of month.
Our discord group are mainly look for undervalued coins with 10-100 million market caps on binance/kucoin/ICOs. We will be giving free Palm Beach signals in about a week or two (once I purchase it), we follow Data Dash, Ian Balina, etc. and we have a nice FAQ for trading for newbs to intermediates. Our discord will always be free, and there will never be any faggot premium subscriptions like that Cryptoverter faggot, or “Crypto Army.”
Just looking for fundamental analysis/swing trader types to grow our room which was created yesterday, so apologies in advance for the shilling :) . Also, some calls we’ve made the last 10 days are: DBC, QLINK, SNOV, PRL, etc. We’re mainly looking at coins on Binance/Kucoin for entry/exit. Again, not a pump and dump - and 100% free always and forever.
We are looking to grow our community with competent Veeky Forums traders for swing trading, good hodls, ICOS, mining, etc and to discuss GOOD ideas, and get rich together. We do this by culling information and seeing what people like Data Dash say, what Veeky Forums is shilling, or what reddit is shilling for instance.
Everything is and always will be free - we are, quite simply, striving to be the Consumer Reports of Discord Crypto rooms - and free speech with no censorship. If you read this all the way here, you can probably tell that we’re legit. We will NEVER accept money, and we are here for good discussion so we can get rich over weeks and months. If that sounds good to you then join, and contribute! And sorry for the shill, I know it’s shit, but gotta do it to grow. We will never charge for shit, nor are we a non-Pump and Dump group, nor will we ever be one.
It's been through $5 multiple times
link is expired