So at my high-school i am a loser nerd virgin or at leas was.... I feel more confident now that im rich as fuck from crpyto so i brought my lap top over to the cool kid table. Well most of us are 18 so I guess they are just the guys higher up in the social dominance hierarchy. I started looking at my crypto so others would notice without having to brag about it. No one noticed at first
This really hot girl it was her 18th birthday was sitting there mad she wasn't getting enough attention for it even though she was getting a lot. I'm like "I'd give you some crypto if you have an account" she's like "what" and still looking at her phone. I tried showing her but she ignored me and im like "this is the crypto and this is the price in USD" and she looked for like a second and noticed all the money she's like "THIS IS YOURS". I'm like "yeah" she's like "you mean your parents right?" and im like "no, all mine, they don't even know".
Next thing you know she's basically rubbing my dick through my pants and inviting me over and saying she always thought i was "SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE" in her own words. I'm now basically a Chad all because of Crypto.