Please tell me this token could take-off any minute.
I'm Not Seeing LTC FUD Thread. Something's Cooking
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope so user.
Bought 1 at 150USD and been waiting for this fugger to lift off.
it should at least pump this week
Veeky Forums only FUDs LTC because they know they missed the last moon sub-$100. LTC is going to be around for a loooooooong time senpai, even if it posts "shit gains"
nice choice of word here user. If you put "will" instead of "should", I would reply with "Are you God", kek
LTC follows BTC you retarded fuck. If BTC takes off, which it might, then sure LTC could follow. But it's still shit and you should be riding ETH or BTC to actually make money instead of gambling on this coin that has no purpose to exist.
this forum is just a bunch of kikes that shills Proof of Shit coins that wont last. the only people here that listen to the btc/ltc/monero FUD cant understand that proof of work can never be disregarded, because it actually has intrinsic value. these are the only ones that can be used as currency. if youre of the belief that gold/silver can ever one day be worthless, thats when you know you are literally Veeky Forums-level brainlet
>Bought 1 at 150USD
That's 66% return user. Good job, you are doing much better than any mutual fund manager in the US
I use LTC actively and I hold some for the long term. I guess poorfags never have the foresight
>it actually has intrinsic value
I wouldn't call it intrinsic value user. Probably more like intangible asset.
as you can see, the LTC FUD threads are all coordinated to get many responses by the same discord group of kikes. when a thread is made by a genuine non-shill bot, it gets no replies and will fall out of the catalog. like this one.
word of advice if you want to keep your crypto gains: stay the fuck off this site or eventually your balance will drop to 0
both can be said. the intrinsic value comes from the proof of work used to mine it. its just a digital gold rush. exacty same concepts its not hard to grasp scarcity and fungibility. two aspects that fiat and PoS coins dont have
>If you want to earn some actual money do your fucking research about IKEA & CAPP.
Wake the fuck up you goons. Cryptopia are literally going to shit on LTC.
Further Updates On LTC Basemarkets
I understand that while this may not be the update many people want to hear, it at least will hopefully provide everyone with a clear understanding of the path forward.
Cryptopia will be standing up new sister sites such as to handle base markets dedicated to LTC on their own trade engine and database to allow them to continue to trade, and allowing to resume registrations.
You will still need to transfer funds between the different sites to trade on each of them but this will be able to be handled instantly by Cryptopia in the background with atomic swaps, so you'll still have the single Cryptopia account that you use on the different exchanges.
As such, we will be permanently closing the LTC basemarkets on
Users will have a month to cancel their open orders after which point the markets will be closed and your orders will be cancelled for you.
Further updates on the timeline for the new LTC exchange will be posted as they become available.
Published by: Hex @ 1/11/2018 12:11:38 AM
are you trolling or a fucking faggot retard?
I worked for Tweedy Browne. We define those terms differently here. But any way, here is a bonus video for you from Panjeet's wife
>''Lololo coin x is dead!"
>"AAAAAH 0,005% down MOMMY!!! AAAAAHHAahahaAAAAH!"
>"Huhaua coin z is going moonieways get in!!!"
>"Argument wins cuz ur faggot! Prove me wrong faggot!"
Veeky Forums
Was this board always such a cringefest? I've been here since the start of October and it seems te be getting worse at an accelerated pace. Fuck I enjoy some of the memes and the occasional intelligent thread but the waves of garbage are becoming surreal.
>bitcoin goes up, ltc goes up slower
>bitcoin goes down, ltc goes down faster
nah i dont need any investment advice from women. simple to understand: mineable coins with proof of work will remain throughout the generations. all others will not. heed my words and those of ron paul, or be wiped from the gene pool
fucking this, if ur coin is not mineable then basically its a scam kek
>ron paul
I used to live in Louisville. Rand Paul was my neighbor. Pretty cool guy.
>if ur coin is not mineable then basically its a scam
I can think of a few. Niggers love them. kek
Rhetorical question so never mind.
stop talking sense here, it's unwelcome
if the paul family traded crypto, ron would be in bitcoin, rand would be in ethereum. rand is making bank in the short term, but we all know where this will all end up.
the ron paul memes are not fiction
Veeky Forums isn't /pol/ user
speaking as the true pajeet, sirs, litecoin very good, excellent gains coming
hello kikes
I can't believe I bought this peice of shit coin at $404, I just want to break even so I can transfer it into ETH
If ETH lifetime supply is limited, I would have been on ETH FUD thread instead of this one
Wellcum too /bis sir
unironically, ethereum classic will outlast ethereum.
screencap if you wish. i cant give a timeline, but its inevitable. the miners who respected satoshis vision did not fall for the ETH fork and instead chose to stay in a less-profitable investment in the short term in order to preserve their hard work int he future
good post sir thenk you
is this Veeky Forums's official woke-code?
only girls drink cola light, only cucks buy litecoin
no the kike shills use buzzwords too and they outnumber us. only way to differentiate between us is to try to refute any arguments using facts. if they dont respond, you know it was a kike
bad post sir
I chink yoo khan note fine bob & vegene hear sir. Ghoo too /b/ in steat
unironically, Mr.Lee is Jew-ing us up right now
pajeets and chinks are not as intelligent as jews. i know this as a fact. jews are accumulating bitcoin, and the only way this is possible is by convincing others that bitcoin and all like-coins are worthless. there are people here actually caving into the pressure.
i myself own some eth, and some fun and some omg and other shit like that because they look to be promising. but the bull market wont last. the crash will kill all coins without any proof of work because once the perception of worth is lost for financial PoS institutions, it cant be regained. the only cryptos that will last are the above i mentioned that serve as currency. not even ETH can serve as this anymore, despite its huge surge in popularity. PoS coins arent bad for crypto, but they will mean a lot of people will get fleeced by more intelligent investors. DYOR, seriously
tldr; for any normies reading this. even dogecoin is more valuable than almost everything else in the top 100 CMC. because the people that mined it understand its value and will not sell easily, despite the fact its not scarce. BTC and LTC will always retain more value in the longterm
Screencap this screencap.
LTC to 2bil in less than 20 seconds screencap this
I think the bell curve says they are pretty close.
you dont actually believe in the IQ is measurable meme, do you?
I don't want to argue with Charles Murray user
When will this fucking coin go up it deserves a moon fucking Chinky Lee dumping his bags reeeeeeeee.
their chink is better in shilling than ours
I can't believe this shit hasn't skyrocketed again.
Even if you think LTC is a scam by Charlie (which I don't), this can only go up over the next year the way this market is going.
Good things are coming and a lot of people are gonna miss the train when they come.
Our Chink is the Trump of crypto. Just shitposts.
you can barely use an image editor correctly, apply yourself
So you resort to racism and fat-shaming just to prove a point?
kek yes you nigger monkey
shut up fat nigger
Go fuck yourself you fucking fat tub of nigger homo jizz. Go back to your faggot hugbox leddit and become an hero.
Ok just checking
Time to go back to plebbit brainlet
At least Trump shills the shit out of stock market and it works
I don't use image editor bud. You got to use what you have.
Can you take a joke user? God damn
True, maybe Charlie Will do it when he stops riding trons dick.
My name is not Brainlet, it is John Cuckory (coo-kore-ree) and yes I took my wife’s last name. By the way I have over 200k Reddit points so I could upvote my comment so high yours would never be read kid.
You can't ride a small dick when you have fat ass user. Charlie is definitely good at FUDding his own token
Litecoin moon confirmed by kek get in here boys
+0.68%, thanks user. It almost beats DOW gain today.