>made $800k in crypto, slowly cashing out
i just cant stop thinking whats the point bros?
all these gains and i'l still never have a gf, i'm just NEETing it up and its pretty comfy, but also very lonely
Made $800k in crypto, slowly cashing out
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The point is now you have 1 less thing to worry about and if one day you do choose to venture out into the normie world you can focus on other things other than wagecucking!
dont stress over a g/f bro, seriously overrated
read books
watch movies
learn new skills
I'll be your gf (male) for some coins
also, consider helping a poorfag out, i wanna be like you
women find wealth physically attractive. no matter how awkward or ugly or beta you are. if you have a big enough bank account she will get physically wet. science studies have been done on it, women respond to wealth in the same way they respond to a confident alpha or a hot body. she will literally feel an actual physical attraction for you, she will suddenly think you're cute, even if you're not, just because she knows you're wealthy.
if 800k isnt enough wealth to impress the ladies in your area, then consider hanging out more with poorfag friends and meeting the women in those social circles.
of course she'll dump you the moment a chad with similar wealth hits her up. but thats life, women are always looking to trade up and have no inherent concept of the value of loyalty.
Start lifting weights and eating healthier.
It'll give you confidence and change the way you think about yourself, I guarantee it.
>I'll still never have a gf
now you have all the time in the world to fucking learn how to get one.
Go to the bar in some decent clothes and some nice cologne. Chat with a girl and flash her your portfolio or a few benjamins and see if you don't get laid.
unless you're larping of course, which you probably are.
U stupid fucking cuck, u have money what u need gf for
get in on PRL
i'm too young to drink and don't think a bar girl would be my type, how do i meet a more reserved nerdy type?
listen to out of your mind by alan watts. it will cure your neet addled brain and bring you back home
If you're too young to drink you have literally your entire life to figure it out. Jesus fuck don't act like it's over already m8.
Alan Watts is great but a good example of how you can figure it all out in your head and express it really well but still be haunted by your inner demons and end up drinking yourself to death.
>Watching anime
>Browsing Veeky Forums all day
>Ordering delicious takeout food
>Fucking escorts about once a week
>Made 900k this year
Truly the greatest timeline.
How are you almost a millionaire and don't have a gf
You only need like 60k a year to get a reliable 5/10 gf
What site do you use for escorts
an exciting life awaits
I started cashing out 1k a day in ETH. I moved to Korea and rent a 1 room and trade in a pc bang and take pictures during the day. Easy to find people who want to buy ETH and BTC without a huge markup. Before my VISA expires I go to Japan for a few weeks to a month rinse and repeat JAPAN is nicer but pricey. I found a lady from airBNB who lets me rent her place in Osaka for weeks at a time pretty cheap. I exercise, meet people like crazy because I am white Chad and I am really happy. I bought a nice Leica camera, and airpods and just walk around the city taking pictures enjoying life. Improve yourself and people will be attracted to you. If you think you shouldnt have a girl why would a girl think she should be with you?
You're a NEET, thats the problem. Stop being a NEET and get some fucking purpose in your life
I don't have $800k but I do have a gf
and I keep thinking "what's the point? the human body starts to fall apart in your early 20s and it's a long, slow walk into the grave thereafter."
the point is that the human brain is motivated by future goals, not present state. you'll find people who work 30 years until they get a PhD in their most beloved subject, then depressed when they reach the goal
i guarantee you 100% that you won't be satisfied even with a girlfriend and $10 million.
the only cure is to adopt transcendental goals
*watches Jordan Peterson videos once*
this is 300% true OP. i was lucky to fulfill my wildest (work) dreams at a young age and 10 seconds after that was done i stopped caring and lost motivation.
Also i was a virgin throughout all my teens was thinking about it ALL the time, obsessed about it. Then i lost it at like 22 and i didn't care about sex anymore, just started looking for relationships etc
you always want what you don't have
Damn, spot on. I just watched 3 JP videos, LOL.
>listen to out of your mind by alan watts. it will cure your neet addled brain and bring you back home
+1. Alan Watts, particularly the "Out of your Mind" lectures, helped my depression tremendously. It's also my main emergency kit for psychedelic trips. If the trip should ever go haywire, I have Out of your Mind and earphones in my pocket. Never needed it, but it's very reassuring.
I made 800k and i"ve got a wife and kid. I'm nothing special. Overweight. Below average dick. I've travelled all over the world and had sex with a lot of women and that was before I ever had any money to my name. I just don't fucking get you autistic faggots on this board, seriously. Why fucking bother getting rich if you aren't going to use it for all the incredible experiences the world has to offer?
kill yourself
Find a girl that is into crypto, or go get a fucking hobby and make some friends if you want a girlfriend so bad. Once you get one for a while you'll wonder why you ever thought you wanted one so bad in the first place.
>too young to drink
>"i'm le forever alone, just like the meme from reddit :("
This is the hard truth OP. Couldn't have said it better myself.
> traveled all over the world fucking women
>didnt have any money to my name
shitty larp
Great advice in this thread.
Buy lsd and shrooms.
Ah that bodes well for me.
I just started two weeks ago and put everything on PRL and Link. The former climbed rapidly after I bought in, and it's still holding. I only wish I put in more
How do you detect a decent coin and did you daytrade to min max your profits or just hold long term after predicting early on?
hard to believe, a overweight tiny dicked man with no money traveled all over the world sexing women desu.
i like playing piano but it's not really a hobby you can make friends with
>being this assmad
Just buy a sex doll and you'll be all good. They get better with each passing year.
800k is nto enough to neet all your life
op how did you make it to 800k? whats the best all in right now?
the old whales literally won the lottery with $3 eth while the rest of us were jacking off on /b/ and memeing it up on /tv/ and pol
Are you enjoying being ruthlessly discriminated against on the streets of Korea? Being shunned away from store girls? Ajeossis looking at you like they want to kill you constantly? It's clear you haven't lived there long. You'll realise Korea is a shit hole soon.
daytrading is gambling if your coin has high volume, you can buy and sell back and make 10% gains easy, or you can sell at the exact moment it breaks out forcing you to miss moon mission or buy back in higher. not worth the stress imo.
check use case, competitors, team, and community. an example is platforms like ETH, NEO, etc all have huge market caps, so if you find a platform that is fresh and still growing check out the team and it's advantage over other platforms to see if it's worth getting in on, set target price for taking gains, etc.
to put in perspective, i started with $2k and was only in on around 7 moon missions to where i am now, i made a lot of dumb trades starting and held bags for far too long without knowing what it was i was holding
He didn't
how long did it take you to 800k
I see, that's interesting. How long did it take for you to amass 2k into 800? You could take out your investments into ETH and put it all on something you'll predict will moon, right? Or did you pump a monthly investment of fiat into the system to buy into whichever coin looked the most promising for the month?
how are u dealing with taxes?
Also how long did it take for you to realize you should dump a bag? I'm under the impression that you should never sell at a loss, simply hold onto your coin if it dumps and in a month or less the price should bounce back above where it was when you bought in.
how did you find undervalued coins? manually checking out all the shit listed on exchanges? did you go on ICOs presale or coins already out?
Can someone tell me how to cash out to a Canadian bank? Quadrigacx is shit beyond belief.
what's wrohng with quadriga it has the most volume.
there's coinsquare.io in toronto. and a new one einstein exchange in vancouver (but seems like they're over capacity) where you can go to their office
I can think of few "jobs" more fun than being a angel investor in new technology. You will get to see the latest prototypes of everything, talk to some of smartest people around and bet on their success or failure. With a couple million you can do it.
Send me some if you don't see the point of it, bitch
What's wrong with Quadriga? Not verified yet?
ask nicely
>lsd and shrooms
Pick one, and only one you fucking /poltard. I did not said pot or cocaine.
Listen to this song OP, hopefully it'll cheer you up youtube.com
Remember that roasties aren't everything, you still have friends, family, maybe get a dog, find something you like to do, happiness doesn't require a gf, just a different mindset
I guarantee you that the moment you'll forget about the whole 'tfw no gf' situation you'll find one
Please send me some if you don't see the point of it, bitch
This is me soon! I can almost taste it! Add in some weed and thats me!