Predictions for XRB?
Predictions for XRB?
I have a legit question for you XRB tards
why did you not buy when it was less than a penny and instead choose to buy at 27$ 3 months later?
I'm so confused
Binance listing
so hop on now but get out early
people will load off their bags once it hits binance
probably because now its on legit exchanges and will hit 600-$1000
Raijeets ain't never gonna stop shilling
once this coin is unhindered by bugs and has 100% working exchanges top exchanges the fomo will unstoppable
more like 2.7 lmao. staypoor pajeet
>once this coin is unhindered by bugs
Haha, spamming the same crap on all the boards. Seriously, do you even read what you write? Dump incoming.
I bought at $2.
Holding till $100+
$100 by the end of the year.
wrong, $400+ EOY
>implying I didn't
>I'll keep it surprise for you lol
When will it hit $100?
Once it spreads to binance + another exchange
pink wojaks all over the board. this goes down to 0 lad.
first time I heard of it haha sorry
That's a bull trap my friend. It ain't going back up. This shit's going all the way down to 3500 by April.
>Binance listing
>so hop on now but get out early
>people will load off their bags once it hits binance
and get some UFR
$90 end of month. In since $2
Long on both XRB and UFR.
XRB would be a great general purpose currency for many purposes but I agree it's likely to short term dip once it gets to Binance, perhaps following a significant uptick in anticipation. Will be HODLing through it.
I like UFR because of the possibility that corporations will keep trying to limit what content we can consume. Paying the seeders is brilliant provided they find a way to keep the price in check once it's actually being utilized (I'm assuming they'll peg the price to fiat)