Whats seriously undervalued right now I got 10 ETH to invest. Got a few coins id like to invest into but I want to pick 1
WHAt should i buy on the dippppp
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If I had to pick one I would pick KCS, for 10 ETH you can get a shitton of KCS, That will yield you soo much money in the long term...Just check it out, or don't. You will regret it either way.
here is my referral if you need it. you can use it when registrating on kucoin exchange.
>You will regret it either way.
lol fucking retard
Waltonchain getting shit on alot, but it is undervalued. Check this out :
I got 100 KCS at 7 I feel like a cuck buying ATH. But the dividend in itself aint bad let alone i tripled my inital. What do you think it coul reach by FEB?
Said the user that is reggreting 20 trades he did/didn't do, stfu you don't know shit you moral degenerate
I'm guessing 30-40USD, even if it hold value, the volume is increasing and so do the dividends, you use to get like 2 cents? now you get what? 30 cents or something? and that's now, you could get way more from the sole rising of the coins you get. Stock up on it, you wont regret it user
you sound mentally unhinged lol what condition/s do you have?
strat, icx, aion you fucking idiot.
XRPs year is 2020 get in now
Icx, nas.
I've lost my mind at bout 3 fiddy mil im holdin
EOS my dude.... look up what it's going to do and get in
Not good to buy after moon landing, better before it.
moon landing are you a faggot?: ICX is going 3x, aion going another 2x-3x and STRAT is a secured 10x mid term hold.
ATL and UFR. these coins dont go down during downturns but pump hard when the market is rallying. undervalued plays with 20x potential
don't listen to these pajeets shilling vaporwave coins
HBT as well. big announcements and rebranding coming at the end of january so get in before then. 10eth in HBT will get you around 50-100eth EOM, and potentially 500-1000eth end of june
Pump it into XLM, it is going to do another moon/pump soon. Easy 2-3x.
UFR. The shilling should tell you it's about to moon again.
CAN, turn that into 20 ETH by the 13th
dont invest ufr....its a pajeet discord that gives out shill points lol
my votes for AMM or ZER
This guy knows his shit even if he is cray cray. I also dug into KCS and it will make you rich if you hold it for a year or two. I daytrade it and am accumilating a big bag of it. The amount of coins you get is amazing in itself even if kcs loses value(it wont). Accumilate it if you want to retire user
Why are people shilling this? You can't even buy it yet.
TNB, there will be beta app release tomorrow, price will prob go up
wow u so unfunny gay norm
Walton is on binance
POLL, easy 2x before news release on the 17th
WTC, ICX, ENG. I don’t trust UFR yet but still reading into it.
ENG, OMG, BTS, LINK are are great long term holds.