>"Hahaha le mainnet releasing soon"
>"I am going to sell when it releases"
Literally everybody here holding ICX are going to dump their bags on the 24th or before. Is it even realistic that ICX will moon? Also, as for
>le koreans will buy ICX when it become available on koreans exchanges.
Absolute bullshit. Koreans already can buy ICX by sending ETH to Binance and buying ICX subsequently. And even if the koreans will buy ICX on their exchanges, how much mooning (if any) will there be? Remember BitcoinCrash when it goes live on Cuckbase last month? It fucking tanked. I am looking forward to all the pink wojaks here on the 24th.
ICX crash imminent
Other urls found in this thread:
shhhh still distributing to the idiots late to the party
look at korean bithumb prices. shit is tanking already for every other coin
mfw i get dumped on by NEETS
This attempt at fud is pathetic
>implying main net is even the most important event this month
1 word for you: SAMSUNG
well then, try refuting my arguments retard. This feels like QTUM all over again (pic related)
Don't think that news is going to do anything boyo.
This same stuff was said about ANS when I bought in at $7.xx.
I wish I could go back in time and sell my bags. I hate having NEO now that it's worth $120 each. I should have sold at $7.
Except for the MASSIVE sell wall... Someone is keeping the price down for a reason
>not holding till Feb
can you just shut up and accumulate. small fish here. not selling to you, paj and rakesh
It's pretty crazy irl.
ICX main net is huge news, this it the start of it's blue coin infancy. You're a retard if you don't buy.
It's just people who have participated since ICO selling their bags. They're not certified and trained whales therefore doesn't how how to sell huge stacks.
>It will pump in feb I swear
M8, you're going to get dumped on when mainnet releases.
crashes are only going to affect weak handed faggots. ICX is a long hold, this shit will be high by EoY mark my words.
I agree. My only concern is some of the news about Korea and some of its politicians' pushback against crypto.
>Implying the cryptomarket will last till EOY
How deluded can you be? Ever since the bullshit with TRX and XRP, I am certain that this market is a bubble. You have 2-3 months max before the normies will leave the market all together. The total market cap of crypto has already decreasing for the past 2-3 days. Why not use those money and invest in other shitcoins that will do 10X in a month?
>why aren't people just picking lots of back to back 10x mooncoins?
>literally just start with 1000, and go 10x back to back to back to back and you have like a million bucks
seriously why isn't everyone doing this
Typically, the volume is too low to make the necessary gains with shitcoins, also, they tend to bust before you know it.
nigga pepecash has 90M marketcap
u new here faggot?
The timing of all this fud is pretty good. Gonna buy more, everything fuded here always moons.
yeah but you can just pick a coin that will go 100x this month and then next month invest those gains into another coin that is scheduled to go 100x also. after that just pick a few coins that are scheduled for 10 or 15x weekly gains.
wow, i can't believe people aren't doing this. it's like free money ?
>up from 7250 to 7800 in an hour
This correction has been very mild so far.
> Koreans already can buy ICX by sending ETH to Binance and buying ICX subsequently.
Pack it up guys, this user knows all the Koreans apparently, every single one of them is on Binance. The insanely high volumes on Bitthumb, Coinone, and Korbit somehow don't matter anymore. You know, the exchanges that pump coin prices so much they just got excluded from CoinMarketCap.com?
Nice ty tho
It’s the worst correction ICX has had so far though. 8600 to 7200 overnight. That’s pretty strong.
Who didn't expect a dip after rocketing up by $3 in a day?
We jumped 3 dollars in 1 day so there was bound to be a correction from 12.80 to the high 11 dollar range.
Then bitcoin decided it might plummet to the ground so all altcoins started bleeding on top of this.
that's literally what happened.
HODL or pink wojak forever.
You have to do better faggot, this is just embarassing.
so angry that i sold at 7
>Pack it up guys, this user knows all the Koreans apparently
And what makes you think you know all the koreans as well? What makes you think koreans will buy ics when it goes live on exchanges?
refute my arguments then
This is a comfy longterm hold. I could actually give a fuck about this month or the next
kek, there's nothing to refute you mong, it's just your own douchebag speculations/opinions
>Remember BitcoinCrash when it goes live on Cuckbase last month?
>goes live
>last month
You can’t even English, bro. Pajeet confirmed.
Icon is way overhyped. Just buy back in at 5 dollars
do you do it?
yes. i will give you the top 10x coins for this month, but only if you pay me 10 dollars of ether
I bought at $4.98 tho.
how do find these 100x coins
address? i want to 10x too
hell no, ill do it myself nigger
sell at 11$ and buy back at 5$ ? Are you stupid by any chance ?
this is my address. if 20 dollars in ETH arrive, i will gift you guys with the top 4 pics for this month. 2 coins and 2 upcoming ICOs that my telegram group are betting big on. I'm a poorfag but have turned 500 USD into 6k in less than 2 months.
2 of you need to send 10 in ETH for this information. (hint: the top choices for this month won't be REQ and LINK, those were last months and they have both mooned hard.)
plz respond if you actually received money rofl.
thanks just sent 100k
i will, with my the 4 picks from my highly autistic and successful telegram group. I'm not kidding, we have 4 projects that are about to moon hard. That's why i want 20 bucks to put into them because it will be 200 bucks EOM Nice pepe BTW
>Couldn't refute well constructed arguments
>Calls the opposition pajeet
>Criticises xer English
"hahah you don't have anything to argue against XDDDD I'm right anyway."
>"You have bad english, therefore argument invalided"
God, you ICXtards are truely retarded. I don't even know why I am here helping you guys financially. Fine, loose all your money, you reddit tards deserve this.
Korean exchanges just got raided, not a good time to buy any Korean-backed coins right now.
Cause majority of Koreans buy on Korean exchanges they want to use KRW to buy coins whats so hard to fucking understand nigger. Its like saying " I don't see why X being added to coinable would be a big deal". KYS Pajeet
nice trips, but the "raids" were more like out of touch authorities thinking that the exchanges were some kind of illegal gambling site.
1/10 b8
ICX is dead period. If you knew anything you'd know this. Another TRX scam. Came out Justin sun is the one who pumped ICX. He holds 12m ICX. DYOR
>my telegram group makes me sooooo rich
>send me 20 dollars
Pick one
i seem to remember a much bigger correction when it hit 7$
That was coupled with the mainnet delay announcement though.
S-s-shut the fuck up OP, there are billions of Koreans just lining up with cash in hand to buy ICX
I've made it bois
how about an inv to this said telegram group
Wow there's retards even in Korea.
Really makes me think
All of this fud... You guys really want cheaper icx huh
oh yeah thats true
Try to make some efforts when you FUD.
does anyone else really hate the name, I think its gay as fuck
cant believe nano was still available and fucking gayblocks got it
no can do. we had almost 100 members initially and then we closed the group and kicked out everyone except for 15 top contributors
>15 top contributors
>poorfag that "turned 500 USD into 6k in less than 2 months"
Okay kiddo
Really makes you think
Heres a refutation you retarded fuck. The central bank of South Korea uses it as does 27 other banks 7 universities and a shit load of other people. The lead dev said that they have too many people asking for partnerships. I don't need shitty retarded retail investors to make money, I can literally just sit here while institutional use cases blows may coins past mars. GTFO fag.
>top contributor
>send me 20 dollars
>started a month ago
>my telegram group makes me sooooo rich
Pick one
[citation required you faggot]
Post the fucking link to this shit faggot.
Oh boy pack it up guys it's all over
>Doesn't know the biggest site in Korea
Sorry faggot I dont spoon feed
>citation required
>Actually believes I give a shit whether or not you make money
Seriously you and telegram boy over there can keep your 500 bucks and keep begging on boards for a spare twenty. I'll continue holding on this comfy icx I bought at 7k sats.
What color lambo will my fellow Icon Gang be purchasing?
So nothing.
kys pajeet
but anons i rode the link and REQ wave from near ATL. also made good profits on ICX and WABI.
at the end of last summer my brother gave me .25 btc which i wasted on poloniex shitcoins and forgot about. i gathered up the remains of that and turned it into 6k.
i don't see how any of that precludes me from wanting 20 bucks more to invest, although i understand your scepticism
Stfu idiot if you knew a guarenteed 10x coin you wouldn't need 20 bucks
Fucking pajeets
so how does thing work, can you stake your coins when the mainnets up to get more?
day trading the shit out of this channel
thank you for your business
God damn we need flags. First of all yes I know ILbe, but I have no intention of wasting my time searching through it only to find out this was a fake post. Second of all I don't spoon feed retarded idiotic wage sucks. Get the fuck off my board. Don't reply to my post. Just gtfo. You're an embarrassment to /biz. Leave now, never return.
>what are sells walls
This is still an obvious buy.
calm down lmao. i know your portfolio is red but just step away from the computer, you'll be hitting new ATHs by EOM.
and no i don't now guaranteed 10xs but i do know several coins and (specifically) ICOs that have a very very high probability of going up at least 300% after listing.
>the biggest korean site
Kill yourself pajeet
I haven't made a losing trade in months because it's a super bull market and I'm not retarded.
Literally everything has gone 2-10x since December, get over yourself.
Also if any of you fall for this fud and sell your ICX, you deserve to FOMO at a higher price
user please contain your reddit spacing.
Don't worry, just ride it out and add some more while it corrects and breaks out. Already starting
They're making my icon brothers doubt themselves it's driving me insane
Deluded iconkie
I will never doubt ICON
I believe in Min Kim
He will deliver and make us millionaires in 202
Learn to read a chart
literally hit support line three times last 24 hours
fuck off you stupid wagecuck,
>comparing bcc listing on coinbase with icx on korean exchanges
Priced in already. You never buy the news user.
And the support line is not going to hold out much longer retard. Shit is going to tank hard af and i look forward to your pink wojaks.
>>"Hahaha le mainnet releasing soon"
>>"I am going to sell when it releases"
Literally everybody here holding ICX are going to dump their bags on the 24th or before.
How did you think this made any sense when you vomited it out on your keyboard.
>Absolute bullshit. Koreans already can buy ICX by sending ETH to Binance and buying ICX subsequently.
No, that's illegal. Sure, smart money is probably doing that but most of korea is not
Worst ICX fud I've seen so far. 1/10 made me reply but required extremely low effort.
im not selling any ICX short term. I will probably sell half mid term for a certain ICO.
you're rght tho, money is easy right now, but some people are making a lot more than others
Bruh, I sold my ANS at $10, bought back in at $15, sold again at $45, though I was smart as fuck, until I looked at it again after it broke $100... I had 3000 of those fuckers. Not making that mistake again...