>My portfolio, started crypto 30th December
>22 year old without living at home
>have about $5K in my bank,$10K by end of Feb
>Dont want to risk it all investing
>Want $100K by December with HODLs
>Thinking of investing $500 in WAN (HODL) and $500 in AION (HODL) and selling my BTC and VEN, while HODL ICX
>Tips and rates plz
My portfolio, started crypto 30th December
I mean "22 year old living at home"
just give up you're not going to make it
>about $5K in my bank,$10K by end of Feb
Where's your BTC? Buy Zclassic if you can. Hold the others you got
Both are great HOLD
I dont want to investable my savings lol
My BTC seen in OP pic...Thikning of selling to put into WAN or AION
Shill me on Z Classic and EOY price?
ETH, REQ, ICON, NEO, EOS, OMG and come back in a year.
invest all my savings*** fuck my Mac
>All shitcoins
Oy vey
You're not going to make it.
WTF do I have to do in my my situation to make it?
Oops hit enter too soon
I started on the 30th too. buy and hold non-shitcoins
ignore the btc it is going in the trash for more eth during the next btc rally
Sweet. Mind me asking - your age and country you live? If you studied and work full time now? Im about to graduate but I still only have $4-5K in my savings and around 9-10K by Feb
Also, why the big hype for ETH? Doesn't it have its downsides like scalability? Should I also sell my BTC for ETH too?Is it a good HODL to buy now for end of the year? Surely we wouldn't expect a 10x in1 year from ETH?
So you reckon I should go ETH, WAN, AION, ICX? Maybe $1k Each and HODL till end of year? get my $100K? lol
literally get and hold ethereum
at least 1 ETH will be OK in the long run
23 US and I work full time
ETH is eventually moving to proof of stake meaning it will be much more efficient but that will be in the future and require a hard fork. ETH is mildly useful especialyl compared to btc and the platform for almost all altcoins so it has a very quickly rising market cap. similar growth to how BTC was last year but can't be certain about anything
Havent read too much about those ones but just figure out what problem they aim to solve, if the team looks trustworthy/has anything to show besides flashy marketing and what their competitors are
>I have 5k in savings
>This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make it
>I have decided to invest like 500 dollars or 10%
>Will I make it
no lol
In order to elaborate on this. Lets talk about what you mean by "make it".
Are you trying to buy a used car for 5k from crypto? Yeah you'll probably make it in the next month or two dude i guess.
Are you trying to buy a house? Become a millionaire? If so stop being a pussy and put another 4K in there.
You can 5x RIGHT NOW by adding fiat to your portfolio. Otherwise you will spend the next two months trying to do that.
You can either turn your 1k into 4k over the next two months, or you can turn your 5k into 20k
It's really up to you man. If you're gonna hang yourself over losing that 5k just dont bother man
I noticed you have Lamden. Did you get shilled that on biz? Where do you find your smaller cap coins because that was a good investment 131% increase. Ive never heard of that coin
Also with BTC I am holding it because of the new wave of crypto investors (us basically) who believe their new money will boost BTC this year...Could be wrong though...maybe ill switch it to ETH... whats a good US price to buy ETH for soonish? for the HODL
I had 10k in savings and i put 8k into crypto on december 20.
I currently have 35,000
What did u invest and what do you think about what OP (myself) wants to invest in?
Maybe ill put 1k into AIONand 1k into WAN
Don't buy anything at an all time high. ETH will dip soon probably, even if only a little bit
someone posted the Lamden crowdsale on here and I bought, sold at 3x, then bought in again later. I could have 10x from ICO if I didnt sell. the team is still taking it seriously, hiring people, and hasn't run off yet so that's a good sign
even shitcoin ICOs you are pretty much guaranteed a 2-3x as soon as it goes on EtherDelta or cryptopia but it is risky because someone can dump like a quarter of the total supply at any time or the devs can just run off or have it come out that they plagarized their whitepaper
The ICON trio, ICX, WAN, and AION are all sure winners, but the big gain periods (10x or more) are likely over for them.
With that being said, you can still 2-3x off ICON by the end of this month.
Put some more fiat into your portfolio. at least fucking 2k man so you can get off the playground and start playing with real money.
Put money into ICX and a little into aion. At the end of the month reinvest into WAN or another project you believe in. You should have about ~8k at this point. This is assuming you boost up to 3k now.
All my gains are from ICON and QSP
Here is my current portfolio although this is from yesterday
Good luck man, I will catch you in the WAN threads a few weeks from now. I will be reinvesting there as well
These are coins Im putting profits into because I expect at least one to become a massive success and a top 5 coin by the EOY. But yeah, expecting another 10x from ICON or AION here is stretching it.
Fucking ace my friend good job.When did you start and what was the amount you invested?
When do you think WAN will release because I need to deposit fiat and prepare ASAP... thinking $1k into WAN and $1k into AION and topping up a bit of ICX before the end of jan event...
Hold ven and buy Hush or cry later
Hush has airdrop on 16th for bitcoin Hush.
Cloak has audit proving most user coin available.
ICON WILL hit $20 or more by the end of the month, but it may dip during the mainnet release.
If you are still onboard during that do not panic. Even if it dips hard. It will recover and then some.
I started December 20 and I was able to buy this amount of ICX at $2.40 per.
What price crewe expecting on/around 16th Jan for HUSH? If I was to invest now...REALISTICALLY
are we expecting***
12k total savings
literally put 12k into crypto
got about 50k as of right now in neo, canya, tron, bbt and ethos
made quick jumps in dbc and tron, holding tron even though i could have doubled.
Big risks get big rewards, fortune favours the bold.
I basically took the risk because my gf made my life unbearable at times and i felt trapped, this pushed me to do this shit. Still with her and shes A HELL of a alot nicer since i dropped casually i could make 10k a month if i wanted (currently closing on 20k) but i'l never let that on
>he missed the moon missions
>best he can hope for now is a 2x or 3x
>waiting 1 full year for +$1000
>op's face when december 31 2018 he realizes he could have had $15000 extra
>unironically going to blame other people instead of himself in hindsight
>not going all in for this once in a lifetime guaranteed chance at making profits
never gonna make it
So wtf do I do now then faggot its still the start of the new year and the 2018 alt coin rush etc
dump your chick man, shes a gainz guzzler
dont be a cuck, just fuck chicks when you want
you will see im right in time
I just got in 2 days ago witha 500$ investment 55/45% btc and eth (to hold?)and just put 50$ into eng. i put in pretty much all i can for right now. how am i doin? im so new.
put that 500 in 1 coin only, wait until you see a coin shilled like crazy with a low market cap here. I did that with dbc and tron and they both 4-5x.
You're too poor to be holding BTC. Find shit coins that will moon.
i'm going to try to get in more here soon, gonna sell a couple toys or do some odd jobs and hopefully have another relativity small sum to put in, and i might go that route. trying to learn as much as i can in the mean time.
once your coin has 4x diversify, pull out 50% and split 25/25 into 2 low market cap upcoming coins. /biz is a great place to learn about stuff early.
I literally watched the TAU go from ICO to market and didnt pull the trigger. Its 10x from the span of 5 days
so, since i have picked eng and my only alt so far, i should further invest into it (all)?
it seems like everything other than a select few coins i can't find on binance, i'm only on coinbase gdx and binance right now (((2 days new)))